美国俄勒冈州波特兰市14个月大的宝宝斯诺拉·斯托拉(Sorella Stoute)上月在玩耍爸爸的智能手机时,在易趣网(eBay)上成功竞拍一辆1962年产的奥斯汀(英国著名汽车品牌)汽车。
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Sorella Stoute bought a 1962 Austin Healey Sprite on eBay last month. She’s a toddler.
The 14-month-old opened the eBay app on her dad’s smartphone last month and bought the car for $225 — without his knowledge.
Her dad, Paul Stoute, didn’t know about it until he got a congratulatory email from eBay. He checked — and eBay was right.
“She decided to open the eBay app, and started clicking around and one thing led to another and we own a car,” he told KOIN 6 News, laughing.
Mom and Dad had an “initial panic,” he said. “‘What do we do? We can’t really afford it’ kind of thing.” But they decided to keep it. Maybe he’ll give it to her for her 16th birthday or for graduation.这次网购之后,斯托拉的爸爸妈妈都在手机上设置了密码锁,防止宝贝再次乱购物。“我真庆幸她买的不是我看过的那款3.8万美元(约合人民币23万元)的保时捷。”斯诺拉的爸爸说。
“I’m just glad she didn’t buy the $38,000 Porsche I was looking at,” he said.
Since Sorella bought the car, though, he activated the facial recognition technology and has a new PIN code, just in case she ever gets the shopping bug again.============================
网友Jon anthony • 3 days ago 评论说:
This kid's a lightweight. My dog bought a grand piano and an entire library of granny p0rn just last week.