你们英语好,知道interesting的广泛应用。你应该也知道,还有很多词用在这里会更合适,比如,that's not a good idea, that's a very bad idea, that's a terrible idea, etc. 对Kill everyone in China这样耸人听闻的童言,需要那么客气吗?
“Should we allow the Chinese to live?”,在我看来,这是特别offensive,特别让人恶心的一句话。天天把自由民主人权挂在嘴边,却在电视上跟几个小孩子讨论是不是应该让十几亿中国人活着。当然,在你眼里,这是他在引导孩子们。
It is the parents' responsibility to tell the kid that killing people is not a right way to solve the problem. JK is a host. It would be improper and offensive for him to pass judgment on a kid when the whole purpose of the program is to show how silly kids can be. Btw, do you watch JK show, all those silly pulling a prank on a kid programs? They are telling you, plain and loud, "look how stupid and irrational kids are."
超潜一世 发表评论于
回复 'greencardwaiting' 的评论 : So you were talking about American parents had the rights to feel offended by such words like "not good" and "bad" while we as Chinese had no rights to feel offended by something like "Kill everyone in China" or "Should we allow the Chinese to live?" Thanks for helping me understand where all these shootings and violent crimes came from.
Whatever JK or his program is does not really matter to me.
Everyone is entitled to his own opinions, but not his own facts. That's all I tried to say in the post.
超潜一世 发表评论于
回复 'Tim-Hortons' 的评论 : 好,咱们同去。
greencardwaiting 发表评论于
If you know the US culture, you would understand that "that's not a good idea, that's a very bad idea, that's a terrible idea, etc" would never be possibly told by a TV host to a kid, because they are very offensive to the parents. It would be very rude for JK to say those. Put it another way, it is beyond JK's authority to say those.
Most importantly, JK is a comedian and this program is a satire. Nobody is supposed to take it seriously.
我想你英文虽然很差,但纵观全文,这句话是明白的:“Kill everyone in China”。
让我把话说重一点。现在这“Kill everyone in China”还是由六岁小孩说说而已。若哪一天美国真和中国打起来了,参加美军的中国人也好,在后方造枪造炮的中国人也罢,都必须加入到真正Kill everyone in China的队伍中去。