
By Jiang Xun 又有一回讀古典笑話,說城裡來了土匪,見人就殺,有個矮子也被一把抓住,要砍頭。,「你別砍了吧,」矮子求土匪,
「大家都笑我矮,這一砍頭,就更矮了。」土匪全笑彎了腰,居然把矮子放了。 幽默居然可以救命,實在令人驚訝。
Once I read the classic joke, saying the bandits came to the city, bandits killed anyone in their sight, there is also a dwarf caught to be beheaded , "do not cut it," dwarf begged the bandits,

"Everyone laughed at me being a shorty, the beheading would make it even shorter." Bandits all doubled up laughingreleased the dwarf unexpectedly. Humor can actually save lives, it is really surprising.

This remind me things happened recently.
