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今日二女公校放暑假前最后一个上午。下午,收到小女老师对家长怎样对待小学阶段孩子的夏日祝福语,颇为感慨。这男教三十出头,大学毕业后,一直从事舞台剧表演。几年前失业去学了教师研究生文凭及考了资格证,转做了小学老师。小女四年级跟了他一年,在文科方面有很多收获。以下和大家分享一下此教教学之理念。本人这还是第一次收到老师对家长有此期待且教导。摘了其中一段,请大家谏赏。As your child moves from fourth to fifth grade, there are some very important things you can do to help them succeed. Engage in meaningful conversations with your child every day. Take time (if only a few minutes a day) to really listen to what they have to say. Read to and listen to your child read. Ask questions, make predictions, make life to text connections as you read. Help your child develop a sense of working and solving problems independently. Talk about ways and start practicing getting and staying organized. Encourage your child to write often! Writing stories, letters, journal entries, etc. are great ways to get thoughts organized and put onto paper. These little things will lead to big successes next year.
