楼主:碧海琴音 时间:2012-04-30 12:12:37
作者:七三八四 时间:2012-04-30 23:45:00
开了十几年才吃到一张?! 政府是该给你发个‘奖状’奖励奖励你了, 哈哈~
我所有的SPEEDING TICKET 都是在刚拿到驾照那年取得的, 而且是在一个月内喔。 一个月内5张, 其中有4张不是被本州警察抓, 都是STATE TROOPER。 STATE TROOPER制服特难看, 可是开单却灰常潇洒; 每次都是上百刀, 娘的。
威州的最先进, 还可以让你当场刷卡解决。 宾州的呢遇到个菜鸟TROOPER, 我骗他说要赶着去见GF, 他居然没给我开单就放我走了(还乐了一阵呢, 后来单寄到家气的我直跳脚)。 北卡的STATE POLICE很喜欢搞埋伏, 还有直升机巡逻, 开去佛罗里达路过这段累的半死(又要提防埋伏, 还要注意后方天空是否有飞机在跟着。。。。)。 佛罗里达的警察很搞笑, 都是两队人马; 一对负责测速, 一队在前面待命堵截(没被逮到, 不过害了好多跟风的。 我尿急停到路旁解了个手, 再回到路上还没开始SPEED UP就看到4-5部刚还在我屁股后门吃土的被逮了, 冷汗直冒啊~ 呼呼)。
基本上咱当时是菜鸟, 所以对警察不怎么感冒(只要不是跟在后面的, 在高速上无视对面方向来的警车; 因为MPH都是在百以上, 等他掉过头来我都不知道跑多远了呢)。
在此忠告各位: 一般房车千万表飙到140以上, 会飘! 真的会飘!一粒小石子都可能让你飘到外太空去!
我所有的SPEEDING TICKET 都是在刚拿到驾照那年取得的, 而且是在一个月内喔。 一个月内5张, 其中有4张不是被本州警察抓, 都是STATE TROOPER。 STATE TROOPER制服特难看, 可是开单却灰常潇洒; 每次都是上百刀, 娘的。
威州的最先进, 还可以让你当场刷卡解决。 宾州的呢遇到个菜鸟TROOPER, 我骗他说要赶着去见GF, 他居然没给我开单就放我走了(还乐了一阵呢, 后来单寄到家气的我直跳脚)。 北卡的STATE POLICE很喜欢搞埋伏, 还有直升机巡逻, 开去佛罗里达路过这段累的半死(又要提防埋伏, 还要注意后方天空是否有飞机在跟着。。。。)。 佛罗里达的警察很搞笑, 都是两队人马; 一对负责测速, 一队在前面待命堵截(没被逮到, 不过害了好多跟风的。 我尿急停到路旁解了个手, 再回到路上还没开始SPEED UP就看到4-5部刚还在我屁股后门吃土的被逮了, 冷汗直冒啊~ 呼呼)。
基本上咱当时是菜鸟, 所以对警察不怎么感冒(只要不是跟在后面的, 在高速上无视对面方向来的警车; 因为MPH都是在百以上, 等他掉过头来我都不知道跑多远了呢)。
在此忠告各位: 一般房车千万表飙到140以上, 会飘! 真的会飘!一粒小石子都可能让你飘到外太空去!
@碧海琴音 2012-5-1 19:22:00
学习班? 要让我上学习班我还要开PARTY庆祝呢! 直接SUSPEND 6个月! 说保险倒是让我蛮欣慰的; 因为大部分罚单都是外州的, 所以对于在本州奉公守法的我(一张轻微超速罚单, 而且是认罪态度非常好; 1张警告, 那位警察叔叔是餐馆的熟客。)就稍微惩罚了一下(俺那时的GPA还都是A, 可以拿到优惠价喔)。
忘了说纽约的警察了, 很黑很无聊。 在塞车的时候在桥头的地方检查安全带。。。。对于习惯不扣安全带的俺简直就是毁灭性打击, 一次开了3张单给我: 无驾照, 无保险, 无安全带外加还要上庭。
楼主:碧海琴音 时间:2012-05-03 20:11:00
(附:http://usa.bytravel.cn/art/zmg/zmgbkfd/ 来源:美国《侨报》,作者:瞎子
作者:七三八四 时间:2012-05-04 01:43:00
全中! 呵呵~~~~ 姜果然是老的辣!不过咱还是有自知之明滴, 跟警察叔叔过不去=活腻了(那时还没GF呐, 要留点儿后路撒)。
有一次从IL开去OH, 州公路限速45, 咱以95的巡航速度飘着(风和日丽, 车又少, 没理由慢慢爬吧?)。 GPS显示前方都是直线, 就继续踩油门咯。 该死的GPS, 直路是直路, 可路面是呈波浪状起伏的。。。。。通常开在这种路面上很舒服, 一上一下的好像坐过山车(开的快的话更爽!)。 一上坡就踩油门冲上去, 突然发现大概2-3英里出有辆车迎面开来, 立马就减速下来(老师说的, 开车时候就算你扣了安全带, 迎头撞死的几率也不小。。。怕怕啊~)。 不到一分钟就看到对面的车了, 惨啦, 是有帽子的(警车啦)。 人家没拉灯, 难道今天走运刚好没被看到? 与警车擦身而过也没啥异常。。。嘿嘿~~~~~~~~真是LUCKY! 咱还在庆幸着走了狗屎运的档口瞄了一眼后视镜(当时看不到车, 人家在下坡), 看到一团白烟冒了上来, 死了! 咱常看警匪片, 知道警车掉头多牛, 乖乖等死吧。。。。刹车趴路边等。。。等了快3分钟才看到闪着灯的警车慢吞吞的开过来停在我后面。 没得说, 那位叔叔态度还真是好! 先检查驾照保险, 再问你知道为啥截停你(靠! 是俺守法自个儿等你来抓好不好!)。 知道知道, 我开的有点儿快了嘛。 超多少? 20吗(胡扯!)? 大概是没见过中国人, 加上一个人在巡逻无聊, 那位叔叔居然把我叫去坐在他车上聊家常(俺的娘咧~ 啥都说, 还说他家的狗是什么什么。。。。)。 40分钟过去了才给我开张单, 说本来超过20以上会没收驾照及上庭的, 看我表现良好就给我记成19, 还让我以后兜风表乱飘, 好危险滴。。。。。。。。我快饿晕过去了, 一直点头, 嗯嗯嗯, 888888 交钱赶快溜。
作者:七三八四 时间:2012-05-04 02:03:00
有空你们去中部走80号洲际高速, 会发现在OH跟IN之间有段笔直笔直的路, 多直呢? 就是你一眼望过去可以看到天边的路那头有没有车。 这样的路你要慢慢开。。。简直就是浪费生命! 油门直接踩到底咯~ 话说。。。警察就算看到你也不敢追。 为啥?
1. 一追你就慌, 你慌起来还不东撞西撞乱咬人? 造成财产损失谁负责? 你赔? 你要装穷还不是要政府买单到时候!
2. 你不要命, 人家可还不想死。
3. 有RADIO的嘛~ 一呼叫你以为你会飞么? 前面都在那边沏好茶等你喝了。
4. 这个嘛。。。。。。。我说的可是警察心里话: 飘吧, 最好自己一头撞死, 省得我还要写报告。
1. 一追你就慌, 你慌起来还不东撞西撞乱咬人? 造成财产损失谁负责? 你赔? 你要装穷还不是要政府买单到时候!
2. 你不要命, 人家可还不想死。
3. 有RADIO的嘛~ 一呼叫你以为你会飞么? 前面都在那边沏好茶等你喝了。
4. 这个嘛。。。。。。。我说的可是警察心里话: 飘吧, 最好自己一头撞死, 省得我还要写报告。
@布嘎布嘎 2012-5-4 8:08:00
@七三八四 2012-5-4 9:37:00
得瑟, 你就继续得瑟, 总有一天会给你发龟速‘奖状’
楼主:coatessd 时间:2013-03-17 13:01:26
我是一个长途卡车司机,上周在PA 81号高速边的一个小镇,清晨进一个小镇的食品厂提货回加州。跟着GPS进了一个小镇。结果太信认GPS了开进了主街。53尺的大车没法调头,只得一路向前开。没多久,一台K9跟在我后面,再一会他的灯亮了。我只好路边停车。他向我要了驾照,回到车里,20分钟后他回来,让我在罚单上签字,我一看,天那!707元罚单,真的好大。心中那个闷,无以形容。和阿SR,说了很久都没法商量。只好在单上签了字。
最后竟然要我把黄单还给他。 我都不相信自己的听力了。结果真是如此。好以外竟然可以将黄单还回去!!
ggmmjj 时间:2007-09-22 13:12:29
--------------------------------------------------------------------- 在法庭上认了,或是交了罚款之后,如果你是三年内初犯,那就可以去上Traffic School, 很是烦人的.....请各位保存这份帖子,以备不时之需(我朋友去年email给我的,没当回事,谁知道上个月用上了....)。
个人经历,和各位分享一下,目前最便宜,快捷的Online Traffic School
http://www.gototrafficschool.com, $14.50 轻松在家搞定,使用以下的Promotion code还可以节省$2 XD7E-A57F 。各位刚拿了罚单的朋友,快去看看吧,简单注册一下,不要关闭你的电脑,熬过6小时40分(加州法律规定的)后直接take final exam,就搞定了。附送一份加州的考试答案供参考(他们一般都不换题目,只是改变一下题目顺序而已)这个网站还有中文的书可以买回家看,然后再去上网考试(不用受六小时的限制),不过价格稍微贵些。
good luck!
Review the Correct Answers
1. Because children might be playing behind parked vehicles without a driver’s knowledge, you should make a practice of:
honking your horn before driving
checking your mirrors carefully
driving slowly through parking lots
√ walking behind and around your vehicle to check for them
Because children might be playing behind parked vehicles without a driver’s knowledge, you should make a practice of walking behind and around your vehicle to check for them.
2. _______ paint on a curb allows you to stop long enough to load and unload people or objects. Drivers of non-commercial vehicles must stay with their vehicles.
√ Yellow
Yellow paint on a curb allows you to stop long enough to load and unload people or objects. Drivers of non-commercial vehicles must stay with their vehicles.
3. At an uncontrolled four-way stop, if two or more vehicles arrive at the same time, __________ has the right-of-way.
neither driver
the driver to the left
√ the driver to the right
both drivers
At an uncontrolled four-way stop, if two or more vehicles arrive at the same time, the driver to the right has the right-of-way.
4. Unless otherwise posted, limits are set at ________ for residential zones and business districts.
√ 25 mph
30 mph
35 mph
45 mph
Unless otherwise posted, limits are set at 25 mph for residential zones and business districts. In areas where there are many pedestrians, driveways, and intersections, the speed limit must be lowered to ensure safety.
5. You are NOT allowed to make U-turns:
on two-way streets
from left turn lanes
√ in front of fire stations
unless a sign permits it
You are not allowed to make U-turns in front of fire stations.
6. You may drive to the left of a yellow line when:
overtaking a vehicle that is parked or going slower than your vehicle
turning left at an intersection or into a driveway or side road
the right side of the road is closed or obstructed
√ all of the above
You may drive to the left of a yellow line when overtaking a vehicle that is parked or going slower than your vehicle; turning left at an intersection or into a driveway or side road; or when the right side of the road is closed or obstructed. You may also drive to the left of a yellow line when carpool lanes direct you to do so (but then always enter and exit at designated spots).
7. _________ occurs when a thin film of water builds up between the tires and pavement and makes steering and braking practically impossible.
Highway hypnosis
√ Hydroplaning
Hydroplaning occurs when a thin film of water builds up between the tires and pavement and makes steering and braking practically impossible.
8. When someone tries to pass you, both the law and safety require you to:
pull over
maintain your speed and lane position
√ allow him or her to pass
When someone tries to pass you, both the law and safety require you to allow him or her to pass. The law is clear about this, and it is also the safe thing to do.
9. _________ refers to speeding without realizing it.
Highway hypnosis
√ Velocitation
Road rage
Velocitation refers to speeding without realizing it. It is easy to do as you mirror the pace of vehicles in the fast lane, and you may not notice your speed creeping up.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- 在法庭上认了,或是交了罚款之后,如果你是三年内初犯,那就可以去上Traffic School, 很是烦人的.....请各位保存这份帖子,以备不时之需(我朋友去年email给我的,没当回事,谁知道上个月用上了....)。
个人经历,和各位分享一下,目前最便宜,快捷的Online Traffic School
http://www.gototrafficschool.com, $14.50 轻松在家搞定,使用以下的Promotion code还可以节省$2 XD7E-A57F 。各位刚拿了罚单的朋友,快去看看吧,简单注册一下,不要关闭你的电脑,熬过6小时40分(加州法律规定的)后直接take final exam,就搞定了。附送一份加州的考试答案供参考(他们一般都不换题目,只是改变一下题目顺序而已)这个网站还有中文的书可以买回家看,然后再去上网考试(不用受六小时的限制),不过价格稍微贵些。
good luck!
Review the Correct Answers
1. Because children might be playing behind parked vehicles without a driver’s knowledge, you should make a practice of:
honking your horn before driving
checking your mirrors carefully
driving slowly through parking lots
√ walking behind and around your vehicle to check for them
Because children might be playing behind parked vehicles without a driver’s knowledge, you should make a practice of walking behind and around your vehicle to check for them.
2. _______ paint on a curb allows you to stop long enough to load and unload people or objects. Drivers of non-commercial vehicles must stay with their vehicles.
√ Yellow
Yellow paint on a curb allows you to stop long enough to load and unload people or objects. Drivers of non-commercial vehicles must stay with their vehicles.
3. At an uncontrolled four-way stop, if two or more vehicles arrive at the same time, __________ has the right-of-way.
neither driver
the driver to the left
√ the driver to the right
both drivers
At an uncontrolled four-way stop, if two or more vehicles arrive at the same time, the driver to the right has the right-of-way.
4. Unless otherwise posted, limits are set at ________ for residential zones and business districts.
√ 25 mph
30 mph
35 mph
45 mph
Unless otherwise posted, limits are set at 25 mph for residential zones and business districts. In areas where there are many pedestrians, driveways, and intersections, the speed limit must be lowered to ensure safety.
5. You are NOT allowed to make U-turns:
on two-way streets
from left turn lanes
√ in front of fire stations
unless a sign permits it
You are not allowed to make U-turns in front of fire stations.
6. You may drive to the left of a yellow line when:
overtaking a vehicle that is parked or going slower than your vehicle
turning left at an intersection or into a driveway or side road
the right side of the road is closed or obstructed
√ all of the above
You may drive to the left of a yellow line when overtaking a vehicle that is parked or going slower than your vehicle; turning left at an intersection or into a driveway or side road; or when the right side of the road is closed or obstructed. You may also drive to the left of a yellow line when carpool lanes direct you to do so (but then always enter and exit at designated spots).
7. _________ occurs when a thin film of water builds up between the tires and pavement and makes steering and braking practically impossible.
Highway hypnosis
√ Hydroplaning
Hydroplaning occurs when a thin film of water builds up between the tires and pavement and makes steering and braking practically impossible.
8. When someone tries to pass you, both the law and safety require you to:
pull over
maintain your speed and lane position
√ allow him or her to pass
When someone tries to pass you, both the law and safety require you to allow him or her to pass. The law is clear about this, and it is also the safe thing to do.
9. _________ refers to speeding without realizing it.
Highway hypnosis
√ Velocitation
Road rage
Velocitation refers to speeding without realizing it. It is easy to do as you mirror the pace of vehicles in the fast lane, and you may not notice your speed creeping up.