
商業不必多評論 幹活免得捐贈

開始推薦別表揚 很多不是貨幣     8 E.words  c-, d-, m-

自负缺价值,反复无常风向标快消失,站高能望远,感情要抑制  6 v-

单从五行金...土字分析也可看出80%股票不可进入at present time normally

learn swim--yong to prevent being swollen---tun

What is in common/difference between the names of Buffett and Soros?

孤注一掷危险 再接再厉安全 三手不能鼎立 四毁就在眼前  boing777 762013 crashed

 per•spi•ca•cious > perspective   Picasso's  paintings is *************** than a architecture's design of correct perspective

 willy nilly  •

straddling -• compare with standing, which is only one position, straddling denotes more positions, sit, bestride, and more

prescient --...compare w/ president...
