每个孩子都有Different Ways to be Smart!

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Every child has at least seven ways of being smart or seven intelligences. Each way is important. Your child may be stronger in some ways than in others. This section explains how children are smart at different ages in their development. It also has ideas to help children grow in each of these 7 ways. These activities are just ideas to get you started. The most important thing is to have fun with your child while learning. You are your child's first and most important teacher. You will know by watching your child if he likes an activity. If he is bored or wants to do something else, change the activity.

- Language

Child May Be Good at:

• Creating a private language or an invented one like pig-latin

• Picking up phrases or stories

• Memorizing long strings of words from books or TV

• Telling stories or writing poetry

• Reading at early age, often teaching self

How to Encourage:

• Read to child every night

• Give a library card and visit the library

• Pin up his/her writing on refrigerator

• Play word games at night and on trips

• Give him/her a good dictionary

• Show how books are important in your life

• Talk about books at supper

• Encourage storytelling

• Write down his stories

• Make picture books on themes

• Help child build a collection of books


Child May Be Good at:

• Seeing pictures in her head

• Catching a ball before it hits the ground (anticipates movement in space)

• Looking at a picture and copying the shape with his body

• Drawing in accurate perspective

• Drawing what they see

• Finding her way easily

How to Encourage:

• Provide paints, clay, crayons, etc. and make special area for drawing

• Walk in unfamiliar places and have child draw a map

• Teach pottery

• Encourage arts and crafts


Child May Be Good at:

• Seeing patterns

• Organizing, blocks, toys, clothes, shoes

• Noticing how thing are same/different

• Playing checkers and chess

• Abstraction,s building imaginary world

How to Encourage:

• Give games–boards games (Monopoly)

• Play cards

• Conduct experiments (Chemistry)

• Encourage collecting, observing, categorizing, bugs, rocks, butterflies, etc.

• Visit nature stores

• Play math games–multiplication tables or counting , predicting, mysteries


Child May Be Good at:

• Sports

• Performing skits, puppet shows, and plays

• Dance, gymnastics, and active play

• Hands-on activities like finger painting and clay

• Climbing, running, jumping, skipping, hopping

How to Encourage:

• Take your child to the playground often

• Trace letters and words on each other’s back

• Make letters and words from play dough or pipe cleaners

• Take a walk and read all the words you find during the walk

• Trace words in the air using first two fingers


Child May Be Good at:

• Sports

• Performing skits, puppet shows, and plays

• Dance, gymnastics, and active play

• Hands-on activities like finger painting and clay

• Climbing, running, jumping, skipping, hopping

How to Encourage:

• Take your child to the playground often

• Trace letters and words on each other’s back

• Make letters and words from play dough or pipe cleaners

• Take a walk and read all the words you find during the walk

• Trace words in the air using first two fingers


Child May Be Good at:

• Singing tunes on key

• Remembering songs just by their tune (without words)

• Making all kinds of sounds

How to Encourage:

• Sing to child, play tapes and CDs

• Encourage your child to sing and make up songs to remember other things (like ABC song)

• Help them to learn to play the piano, or an instrument

• Find schools that give music lessons (singing, band, orchestra)


Child May Be Good at:

• Making friends

• Solving quarrels between friends

• Caring for others

• Leading others

How to Encourage:

• Provide dolls, puppets, stuffed animals, dress-ups, play money

• Play board games together

• Have dinner table discussions

• Act out favorite stories together


Child May Be Good at:

• Being independent

• Knowing his/her feelings

• Finding secret places

• Doing things on his/her own

How to Encourage:

• Encourage journal writing

• Provide “how to” books and tapes

• Provide a computer

• Give lots of time for day-dreaming
