【网事如歌】TY 限时真人秀 《ANGEL》



七月,是浪漫的,不为别的,就为那一抹紫色的芬芳。走在田埂上,空气中弥漫着薰衣草的清香,层层叠叠的花浪蔓延到天的尽头,和蓝色的天空融在一起,变成了天空的一部份。 忍不住低身轻抚她,她似花非花,似草非草,小小的紫色的茸茸的颗粒一串串,可爱精致得让人爱不释手。阵阵香气袭来,如梦似幻,如痴如醉,宁静祥和。我愿意就这样徜徉在她的海洋,沉浸在她的香氛,一醉不醒。。。如果陶渊明见过她,可能世外桃园就要改写为世外花田了吧,哈哈:)),想来天堂也不过如此吧。






Spend all your time waiting 

for that second chance

for a break that would make it okay

there's always some reason

to feel not good enough

and it's hard at the end of the day

I need some distraction

oh beautiful release

memories seep from my veins

let me be empty

and weightless and maybe

I'll find some peace tonight

in the arms of the angel

fly away from here

from this dark cold hotel room

and the endlessness that you fear

you are pulled from the wreckage

of your silent reverie

you're in the arms of the angel

may you find some comfort here

so tired of the straight line

and everywhere you turn

there's vultures and thieves at your back

and the storm keeps on twisting

you keep on building the lies

that you make up for all that you lack

it don't make no difference

escaping one last time

it's easier to believe in this sweet madness oh

this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

in the arms of the angel

fly away from here

from this dark cold hotel room

and the endlessness that you fear

you are pulled from the wreckage

of your silent reverie

you're in the arms of the angel

may you find some comfort here

you're in the arms of the angel

may you find some comfort here
