相反,彭博社评论就比较客观了。彭博社评论指出JK剧就是一个不该播放的节目 ( It’s an offensive segment, and one that Kimmel and his producers should never have allowed to air.)彭博社评论完全理解华裔愤怒的抗议,认为6岁小孩也不应该说出种族灭绝的叫嚣( it’s not hard to understand why the Chinese and Chinese-American communities were so upset. Nationally televised jokes about racial extermination, even when made by six- and seven-year-olds, are rarely funny, especially if they’re directed at you. Even though to Americans (and probably to Kimmel) it might sound over the top to claim a child was publically advocating genocide, that’s what many Chinese heard.)