
看的太烂的书, 也就没必要记了哈.  有看到好书, 请大家推荐.

1.    "我的名字叫红"by Orhan Pamuk (奥尔罕. 帕慕克)

四个字:精彩绝伦. 最好看的一章: 我是一枚金币. 同是Nobel

文学奖获得者, 个人认为,他驾驭语言的能力,


2.   “ The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini

Hosseini is an incredible story teller.

Through the book, we outsiders can peek into the war-torn Afghanistan and life

 over there. This book is a New York

times best seller and receives great book reviews.


3.   “The Pillars of the Earth”

还不错. 否则一千来页的书,我读不下去.

4.   “Silence “ by Shusaku Endo

看到文学城里有人讨论看过的这本书, 日文翻译成英文的.就买了本看看.

  看书过程中及过后好久, 心头总是纠结一个问题: Shall they apostatize or not???


5.   “Where Man Wins Glory” by Jon Krakauer

书是讲Pat Tillman 的touching story. 自从读过Krakauer的”Into Thin Air”后,

I fall in love with Krakauer’s work. 读过他的”Into the Wild”, 惊叹于他的讲故事的能力.

怎能把这样不太惊心动魄的事,写得那么好看. 家里还有他的”Under the Banner of Heaven”, 没看完.


6.   "The Reader” by Bernhard Schlink

Los Angles Times: From first page, the Reader ensnares both heart and mind. 

 The New York Times: Arresting, philosophically elegant, morally complex… Marvelous.


7. "十字军骑士" by [波兰] H.显克维奇

直到显克维奇, 波兰 史诗才真正绽放出绚烂的文学之花 --诺贝尔文学奖表彰辞

8. "A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini

Same style as "The Kite Runner"
