20 Questions You Have About Obamacare But Are Too Afraid To Ask
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If you’re confused about Obamacare, you’re not alone. Over the past several years, every survey on the subject has revealed that Americans consistently fail to correctly identify the provisions that are actually in the Affordable Care Act. In April, a poll found that 40 percent of Americans weren’t sure about whether Obamacare was still law at all.
Administration officials are racing against the clock to reverse those incorrect public perceptions, ramping up their outreach efforts before the health law’s new state-level marketplaces open for enrollment this upcoming week. As the open enrollment period draws near, you may be wondering how it affects you or what you need to do. Or you may simply want to understand more about the law that’s dominating the news. Here are simple answers to 20 questions about Obamacare that may have you mystified (click on each question to jump down to the answer, or just scroll down to read all of them):
1. Will Obamacare end up costing me money?
2. What if I already have health insurance?
3. If I’m keeping my current health insurance, does Obamacare benefit me?
4. Health insurance is so hard to figure out. How can I even tell what’s in my plan?
5. Why did I get a check in the mail from my insurance company?
6. Are dental or vision insurance plans affected by the new law?
7. What are the “exchanges,” and should people like me join them?
8. If I want to sign up for a new government-organized health plan, how can I?
9. Why am I hearing so much about October 1? What does that date mean for me?
10. What if I can’t afford any health coverage?
11. If I don’t want to get insurance, am I going to have to pay?
12. What happens to my insurance if I change jobs?
13. Is Obamacare still at risk of getting repealed or defunded?
14. Is it true that Obamacare keeps getting delayed?
15. Who will wind up benefiting most from the new law?
16. How do gay couples factor into Obamacare?
18. Will my spouse lose his or her health coverage under Obamacare?
20. Where do I go to ask more questions?