08/20加州今日房贷利率 /9:30am

为加州华人提供贷款信息和经验交流。 我们的宗旨是忠诚于人,勤奋于事,将心比心,帮人第一。联系方式: jingsunloan@gmail.com
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everything, technically and fundamentally,  is

favoring higher interest rates. Tomorrow August

existing home sales is expected to show an

increase of 2.4%; however it is reported it will

provide an insight into whether the higher rates

are having any impact on sales. Also FOMC minutes

is expected to come out tomorrow to make market

confused again.

Lock Now.

Conforming loan (<=$417k)

Purpose of Loan    30 YR   15 YR   5/1  7/1

Purchase Loan    4.375  3.375  3.125   3.625

Refinance Loan    4.500  3.500  3.250   3.750

The rates are based on criterion below and

good for the time when they are quoted:


There is no point, no fee for refinance but

there is fee for purchase loan. Some rates

require GC/Citizen. Adding impound account

might bring in better rates.

Rate change is subject to loan amount,

impound, property type(SFH vs Condo),

financing purpose (cash out),occupancy type

( investment or second home),GC/Citizen,

LTV and other conditions.

High Balance Loan (<=625k)

Purpose of Loan    30 YR    15 YR   5/1  7/1

Purchase Loan    4.500  3.500    3.250  3.625

Refinance Loan    4.625  3.625    3.375   3.750

The rates are based on criterion below and

good for the time when they are quoted:


There is no point, no fee for refinance but

there is fee for purchase loan. Some rates

require GC/Citizen.Adding impound account

might bring in better rates.

Rate change is subject to loan amount,

impound, property type(SFH vs Condo),

financing purpose (cash out),occupancy type

( investment or second home),GC/Citizen,

LTV and other conditions.

Jumbo Loan ( Up to 2M)

Purpose of Loan    30 YR   15 YR   5/1   7/1

Purchase Loan    5.000  4.250    3.000  3.125

Refinance Loan    5.125  4.375    3.125  3.250

The rates are based on criterion below and

good for the time when they are quoted:


There is no point, no fee for refinance but

there is fee for purchase loan. Some rates

require GC/Citizen.Adding impound account

might bring in better rates.

Rate change is subject to loan amount,

impound, property type(SFH vs Condo),

financing purpose (cash out),occupancy type

( investment or second home),GC/Citizen,

LTV and other conditions.
