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Remove any decorative magnet from refrigerator
一群普林斯頓大學的研究人員發現了可怕的事! 幾個月來,他們餵養兩組老鼠:第一組的食物存放在冰箱,第二組的食物也存放在冰箱,不同之處在於冰箱門上貼了一些裝飾磁鐵。 這項實驗的目的是要看看電磁輻射(門上的裝飾磁鐵所產生)對食物的影響。令人驚的是,嚴格的臨床研究指出,吃輻射食物的這組老鼠比另一組老鼠致癌機率高出 87%。 更令人費解的是,沒有任何政府或衛生機構在此事件上做出的任何聲明。不過,還是建議把任何磁鐵裝飾從冰箱門上拿掉,遠離食物,以防萬一。

Remove any decorative magnet from refrigerators,and put it far away from any food. IMPORTANT ~Interesting but very important finding!

A number of researchers at Princeton 's University have discovered something scary!

For several months, they were feeding two groups of mice: The first group with food kept in a refrigerator, and the second group with food kept in a refrigerator as well but with several decorative magnets on the door.

The objective of this experiment was to see how electromagnetic radiation (that coming out from the decorative magnets on the door) affect food items.

Amazingly, rigorous clinical studies stated that the group of mice that consumed the “radiated” food had as much as 87 % higher probability to get cancer than the other group of mice.

Inexplicably no Governments or health associations, institutions have given any statement in this regard.

However and just in case, is recommendable to remove any decorative magnet from refrigerators, and put it far away
old-dream 发表评论于
博主如果相信这是个hoax应该删除以减少传播。 如果相信是真的 应该出来再澄清论证支持该观点。
race2010 发表评论于
I saw this:
"Decorative Magnets on Refrigerators - Cancer Warning Hoax"

yijibang 发表评论于
Alabama 发表评论于
回复 'kingofhearts' 的评论 : 可能。 谢谢!
kingofhearts 发表评论于