I agree "Anti-depressant is not the ultimate answer to depression". However, to find a good counseler/psychologist is equally difficult. It may take well over 6 months of theropy. The mistake could be very costly.
Keep writing. It is the less risk of theropy method. If you go to church, there are some programs may help you, such as Stephen Ministry. Only a few big churches offer this program. It is free, and the ministers have your benefits as their only goal.
joe-dfw 发表评论于
洁心 发表评论于
I am sorry that you are depressed and I imagine although you have been feeling better, it probably is still an ongoing struggle dealing with all of these symptoms.
If you don't mind me being honest here. I must say that it is unfortunate that you haven't sought out the assistance of a psychotherapist due to cost. Although it is expensive to see a therapist, I am wondering how much your emotional well-being is worth to you. Judging by what you have shared in your blog articles, you have suffered much and your husband has probably suffered along with you due to your depression. Do you not think that you deserve the help of a professional who can potentially help to alleviate or shorten the length of your suffering instead of trying to go at it alone and end up prolonging it?
Of course, some people are able to heal from depression all by themselves. But if you have been suffering from it for such a long time and it affects your family, why not try to get some outside assistance?
I understand that it is hard to be motivated to do much when you are depressed and it is very easy to talk yourself out of doing things that can actually help you. But I would still like to encourage you to seek professional help, not just for your own sake, but your family's sake. Family members especially spouses are affected even though they are not the one with depression.
Anti-depressant is not the ultimate answer to depression. Some would like to think so, however, they neglect to notice that human beings are more than biological beings, we also happen to be mental and emotional beings. Anti-depressant addresses the biological dimension of an issue (assuming that it is indeed the origin of the issue to begin with). Unfortunately, it never teaches you life skills, perceptions and cognitions. To learn life skills and new ways of perceiving and thinking about situations and issues, many people need someone outside of themselves in order to help them to see their blind spots that block the pathway to peace and a sense of normalcy.