"Death by Modern Medicine" is the winner of the 2006 Independent Publisher Book Awards, Most Progressive Health book.
"Death by Modern Medicine" was written by Dr. Carolyn Dean MD, ND, and Trueman Tuck, Rights Advocate, and goes far beyond the statistics of deaths due to drugs. It shows how the allopathic medical monopoly has created a Health Care system that fails to encourage good health, especially by prevention. "Death by Modern Medicine" documents the tales of propaganda, health care bureaucracy, and the focus on profits instead of healing. It shows, statistically, that the number 1 killer in North America, is in fact, one of the most heavily regulated products, services and facilities industry in North America - The Allopathic Medical Disease Industry.
过路人路过 发表评论于
一再的批驳你是因为你所鼓吹的不 make sense.
372I 发表评论于
megchen 发表评论于
And in this movie, it is said on average, big Pharmaceutical Companies in USA spend 6million PER DAY to lobby politicians in Washington.
megchen 发表评论于
Are you working in a pharmaceutical company? Why you are like 祥林嫂 again and again to defend 化学药品 made by pharmaceutical companies?
Read the book: Death of Modern Medicine. In this book, there is tons of evidence for how the modern medicine has poisoned people to death. Those medicines have been proved by so called scientific methods safe for patients and granted FDA officially.
There are a lot of corruption and conflict of interests in FDA and documentary movie called War on Health had so many details about it.
Also the documentary movie called Prescription for Disasters shows how FDA covered any damaging information for big pharmaceutical companies. And in this movie, it is said on average, big Pharmaceutical Companies in USA spend 6million to lobby politicians in Washington. Where did the money come from?