最流行的維骨力一樣,吃太多其實因為軟骨增生過多, 進而形成骨刺, 所以維他命的相關藥品或食品,其實不能吃太多 , 天然的最好
芬蘭政府耗資4300萬美金所做的一個實驗, 是全世界最大的維他命實驗,用了29000人, 高達5-8年之時間,找集了20000多人(吸煙的人),讓他們每天吃維他命A與維他命E, 另一組(控制組)則沒吃。
過了5年,8年, 發現每天吃維他命A與維他命E的這些人得到癌症、 死於癌症的比率 高出18%。
更重要的,他們發現現有吃維他命E的這些人得到心臟病、 死於心臟病的比率比控制組高出50%。
因為我們一直以為從小型實驗室的研究, 不是發現維他命E能防止我們的血管硬化?
此時美國的食品藥物管理署(FDA)就出來做解釋, Dr. Victor Herbert 他說:
『當一個維他命含在一個橘子裡時, 我們稱它為一個抗氧化劑(antioxidant),
可以防止心臟病,防止癌症,對我們的身體是有好處的,但是當此維他命C離開這個橘子以後,這個維他命C它就稱為 prooxidant,也就會製造上億以上的自由基,此會造成心臟病、癌症,對我們的身體是有害的』。
身為一個科學家, 是絕對無法走進實驗是創造出一個橘子,一粒蕃茄的。
在一個橘子,一個蕃茄裡面,含有很多種的營養素,如今, 我們連這一萬多種營養素,是那些營養素都不清楚, 我們哪來的智慧與權利來告訴社會大眾, 其中最重要的營養素是維他命呢?
我們還沒有這樣一個智慧與權利。 一個完整的食物才是真正的營養。
我們人常常有一個比較不好的習慣, 那就是任何我們聽不懂得名字,就會認為它比較好, 台灣沒有的東西我們也會覺得它比較好一點。
如廣告上新的化學名稱就會認為它比較好一點,例如 蛋白質、安基酸、酵素、抗氧化劑, 此一系列各種各類的化學名稱,我們沒聽過的就認為它比較好, 但對於我來說,我不認為它們不好,而是我比較關心
讓我來問你一個問題: 你要喝有咖啡因的咖啡還是沒有咖啡因的咖啡?
因有咖啡因的咖啡會刺激中央神經系統的,心跳速度加快, 還有會增加皺紋。
因為把咖啡因拿出來要用一種化學藥品, 此化學藥品已被證明為致癌的化學藥品,
今天美國的衛生局向國會提出一個專案, 希望美國國會把維他命何礦物質的東西列為藥品, 讓所有的人無法在市面上自由的購買到。
因為他們發現維他命帶來很多的副作用, 所以美國衛生現在印出很多的小冊子上面寫著: 美國每年有30000多個兒童在母親認為維他命沒有副作用 而大量給小孩吃,結果導致中毒現象。
今天維他命的使用量是依大人的量而定,而非依小孩來定, 所以小孩來吃是過量的。
另外,當我們體內有過多的維他命C時, 血液的鐵質會上升,很容易得到心臟病和癌症。
What were the flaws in the study? 这研究有什么缺陷?
In this study, more than 29,000 middle-aged men, who smoked over a pack a day for an average of 36 years each, were divided into four groups and followed for five to eight years. One group received daily dosages of 20mg (or 33,000 units) of synthetic beta carotene. A second group received 50mg of synthetic vitamin E, in the form of dl-alpha tocopherol acetate. A third group received both of these supplements. And, finally, a fourth group received a placebo.
The results of the study indicated a significant 18% increase in incidence of lung cancer in the participants receiving beta carotene. Although, fewer cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed among those who received vitamin E than those who did not, this point was not emphasized in the news accounts.
What were the flaws in the study? There were many. The study used only 1/8th to 1/40th the dosage of Vitamin E shown by more than 20 previous studies to lower the risk of lung cancer in smokers. It used only 1/10th the dosage of beta-carotene recommended by other experts for the prevention of lung cancer in smokers. It used as subjects people from Finland despite the fact that both the British Medical Journal and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition consider Finland one of the worst countries in the world for cancer/nutrition studies since: (1) Finns have one of the world's highest rates of per capita alcohol consumption by smokers, and alcohol interferes with the utilization of Vitamin E and beta carotene, and (2) Finland has an extremely low level of the essential mineral selenium in the soil, and selenium works together with vitamin E in promoting cancer prevention.
A previous, much less publicized recent study, carried out in China with National Cancer Institute cooperation, included 50 micrograms of selenium, along with 30 mg of vitamin E and 15mg of beta carotene. This study involved 30,000 people over the age of 40, who were either healthy or suffered from the premalignant lesion, esophageal dysplasia. Those who received the combination of these three nutrients had a significantly lower risk of dying from cancer and other diseases.
Other criticisms of the study include the fact that the study started immediately after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, which occurred in 1986, and Finland was one of the first areas to receive heavy fallout. This variable increases cancer risk and makes the jobs of these low levels of antioxidants more difficult. The form of vitamin E was the less potent synthetic dl-alpha tocopherol rather than the physiologic d-alpha tocopherol form. And all of the supplements were colored with quiniline yellow, a substance with known carcinogenic properties.
The authors themselves were careful to point out that no other studies have ever shown any harm from taking beta carotene, whereas many studies have shown beneficial effects. In addition, there are no known mechanisms for toxic effects of beta carotene. There overall conclusion was: "In spite of its formal statistical significance, therefore, this finding may well be due to chance."
You would never know this from the media circus accounts of the study. The universal message, received by many of my patients and the general population, was that vitamins, particularly beta carotene, cause cancer. I hope that this information clears up some of the confusion.

The Truth About Vitamin D: Can You Get Too Much Vitamin D?
WebMD Feature Archive
Can I get too much vitamin D?
Too much of any good thing is a bad thing. Too much vitamin D can cause an abnormally high blood calcium level, which could result in nausea, constipation, confusion, abnormal heart rhythm, and even kidney stones.
It's nearly impossible to get too much vitamin D from sunlight or from foods (unless you take way too much cod liver oil). Nearly all vitamin D overdoses come from supplements.
The Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board's old 1997 recommendations suggested that 2,000 IU per day of vitamin D is safe for adults and that 1,000 IU per day is safe for infants up to 12 months of age. Many observers expected a drastic increase in the IOM's 2010 update.
That didn't exactly happen. The IOM committee did increase its "upper level intake" -- that is, the boundary at which it feared vitamin D would become unsafe. That dose is 4,000 IU/day for adults, 3,000 IU/day for kids ages 4-8, 2,500 IU/day for kids ages 1-3, 1,500 IU/day for infants ages 6-12 months, and 1,000 IU/day for infants ages 0-6 months.
But some recent studies suggest that healthy adults can tolerate more than 10,000 IU of vitamin D per day. John Jacob Cannell, MD, executive director of The Vitamin D Council, notes that the skin makes 10,000 IU of vitamin D after 30 minutes of full-body sun exposure. He suggests that 10,000 IU of vitamin D is not toxic.
The IOM committee found no conclusive evidence that increased vitamin D levels confer increased health benefits, "challenging the concept that 'more is better.'"
維生素B12 (文內會造成中央神經系統的損壞,不正確)
Introduction 介紹
Vitamin B12 is a member of the vitamin B complex. 維生素B12是一個成員的維生素B群。 It contains cobalt、and so is also known as cobalamin. 它含有鈷,所以也被稱為維生素B12。 It is exclusively synthesised by bacteria and is found primarily in meat、eggs and dairy products. 它完全是由細菌合成,是主要存在於肉,蛋和奶製品。 There has been considerable research into proposed plant sources of vitamin B12. 已有大量研究納入擬議的植物來源的維生素B12。 Fermented soya products、seaweeds、and algae such as spirulina have all been suggested as containing significant B12. 發酵豆製品,海藻,藻類如螺旋藻都被建議為含有維生素B12顯著。 However、the present consensus is that any B12 present in plant foods is likely to be unavailable to humans and so these foods should not be relied upon as safe sources. 然而,目前的共識是,任何維生素B12存在於植物性食品很可能是人類無法使用,所以這些食品不應該依賴作為安全來源。 Many vegan foods are supplemented with B12. 許多素食食品輔以維生素B12。 Vitamin B12 is necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells、the maintenance of the nervous system、and growth and development in children. 維生素B12是必要的合成紅血細胞,維持神經系統和生長發育中的兒童。 Deficiency can cause anaemia. 缺乏可導致貧血。 Vitamin B12 neuropathy、involving the degeneration of nerve fibres and irreversible neurological damage、can also occur. 維生素B12神經病變,涉及變性的神經纖維和不可逆的神經損害,也可能發生。
Functions 函數
Vitamin B12's primary functions are in the formation of red blood cells and the maintenence of a healthy nervous system. 維生素B12的主要職能是在紅血細胞的形成和維持一個健康的神經系統。 B12 is necessary for the rapid synthesis of DNA during cell division. B12是必要的快速合成的DNA在細胞分裂過程。 This is especially important in tissues where cells are dividing rapidly、particularly the bone marrow tissues responsible for red blood cell formation. 這是特別重要的組織細胞分裂迅速的地方,特別是骨髓組織負責紅血細胞的形成。 If B12 deficiency occurs、DNA production is disrupted and abnormal cells called megaloblasts occur. This results in anaemia. 如果維生素B12缺乏時,DNA的生產中斷和異常細胞稱為megaloblasts發生。這將導致貧血。 Symptoms include excessive tiredness、breathlessness、listlessness、pallor、and poor resistance to infection. 症狀包括過度疲倦,呼吸困難,精神不振,臉色蒼白,差對感染的抵抗力。 Other symptoms can include a smooth、sore tongue and menstrual disorders. 其他症狀包括順利,舌痛,月經紊亂。 Anaemia may also be due to folic acid deficiency、folic acid also being necessary for DNA synthesis. 貧血也可能是由於缺乏葉酸,而葉酸還需要進行DNA的合成。B12 is also important in maintaining the nervous system. 維生素B12是維持也很重要的神經系統。 Nerves are surrounded by an insulating fatty sheath comprised of a complex protein called myelin. 神經被包圍在一個絕緣護套脂肪酸組成一個複雜的蛋白質叫做髓鞘。 B12 plays a vital role in the metabolism of fatty acids essential for the maintainence of myelin. 維生素B12起著至關重要的作用,脂肪酸的代謝必需的維修髓鞘。 Prolonged B12 deficiency can lead to nerve degeneration and irreversible neurological damage. 長期缺乏維生素B12可導致神經退化和不可逆轉的神經損害。
When deficiency occurs、it is more commonly linked to a failure to effectively absorb B12 from the intestine rather than a dietary deficiency. 當缺乏時,它是鏈接到一個更普遍未能有效地吸收維生素B12的腸道,而不是飲食的不足。 Absorption of B12 requires the secretion from the cells lining the stomach of a glycoprotein、known as intrinsic factor. 吸收維生素B12,需要從細胞中分泌胃內壁的糖蛋白,被稱為內在因素。 The B12-intrinsic factor complex is then absorbed in the ileum (part of the small intestine) in the presence of calcium. 在B12的內在因素複雜,然後專注於迴腸(小腸的一部分)在存在鈣。 Certain people are unable to produce intrinsic factor and the subsequent pernicious anaemia is treated with injections of B12. 一些人不能出示的內在因素和隨後的治療惡性貧血是注射維生素B12。
Vitamin B12 can be stored in small amounts by the body. 維生素B12可以存儲少量的機構。 Total body store is 2-5mg in adults. 全身商店2 5毫克的成年人。 Around 80% of this is stored in the liver. 大約80%,這是儲存在肝臟。
Vitamin B12 is excreted in the bile and is effectively reabsorbed. 維生素B12是在膽汁分泌,並有效地吸收。 This is known as enterohepatic circulation. 這就是所謂的肝腸循環。 The amount of B12 excreted in the bile can vary from 1 to 10ug (micrograms) a day. 維生素B12的排泄量的膽汁可以變化從1到10ug(微克)1天。 People on diets low in B12、including vegans and some vegetarians、may be obtaining more B12 from reabsorption than from dietary sources. 人們對飲食的低維生素B12,包括素食主義者和一些素食主義者,可能會獲得更多的維生素B12的再吸收比食物來源。 Reabsorption is the reason it can take over 20 years for deficiency disease to develop in people changing to diets absent in B12. 再吸收的原因是它可以接管20年碘缺乏病的發展,人們對飲食沒有變化的維生素B12。 In comparison、if B12 deficiency is due to a failure in absorption it can take only 3 years for deficiency disease to occur. 相比之下,如果維生素B12缺乏症是由於它可以吸收失敗只需要3年的碘缺乏病的發生。
Dietary Sources 食物來源
The only reliable unfortified sources of vitamin B12 are meat、dairy products and eggs. 不設防的唯一可靠來源,維生素B12的肉類,奶製品和雞蛋。 There has been considerable research into possible plant food sources of B12. 已有大量研究可能存在的植物的食物來源維生素B12。 Fermented soya products、seaweeds and algae have all been proposed as possible sources of B12. 發酵豆製品,海藻和藻類都被提出盡可能B12的來源。 However、analysis of fermented soya products、including tempeh、miso、shoyu and tamari、found no significant B12. 不過,分析發酵大豆產品,包括豆豉,醬,醬油和玉裡,沒有發現重大的維生素B12。Spirulina、an algae available as a dietary supplement in tablet form、and nori、a seaweed、have both appeared to contain significant amounts of B12 after analysis. 螺旋藻,海藻可作為一種膳食補充片劑形式,紫菜,海藻,似乎都含有大量的維生素B12後分析。 However、it is thought that this is due to the presence of compounds structurally similar to B12、known as B12 analogues. 然而,有人認為這是由於存在類似的化合物B12的結構,稱為B12的類似物。 These cannot be utilised to satisfy dietary needs. 這些不能被用來滿足飲食需要。 Assay methods used to detect B12 are unable to differentiate between B12 and it's analogues、Analysis of possible B12 sources may give false positive results due to the presence of these analogues. 檢測方法檢測B12的無法區分B12和它的類似物,分析可能出現維生素B12的來源,可能會因假陽性結果的存在,這些類似物。
Researchers have suggested that supposed B12 supplements such as spirulina may in fact increase the risk of B12 deficiency disease、as the B12 analogues can compete with B12 and inhibit metabolism. 研究人員建議,應補充維生素B12,如螺旋藻實際上可能增加風險維生素B12缺乏症,如維生素B12類似物能與B12和抑制代謝的影響。
The current nutritional consensus is that no plant foods can be relied on as a safe source of vitamin B12. 目前的共識是,沒有營養植物食品可依靠一個安全來源的維生素B12。
Bacteria present in the large intestine are able to synthesise B12. 細菌存在於大腸能來合成維生素B12。 In the past、it has been thought that the B12 produced by these colonic bacteria could be absorbed and utilised by humans. 在過去,它一直認為,維生素B12生產的這些細菌可能是結腸吸收和利用人類。 However、the bacteria produce B12 too far down the intestine for absorption to occur、B12 not being absorbed through the colon lining. 然而,細菌產生B12的太遠了腸道吸收的發生,不被吸收維生素B12通過結腸內層。
Human faeces can contain significant B12. 人類糞便可以包含重大維生素B12。 A study has shown that a group of Iranian vegans obtained adequate B12 from unwashed vegetables which had been fertilised with human manure. Faecal contamination of vegetables and other plant foods can make a significant contribution to dietary needs、particularly in areas where hygiene standards may be low. 一項研究表明,一個組的伊朗素食者維生素B12的取得從沒有洗過的蔬菜已受精與人類糞便。糞便污染的蔬菜和其他植物的食品可以作出重大貢獻的飲食需要,特別是地方的衛生標準可能較低。 This may be responsible for the lack of aneamia due to B12 deficiency in vegan communities in developing countries. 這可能是負責aneamia由於缺乏維生素B12缺乏的素食主義者社區在發展中國家。
Good sources of vitamin B12 for vegetarians are dairy products or free-range eggs. 維生素B12的良好來源是奶製品的素食主義者或自由放養的雞蛋。 ½ pint of milk (full fat or semi skimmed) contains 1.2 μg. 半品脫牛奶(全脂或半脫脂)包含1.2微克。 A slice of vegetarian cheddar cheese (40g) contains 0.5 μg. 甲片的素食切達奶酪(40克)含有0.5微克。 A boiled egg contains 0.7 μg. 一個煮雞蛋含有0.7微克。 Fermentation in the manufacture of yoghurt destroys much of the B12 present. 發酵的酸奶在製造破壞目前大部分的維生素B12。 Boiling milk can also destroy much of the B12. 煮沸牛奶還可以消滅大部分的維生素B12。
Vegans are recommended to ensure their diet includes foods fortified with vitamin B12. 素食主義者建議,以確保他們的飲食,包括維生素B12的強化食品。 A range of B12 fortified foods are available. 甲B12的強化食品的範圍都可用。 These include yeast extracts、Vecon vegetable stock、veggieburger mixes、textured vegetable protein、soya milks、vegetable and sunflower margarines、and breakfast cereals. 這些措施包括酵母提取物,Vecon蔬菜股票,veggieburger混合,紋理植物蛋白,大豆牛奶,蔬菜和向日葵人造黃油和早餐麥片。
Required Intakes 需要攝入量
The old Recommended Daily Amounts (RDA's) have now been replaced by the term Reference Nutrient intake (RNI). 舊建議的每日金額(RDA的),現在取而代之的是長期營養攝入參考量(RNI)。 The RNI is the amount of nutrient which is enough for at least 97% of the population. 推薦攝入量是多少,足夠的營養,至少97%的人口。
Age 年齡 | RNI 推薦攝入量 |
0 to 6 months 0至6個月 | 0.3 μg 0.3微克 |
7 to 12 months 7至12個月 | 0.4 μg 0.4微克 |
1 to 3 yrs 1至3歲 | 0.5 μg 0.5微克 |
4 to 6 yrs 4至6歲 | 0.8 μg 0.8微克 |
7 to 10 yrs 7至10歲 | 1.0 μg 1.0微克 |
11 to 14 yrs 11至14歲 | 1.2 μg 1.2微克 |
15 + yrs 15 +歲 | 1.5 μg 1.5微克 |
Breast feeding women 哺乳期婦女 | 2.0 μg 2.0微克 |
Pregnant women are not thought to require any extra B12、though little is known about this. 孕婦沒有想到要求任何額外的維生素B12,雖然很少有人知道這一點。 Lactating women need extra B12 to ensure an adequate supply in breast milk. 哺乳期的婦女需要額外的維生素B12,以確保有足夠的供應母乳。
B12 has very low toxicity and high intakes are not thought to be dangerous. 維生素B12具有非常低的毒性和高攝入量不認為是危險的。
High-dose vitamin C: a risk for persons with high iron stores?
The contribution of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) to the prevention of iron deficiency anemia by promoting the absorption of dietary non-heme iron-especially in persons with low iron stores--is well established. But the question has been raised whether high-dose intakes of vitamin C might unduly enhance the absorption of dietary iron in persons with high iron stores or in patients with iron overload, possibly increasing the potential risk of iron toxicity. Extensive studies have shown that overall the uptake and storage of iron in humans is efficiently controlled by a network of regulatory mechanisms. Even high vitamin C intakes do not cause iron imbalance in healthy persons and probably in persons who are heterozygous for hemochromatosis. The uptake, renal tubular reabsorption and storage of vitamin C itself are also strictly limited after high-dose intake so that no excessive plasma and tissue concentrations of vitamin C are produced. The effect of high-dose vitamin C on iron absorption in patients with iron overload due to homozygous hemochromatosis has not been studied. Of special importance is the early identification of hemochromatosis patients, which is assisted by the newly developed PCR test for hereditary hemochromatosis. Specific treatment consists of regular phlebotomy and possibly iron-chelating therapy. These patients should moreover avoid any possibility of facilitated absorption of iron and need to limit their intake of iron. Patients with beta-thalassemia major and sickle cell anemia who suffer from iron overload due to regular blood transfusions or excessive destruction of red blood cells need specialized medical treatment with iron chelators and should also control their intake of iron. The serum of patients with pathological iron overload can contain non-transferrin-bound iron inducing lipid peroxidation with subsequent consumption of antioxidants such as vitamin E and vitamin C. The role of iron in coronary heart disease and cancer is controversial. Early suggestions that moderately elevated iron stores are associated with an increased risk of CHD have not been confirmed by later studies. In vitro, ascorbic acid can act as a prooxidant in the presence of transition metals such as iron or copper, but in the living organism its major functions are as an antioxidant. High intakes of vitamin C have thus not been found to increase oxidative damage in humans. Accordingly, the risk of CHD or cancer is not elevated. On the contrary, most studies have shown that diets rich in vitamin C are inversely related to the incidence of these diseases.
Too much blood iron has been associated with an increase in heart disease. (1) On the other hand, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (2) by the National Center for Health Statistics and Centers for Disease Control "reported that high transferrin saturation levels are not associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular heart disease or myocardial infarction. On the contrary, it was found that there is an inverse association of iron stores with overall mortality and with mortality from cardiovascular disease." (3)
In other words, high iron does not cause cardiovascular disease, but low iron actually might. Health is somewhere in the middle.
Twenty years ago, always a shameless promoter of vegetarianism, I taught my clinical nutrition students that there were two types of dietary iron: heme, and non-heme. That basically means "blood," and "non-blood." Heme iron is from meat.
Your body can soak up and accumulate excessive heme iron even if it already has plenty of iron on hand.
But the really good news is that your body has an automatic shut-off system to limit its absorption of non-heme, or vegetarian, iron. Yes, this includes practically all iron supplements on Earth (and those that may someday be made from meteors as well).
Do I think you should take an iron supplement, or a multiple vitamin containing iron? If you are a child, yes. Iron deficiency remains a major public health problem for kids, because they are making lots of blood as they grow. If you are a reproductive aged female, yes again. Women lose about a half a cup of blood in every menstrual cycle. That's like giving a unit of blood three times a year, ladies.
But this is no reason to stuff women and children with the muscles of dead animals. A simple, cheap multivitamin with iron will do the trick and save a cow. Vegetarianism (or in my personal opinion, what I call "near-vegetarianism") has always been a good idea. Now it is better than ever.
For men, iron supplementation is generally unnecessary. For heme-heavy "meat and potatoes men," it is positively a bad idea. Guys, if you give blood a lot, persistently do excessively heavy exercise, or lose blood from injury, take any average-dose iron supplement for a while.
Caution: These above comments, while valid for the great majority of people, do not apply to persons with hereditary hemochromatosis, which is a severe iron-buildup problem. Next time you have your blood checked, you can bring this up with your doctor of choice.
1. Ascherio A et al. Dietary iron intake and risk of coronary heart disease among men. Circulation 1994; 89:969-74.
3. Carl Germano, M.A., R.D. Iron status and cardiovascular heart disease.
Dietary intake of fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C has been associated with a reduced risk of various types of cancer in population studies (particularly cancers of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, colon, or lung). However, it is not clear that the benefit came specifically from the vitamin C in these foods, and vitamin C supplements have not been found to be associated with this protective effect. Experts have recommended increasing dietary consumption of fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C, such as asparagus; berries; broccoli; cabbage; melon (cantaloupe; honeydew; watermelon); cauliflower; citrus fruits (lemons; oranges); fortified breads, grains, and cereal; kale; kiwi; potatoes; spinach; and tomatoes.
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. French scientists showed that 6 weeks of vitamin E supplementation in mice reduced the progression of bone and cartilage destruction, when compared with mice that were not given supplements.
German physicians showed that supplementation with 400 IU of vitamin E daily for 6 weeks reduced pain twice as much as a placebo. Another study found that 400 IU per day of vitamin E relieved arthritis pain symptoms more effectively than nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen.
One part of the Framingham study showed that people who consumed 6-11 mg of vitamin E daily were significantly less likely to experience progression of arthritis of the knee than were people who consumed 2-5 mg. These dosages are much lower than usually given; vitamin E toxicity has been seen at doses of 3,000 IU per day for more than 7 weeks.
Is it OK to drink decaf coffee? 喝没有咖啡因的咖啡好吗?答:没问题。
Q. I prefer decaf coffee, but I’m not sure if it’s good for me. What can you tell me?
A. If caffeine gives you the jitters, you may opt for coffee that’s “de-buzzed.” But is this a healthy choice? Let’s explore.
While caffeine does have some health benefits, too much can be harmful, especially if you have a heart condition. For this reason, many folks opt for the decaf version of their morning (or evening) Joe. Decaf also can come in handy if you’re trying to break the caffeine habit. Pregnant women sometimes switch to decaf to keep their morning ritual somewhat intact.
Coffee also is famous for it’s antioxidant content. Some of the specific antioxidants vary depending on the type of coffee bean, but both decaf and regular provide some of these cell-protecting nutrients.
It may not affect the nutritional quality, but most would agree there’s a flavor difference between caffeinated and decaf. There’s also been some controversy over the safety of the decaffeination process.
Legend has it that back in the early 1960s and ’70s, potentially carcinogenic solvents were used to extract caffeine. But nowadays more natural plant-based solvents, plain water or CO2 (carbon dioxide) are most commonly used.
Despite efforts to strip all the caffeine, a small amount remains. Eight fluid ounces of decaf coffee from Starbucks averages 3 to 12 milligrams of caffeine; a cup of regular brew has 160 milligrams.
The verdict: Decaf will deprive you of caffeine, but that’s about it. If coffee without the buzz is the right choice for you, there’s no need to worry.
Courtesy Dana Angelo White
on foodnetwork.com