

惊险之旅 - 科罗拉多
作者:陈开文 / 翻译:红花






  在我生活的北加州湾区,我还从未听说过哪个亚裔美国人敢于有过真正意义上的冒险行动。我经历过的户外活动,最多不过是教会主办、为期一周的森林夏令营活动。这对我远远不足,But I wanted more 




  WWOOF World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms的缩写。是1972年在英国率先成立的一个世界范围的组织。它的用意就是让都市人体验农村生活的“以工换食宿”的工作方法。








  我选中了一个名叫凯利的农场主。这个人给我的最初感觉很不舒服,具体我也说不清楚,总之有些言行怪异,但还不至于吓退我的信心。比如,凯利敲打键盘的时 候,喜欢随心所欲断句和停顿,行云流水。这点让我很不习惯,但是来回交流次数多了,我也就慢慢接受了他的风格。我想,也许上了些年纪的人大都如此。








My Adventure in Colorado

Written By K.C


In July of 2013, I embarked on the most adventurous trip I have ever experience. I went to Colorado, the idea of which came from a brief conversation with an old church friend, Brody Klein. I had overheard that he was going to Costa Rica over the summer to work on a farm. This was incredibly new to me.


I am Asian American. He is not. Asian Americans in the Bay Area are not known to go on adventures to places for an extended period of time. The most outdoorsy experience would probably be a weeklong church retreat in the woods. But I wanted more. I had decided to myself in May that I wanted to experience the countryside, work with my hands, and live like how people had lived for the thousands of years before the commonplace academic training and cut throat corporate competition seen in today’s young adults. So I asked Brody how he was able to find a program to go farming and he directed me to a program called WWOOF, World Wide Organization of Organic Farms.


WWOOF operates like a Craigslist for farms. Men and women that own farms and burgeoning homesteads post their farms on WWOOF and, for a $30 annual subscription fee, browsers can view farms, their owners, and the activities that they can expect to do while on that farm. I looked in multiple areas like Idaho, Montana, areas of California, but I eventually decided on a small homestead in Southwest Colorado, near the Four Corners Region.


I emailed the host and began the interview process. We both made sure that we were not axe-murderers, sane, and likable. My host, Kelly D, struck me as quirky and a little awkward, but no red flags went off for me. He would end his sentences with multiple periods, which I thought was strange, but apparently other older folks do that over email and text messages. The interview process went smoothly and I was able to confirm and buy tickets. The date was set and I was committed. July 6th would be my departure date.


(To be continued...)
