
挺喜欢现在的公司, 工作和同事们美中不足的就是来回一趟要将近45-50分钟左右, 比以前多了一倍还多我不喜欢一个人开长途车, 更不希望成为车祸统计数目之一.   但没别的更好的选择, 就只好想尽办法使自己在车里有点事儿干.   老公给装了XM电台, 每天上下班路上换着台听听也很快觉得没什么劲想着自己原来在国内很喜欢看小说的到了美国以后读书拿学位后来找到工作又结婚再有了孩子, 没什么属于自己的时间.  在此虽读过很多课本, 读过对增进具体知识和自己进步 (Self Improvement)有用的书, 但没时瞷看过几本小说, 尤其是英文的.  

上网一查激光盘上的书要价非凡. 我一般也不会一书听两遍, 觉得买来太浪费了朋友说你为什么不去公共图书馆看看这才找到听书的源泉很想借网上介绍的有4-5 颗星的好书或是什么卖得最好的书.   无奈小镇公共图书馆不大, 书源非常有限, 所以我也没有太多的选择数了数, 二十个月内我已经听了大概40 来本书. 收获不小现在甚至有点喜欢开车了有好书时, 有时周末还惦记着书里的情节, 巴不得星期一早点来 :-(

以下是我一年多来听过的书有些我看过电影, 但没读过原本. 带星号的是我认为比较好的, 值得一读的书.   这些书不但有娱乐作用, 也更使我了解了世界各地的人土风情, 习俗观点 开拓了我的眼界.

Audio Books (Starting Nov. 2011 to June 2013):

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Infidel * - Somali-Dutch-American feminist - 非洲索马里

Dan Brown: The Da Vinci Code *

Lee Child:  Nothing to Lose

Arthur Golden:  Memories of a Geisha * - Japanese woman before and during the WWII

John Grisham:

The Firm*

The Pelican Brief *

Calico Joe

 The Appeal

Skipping Christmas

The Chamber

David Guterson:  Snow Falling On Cedars * - Japanese-American immigrants before and during WWII

Ernest Hemingway:  The Old Man and the Sea * - classic – I’ll trying to get more

Dee Henderson: The Negotiator

Khaled Hosseini:  A Thousand Splendid Suns * - Afghanistan three generation woman’s lives

Walter Isaacson: Steve Jobs *

Diane Johnson: Le Divorce – Lives about Americans live in France 

Debbie Macomber:

  • Back on Blossom Street
  • Christmas Letters

  • A Good Yarn

  • 1225 Christmas Tree Lane

像琼瑶小说, 故事人物差不多, 看后混在一起记不清了. ">但她讲的人都住在一个小镇上, 每部书有些连接. 有点创意.

Henning Mankell (Author) Laurie Thompson (Translator): The Man from Beijing – Early Chinese immigrants

mso-ansi-language:EN">Stephenie Meyer:  Twilight – don’t like most animated or fantasized or superhero or vampire-themed novels :-(.

James Patterson – Killer, Diller, Thriller – not my cup of tea, but again I do not have much choice.  Good to kill time.

  • Sundays at Tiffany’s
  • The Lake House

  • The 4th of July

  • The 9th judgment

  • The 11th Hour

  • The Quickie *

Tom Perrotta: Little Children * - interesting outcomes and very dark

J.K. Rowling:

  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone *
  • The Chamber of Secrets *

  • The prisoner of Azkaban

  • The Goblet of Fire

  • The Order of the Phoenix

  • The Half-Blood Prince

  • The Deathly Hallows

为孩子们听的书. 开头两部还不错, 但耐着性子听完了其余的. 知道这里很多人喜欢, 我可能太老了. 听到后来, 就想what else J. K. Rowling can make up now?  Again, I don’t like most animated or fantasized or superhero or vampire-themed novels. 只是我个人观点.

Lisa See: Dreams of Joy * - great leap forward – 大跃进年代从国外回归的人的悲惨但坚强的命运.

Danielle Steel:

  • The House
  • Second Chance

  • Betrayal

  • Five Days in Paris


Adriana Trigiani: The Shoemaker's Wife * - Italian immigrants after WWI

A Prairie Home Companion pretty good jokes * - 很好笑 干净 好的笑 话不一定非每句话里都带骂人的词。 我一人在车里大笑, 你要是在路上看见 可别认为我有毛病啊  :-).
in4fun 发表评论于
I liked your insight in American corporate culture. Have you got a chance to check out books by
Malcolm Gladwell
and Daniel Pink ?