我原本还有一项恐惧,就是害怕孤独。若是感到孤独时,我就要给人打电话,或写 E Mails. 今年五月,我独自去了一次夏威夷,玩得很不错。最后一天,我坐在威基基最美的沙滩上,从下午到日落,到华灯初上。 海浪一下下冲击着,荡涤着我的心灵,使得我的内心变得更强大。 这一天,我度过了人生中最美丽的一个下午,也彻除了我对孤独的恐惧。以前我给自己设了个圈,告诉自己只有有一个爱人人生才能幸福美丽。甚至连买水果都要买双数。现我也终于从此间解脱出来了。我买水果不再数数,也能随时感到美丽幸福。
记得当年正青青葱葱,备战托福,准备赴美时,在练听力时听到了当年马丁。路德。金的演说录音:"I have a dream. " 顿时被激动得热泪盈眶。记得该文结尾是“Free at last, free at last, thank God, we are free at last!"
是的,Thank God, I am free at last, too!!!
maysville 发表评论于
Great inspiration to everybody! thanks a lot for sharing, feel so humble when reading those words. You are in my prayer, and go ahead beat the fucking cancer, someone has to do it, the person is you!