Mei\'s Journey -- Chapter 5: Randolph Hill Park

Chapter 5: Randolph Hill Park

Getting ready for a second date could be as tricky if not harder than the first date.  Since they were to meet in a park, Mei decided to wear something comfortable. She picked out a pair of knee length Kakis and topped it w/ a striped camisole. Not sure whether it could be a bit revealing, she decided to cover it with a light cotton shirt.

Checking herself out in the mirror, she saw a nice figure with just enough skin showing to put emphasize on her long lean legs and tiny waist. She used to be a little self conscious about her thin, almost boyish frame, but not anymore, through the years she has learned to appreciate everything that has defined who she really is.

It was just as hot and humid as the forecast has predicted outside, with temperature reaching a scorching 95, Mei has started to wonder whether hiking in a park is a good idea after all. Then she saw Dan, standing next to the map inside the visitor center, he looked even better than she remembered!

Dan dressed casual today, compare to their first date. With a pair of sun glasses hanging on the collar of his white polo shirt and dark shorts with lots of extra pockets, he was nothing near a stylish magazine but somehow just naturally stood out from the crowd.

“Hi, you look beautiful today!” Dan saw her and quickly walked over. Before Mei could think about whether a hug is appropriate, Dan has already put his arms around her just quickly enough to make her wonder whether it was real or just from her imagination.

They’ve decided to take the south east hiking path to try to utilize as much shade as possible. Mei was surprised that for all the years she’s lived in the city, she has never heard of Randolph Hill Park. It was established back in the late 1940’s, right after the World War II. The park itself was famous for its hiking paths and the Randolph Dawson River that runs right through its heart.

“Do you come here often?” Mei asked as Dan seemed to be very familiar with the trail.

“Well, yeah, I used to, haven’t been here for what, about 2 years.” The hot air surrounded them like a tightly fitted glove. Dan stopped briefly to get two water bottles out from his backpack and handed one over to Mei. The cool water felt really nice at touch.

“So what happened?” Mei took a drink and it instantly cooled her down from the sun.

“I used to come here to walk Timmy, after he died, I just didn’t have the need to come here anymore.” Timmy was Dan’s dog, a black German Sheppard and Lab mix, Mei remembered seeing a picture of Timmy and Dan on his profile.

Before Mei could respond, Dan continued on: “He was a good dog, a great companion; I do miss him from time to time. Maybe later I will get another dog, do you like dogs?”

“Oh, uh, yeah I guess, I mean I never had a dog before but I do like dogs in general.” Mei wasn’t sure whether Dan was asking to see if they could raise a dog together in the future, so she chose to express her honest feeling.

“Oh they are a lot of fun, loyal and loving, you would like them!” Dan sounded like a little kid when he talked about dogs, which just added to his cuteness and suddenly gave Mei the desire to want to hold his hand.

After about an hour of hiking/walking, they came to a flat ground backed by a little hill. Pieces of big rocks peeked through between wild blackberry bushes and oak trees, forming a pathway for a short waterfall.  The stream came down at the bottom of the hill and gathered in a shallow oval pond. The water was cool and clear, which brought down the surrounding temperature by a good 5 -10 degrees.

What a pleasant surprise! Mei ran over to the fall and reached over to feel the cold running water with her hands. Oh it felt so good! “I knew you would like this place.” Dan followed and gently held Mei by her arm, to prevent her from falling in the water.

They sat beneath the waterfall for a while, the conversation got personal. Dan talked about his previous marriage, about his ex-wife Sarah, and of course the not so pretty divorce. Not that any of this came as a surprise, Mei was actually glad to get to know him better. She learned Sarah had an affair and left Dan for another man; Dan begged her to stay but failed miserably. Dan told the story with not much emotion, like he’s reading from a text book. But somehow behind the calming voice Mei could sense his pain, lingering around and waiting for an opportunity to surface.

Mei really had nothing to match up with Dan’s history; she’s only had one serious boyfriend -- Scott, back in school, and since then haven’t had any relationship that lasted longer than 6 months. She’s always been career driven, never really spent much energy on guys. It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that she started seriously looking, which was what led her to Dan.

Before they knew it, it was getting late, though the summer sun could stay up till 8, they’ve decided to head back. Mei didn’t know how or when, but somehow they were holding hands on their way back. It just happened naturally; they didn’t talk much; just walked, and enjoyed the warmness that came through from each other’s hand.

Before they could figure out a dinner plan, Tammy’s emergency text ruthlessly cut their date short: “Need to talk ASAP! Driving over right now, see u @ ur condo!”

Mei drove as fast as she could to get back home. She was worried as of what could have happened with Tammy, this was not like her at all. She seriously hoped that Jim didn’t break up with her again.

When Mei arrived at her apartment complex, she saw Tammy’s car sitting in visitor parking. Before she could run upstairs Tammy jumped out from nowhere and almost gave Mei a heart attack: “Mei! He proposed! I am getting married!”

Flashing her huge diamond back and forth in front of Mei’s eyes, Tammy excitingly announced to Mei and everyone else in the parking lot the entire proposal like a digital 3-D film, without missing a single detail. Apparently Jim came back on Friday, didn’t make any move until Saturday afternoon, when he told Tammy he felt like taking a walk in their favorite downtown park. Tammy played along and knew he’s up to something. Nothing happened until they walked pass by a street musician, who was playing Bach's VI Suites for the Violoncello on his cello near the park fountain. That was Tammy’s favorite piece and as she stopped to listen, Jim got on to one knee and asked her to marry him. The whole proposal was sweet and quiet, not many people around to cheer or say congratulations, but it brought Tammy to tears.

“I thought I had to tell you this in person!” Tammy was obviously still hyped from the whole event; her cheeks were in a rosy pink, which made her freckles shine like glitters; the setting sun light brushed her with a transparent coat of gold, made her look almost like an angel. Mei thought to herself, now that’s what a girl in love looks like.
