Andrew Fire现为斯坦福教授,他出生在斯坦福的附属医院并且在旧金山湾区长大,但据说他当年是被斯坦福拒绝后才去的伯克利,现在终于如愿能在斯坦福的农场做学问了。但愿Fire对华裔的最大贡献是引导了文学城曾经的名ID西西妈的的儿子投身科学研究的领域。西西妈曾著文展示儿子读斯坦福本科期间受Fire吸引而入他实验室做研究的经历,她的公子后来去了麻省理工读博,刚好也是Fire获得博士学位的学校。
回复 '雅美之途' 的评论 : No. I didn't have the luck to know Xu. We collaborated with Andy in 2005 -2006, just the time when he won Nobel prize. So I witnessed all the excitements.
Nice to read your comments on Andy, do you know anything about the contribution of this Chinese scientist who was the second author for that landmark paper that led Fire and Mello a Nobel?
Nature. 1998 Feb 19;391(6669):806-11.
Potent and specific genetic interference by double-stranded RNA in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Fire A, Xu S, Montgomery MK, Kostas SA, Driver SE, Mello CC.
Carnegie Institution of Washington, Department of Embryology, Baltimore, Maryland 21210, USA.
Experimental introduction of RNA into cells can be used in certain biological systems to interfere with the function of an endogenous gene. Such effects have been proposed to result from a simple antisense mechanism that depends on hybridization between the injected RNA and endogenous messenger RNA transcripts. RNA interference has been used in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to manipulate gene expression. Here we investigate the requirements for structure and delivery of the interfering RNA. To our surprise, we found that double-stranded RNA was substantially more effective at producing interference than was either strand individually. After injection into adult animals, purified single strands had at most a modest effect, whereas double-stranded mixtures caused potent and specific interference. The effects of this interference were evident in both the injected animals and their progeny. Only a few molecules of injected double-stranded RNA were required per affected cell, arguing against stochiometric interference with endogenous mRNA and suggesting that there could be a catalytic or amplification component in the interference process.
"Mary Lasker's establishment of two separate awards 60 years ago reflected her philosophy of medical research: major advances come from both the bench and the bedside. The first Lasker Awards, presented in 1946, got off to an auspicious start, setting a high standard for creativity and excellence that has persisted to this day. The first Basic Award was given to Carl Cori for the discovery of the enzymes that interconvert glucose to glycogen to glucose. One year later he received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine together with his talented biochemist wife, Gerty Cori. Contemporary historians of science recognize Carl Cori as one of the giants of 20th century biochemistry. The Cori laboratory at Washington University in St. Louis became the Mecca for aspiring young biochemists and enzymologists in the 1940s and 1950s. Six of the scientists who trained with the Carl and Gerty Cori went on to win Nobel Prizes—Arthur Kornberg and Severo Ochoa (in 1959), Luis LeLoir (1970), Earl Sutherland (1971), Christian deDuve (1974), and Edwin Krebs (1992). Surprisingly, only two of these six Nobelists, Sutherland and Krebs, received Lasker Awards. Lasker Juries in the past were obviously not as prescient as those today!"
Perhaps what I indicated was referring to the following facts.
Fire was continuing his MIT mentor Sharp's work on RNA as you could read some of Phil's review articles with regard of this lineage for the discovery of RNAi, and RNAi was found in C. Elegans, the common model after Sydney Brenner introduced it to study biological system.
在继续争论下去之前,我们必须搞清楚“近亲繁殖“的基本概念。“近亲繁殖“指的是父母的亲缘关系很近,基因来源相同或相近,这样其后代的中没有引入外来基因,导致基因纯合化,失去杂种优势。延伸到学术界指某个学生在同一所学校接受本科及研究生教育,或在同一个实验室接受研究生和博士后训练,没有更多外来思想。在当年的中国,这个学生还会在同一个机构工作,继续以同样的方式带他自己的学生。但是,Andy Fire的情况完全不同。他的本科学校是伯克利,专业是数学。博士是MIT, 导师是Sharp, 专业是RNA分子生物学。博士后导师是Brenner, 地点是剑桥,专业是线虫发育遗传。所以他的两个导师无论是供职机构,学术背景,专业领域都毫不相干,何来“学术近亲“?你不能因为两位导师都得了诺贝尔奖,就说两人是“学术近亲“吧?所以Andy Fire不但不是学术上“近亲繁殖“的产物,相反是非常远距离的“杂交“后代。因此,你列出的“facts" 不能不说明你的论点,而且你对这些“facts" 的描述很不准确。Fire并不是在研究RNA时发现RNAi的,他是想用antisense RNA 去knock down 某一个基因活性时,技术员搞错了sense 和antisense 而偶然发现的,当然他在sharp那里受到的RNA训练帮助他揭开了RNAi processing的机理,但当时他并不是与sharp一个领域。而且,sharp后来确实做了很多RNAi和microRNA的工作,但那是sharp 老师follow学生Andy Fire, 而不是Fire 在延续老师sharp。还有,Fire虽然当时在研究线虫,但领域和Brenner并不相同。
Perhaps what I indicated was referring to the following facts.
Fire was continuing his MIT mentor Sharp's work on RNA as you could read some of Phil's review articles with regard of this lineage for the discovery of RNAi, and RNAi was found in C. Elegans, the common model after Sydney Brenner introduced it to study biological system.
czhz 发表评论于
回复 '雅美之途' 的评论 : If I used English word of "inbreeding", it implied the same thing.
I truly respect you, but once again, I can not agree with you. The situation here has nothing similar to "inbreeding", they are not working on the same topic, not working in the same institution. In old days of China , the students, and advisers, and grand-advisers are all working in the same institution, on the same field, bearing the same views, that is what I called "inbred".
雅美之途 发表评论于
回复 'czhz' 的评论 :
If I used English word of "inbreeding", it implied the same thing.