麦加在穆斯林世界被誉为“诸城之母”。圣地只对穆斯林开放,非穆斯林一律谢绝入内。城中心的麦加大清真寺是伊斯兰教著名圣寺,是世界各国穆斯林去麦加朝觐礼拜的主要圣地。据《古兰经》经文,在此禁止凶杀、抢劫、械斗,因此这里也被称作禁寺。禁寺位于沙特阿拉伯麦加城中心,规模恢弘,经过几个世纪以来的扩建和修葺,总面积已经扩大到16万平方米,可容30万穆斯林同时做礼拜。禁寺广场中央稍南,是巍峨的立方形圣殿克尔白。克尔白是阿拉伯文音译,意思是“方形房屋”。圣殿又称天房,相传是公元前18世纪先知易卜拉欣和他的儿子伊斯梅尔监建而成的。天房高14米,内三根顶柱昂然挺立,其东北侧装有两扇金门, 离地约2米,高3米,宽2米,是用286公斤的赤金精工铸造的。天房自上而下终年用黑丝绸帷幔蒙罩,帷幔中腰和门帘上用金银线绣有《古兰经》文,帷幔每年 更换一次,据说这一传统已延续了1 300多年。天房外东南角,一米半高的墙上,镶嵌着一块30厘米长的带微红的褐色陨石,即有名的黑石,或称玄石,穆斯林视其为神物,相传当年穆罕默德曾亲吻过它。朝觐者游转天房经过此石时,都争先与之亲吻或举双手以示敬意。天房东面正对黑石处,有个四柱圆顶小阁,四周围有方形铜栅栏,阁中是传说中易卜拉欣建造天房时留有脚印之处。据记载,克尔白早先是古阿拉伯多神教献祭的古殿,殿内树有各种神的偶像,穆罕默德在公元630年攻占麦加,保存了克尔白,清除殿内外360万尊偶像,改为伊斯兰教朝拜的中心。
朝觐的第一道程序是受戒。朝觐者在进入麦加禁地前,必须在其外围的5大关口受戒。首先要举意,即立意 受戒朝觐、祈求真主保佑朝觐顺利进行并认可朝觐者所完成的这项功课。其次,洗小净和大净,将身体局部和全部沐浴干净,以净洁之躯进入净洁神圣之地。再次, 男子更换戒衣,上身、下身各披一块未经缝制的白布,不着内衣,不戴帽子,不穿袜子,不穿缝制之履;妇女可穿平时的衣服,不蒙面,不化妆,不裸足。这套程序 可以理解为两重:人赤条条来,赤条条去,非以赤子之身、赤子之心不能完成圣洁之旅;造物主面前人人平等,皆为凡夫俗子,不以衣冠服饰而显现尊卑贫富等人为 差别。伊斯兰学者还认为,朝觐本身也是审判日的预演,任何今生不修、胡作非为者必将在来世接受造物主的审判和惩罚。
A depiction of Hagar and Ishmael in the desert by François-Joseph Navez
The dismissal of Hagar, by Pieter Pietersz Lastman
Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert, by Grigory Ugryumov (c. 1785)
这里2010年11月14日麦加朝圣盛况,为今年的朝圣活动做下回顾。据沙特通讯社说,今年参加麦加朝圣的穆斯林人数有望创造纪录——将有超过340万的穆 斯林参加超过五天的朝圣之旅。麦加朝圣是穆斯林信仰的基柱,每位有能力这么做的穆斯林一生中必须至少参加一次朝圣活动。朝圣者要完成一系列仪式,其中包括 绕天房行走、在阿拉法特山上站立守夜和用石头砸死魔鬼的仪式。11月16日,朝圣结束时,世界各地开始庆祝为期三天的古尔邦节(宰牲节)。
新落成的Abraj Al-Bait塔上安装了大型新钟,成千上万的穆斯林朝圣者在麦加大清真寺内环绕天房行走。
沙 特圣城麦加东南部阿拉法特山纳米拉清真寺附近,一辆救护车停在数千名正在祈祷的穆斯林朝圣者中间。黎明前夕,朝圣者从麦加涌入阿拉法特平原,参加环绕这个 地方的重要仪式。在伊斯兰教历(回历)1378年前,先知穆罕默德在这一天作了告别布道。朝圣者在阿拉法特度过这一天,沉思并颂读《古兰经》。
穆斯林触摸并在阿拉法特山上的Jabal al-Rahma柱上书写。
沙特工人在麦加“渗渗泉”联合办事处搬运瓶装“渗渗泉”水。根据穆斯林信仰,渗渗泉是来自真主能产生奇迹的水之源泉,几千年前,亚伯拉罕尚在襁褓中的儿子以 实玛利口渴,哭闹着要水喝,在踢蹬地面时发现了一口井。为了喝到泉水,数百万名朝圣者在每年进行麦加朝圣或副朝时,前来探访这口井。
Hajj 2013, Islam's Pilgrimage To Mecca: Facts, History And Dates Of The Muslim Holiday
What is Hajj?
The annual Hajj pilgrimage is one of the world's largest gatherings, as hundreds of thousands of people flock to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, to participate in one of Islam's five pillars of faith. Muslims from all over the world will gather together for five days to pray as one community, celebrating their history and giving thanks for blessings. From the Masjid Al Haram complex to the hills of Mina, the rites include circling the Kaaba seven times and visiting sites of historical and religious importance.
When is Hajj 2013?
This year's hajj will be celebrated on Oct. 13th to 18th, though that date depends on the sighting of the moon, as Islam follows a lunar calendar. Hajj takes place annually on the eighth day of the month of Dhul Al-Hijjah in the Muslim calendar. It's considered an obligation for devout Muslims to undertake the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime, if they are physically and financially able.
What's the history of Hajj?
The pilgrimage to Mecca has been going on since pre-Islamic times, as Mecca's economic prosperity during the time of the Prophet Muhammad was largely due to the income from visitors.
Muslims believe that the steps of the Hajj correlate to the story of Hagar, the second wife of Abraham whom he married after Sarah was childless. After Abraham left her and her infant son, Ishmael, in the desert, she frantically ran between the hills of Safa and Marwa to look for food and water for her baby after their provisions ran out. As she prayed to God for mercy, Ishmael's heel hit the ground and the well of Zam Zam sprang forth to nourish them. When Abraham returned, he built the Kaaba with Ishmael's help.
What are the steps of Hajj?
First, pilgrims go to Miqat, the entry station to the Hajj, where they bathe, put on special clothing, and make a formal statement of intent. Next they enter the Masjid al Haram complex to do Tawaf, a rite which involves circling the Kaaba seven times while reciting prayers. After this takes place, it's encouraged to sip water from the Zam Zam well, then walk between the hills of Safa and Marwa seven times.
Next, the formal Hajj ritual begins with another declaration of intent. Pilgrims then travel to Mina on the 8th of Dhul al Hijjah and stay there until dawn prayer the next morning. Following the prayer, the faithful travel to the valley of Arafat to stand in the heat and praise God. The day concludes with travel to Muzdalifa and the gathering of small pebbles. A symbolic stoning of the devil occurs at Mina the next day, along with the animal sacrifice which is part of Eid al Adha. Male pilgrims will shave their heads after this occurs. Next, pilgrims return to Mecca to do the Tawaf again, along with the crossing between Safa and Marwa 7 times. Another trip to Mina then takes place, along with more symbolic stoning, before the faithful can return to Mecca to do a farewell Tawaf.
What are other rituals associated with Hajj?
Pilgrims perform the Hajj in a state of ritual purity called ihram, which for men is physically represented by wearing simple garments made of unsewn cloth. It demonstrates the equality of humanity before God.
How many people go on Hajj?
In 2012, Al Arabiya reports that 3,161,573 went on Hajj, with 1,700,000 of them coming from outside of Saudi Arabia.
What is Eid al-Adha?
The Eid of the sacrifice takes place on the 10th day of Dhul Al-Hijjah, or Oct. 15, which commemorates Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael in order to be totally obedient to God. Muslims sacrifice a goat or lamb in remembrance of this act of faith and give part of the meat to the poor.
Lineage of six prominent prophets according to Islamic tradition | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dotted lines indicate multiple generations |
The Huffington Post | By Yasmine Hafiz