养条小狗?这个问题,纠缠了好几年.直到狗狗来家里快两周了,我的态度很明显还是负面得很的.如今小狗Deco加入我们家已经三个月有余,当我抱起他来,口里叫着宝贝,儿子和女儿转过头来,我还得声明:"不是叫你们啦."-- 你就知道我爱他的心不知不觉已经溢于言表.这样戏剧性的改变,当然不在我的预料里面,过程和原因也已经在淡忘中,需要好好追忆...
自从狗狗到我家,我们家就人气大爆炸,小朋友象热浪一样滚滚而来,让人应接不暇,都是因为这只小狗。因为小狗,妹妹获得所有爱狗小朋友的羡慕嫉妒,不费吹灰之力!邻居各家各户的孩子多次登门,争相宠爱.家的后院连接着学校的操场,我们家那个估计很难考到第一名的妹妹,每天好几次带着半班同学,有男有女,乐此不疲来看后院她的小狗. 狗狗成了他们班的第三个"D"--另两个分别Derek同学和Daniel同学.这样无须努力的号召力,将来估计她不成功也难.
我们在院子里,狗狗粘着我坐着,老公自己坐远处的台阶.我们聊着狗的话题.我问:"它怎么这么可爱呢?"老公于是想出了个实验.他拍拍自己旁边的位置,叫道:"Deco!"狗立刻跑去坐在他的身边.接着他又拍拍自己另一边的位置,说:"老婆!"我把脸向上仰45度,朝另一方向望去,表明了不愿就范的坚决态度.老公下结论说:"你看狗狗,你看你 ..."真是的,妻不如狗!
Deco就是妹妹的小走狗,这样说毫不夸张.狗狗虽然也经常敷衍我们,和哥哥又亲又闹,跟我们亲热要我们抱它,妹妹才是它认定的主子,那忠诚的样子常常让人忍俊不禁.走到哪里都跟着,没看到就心神不安.这会儿还和我们亲热着,一听妹妹移动了,立刻飞奔过去尾随.妹妹也以心相待掏心掏肺.这两个长像和脾气相似,在一起就是一道亮丽风景.我问妹妹:"狗狗是你的BFF(Best Friend Foever)吗?"她回答我:"不是,它是family."我敢保证,这也是小狗头脑里想的!--我们就是一家人.
听说我们养了条狗,朋友特别带女儿来拜访.看狗狗集宠爱于一身感慨说:"Deco和你们在一起真幸运."我借用那位收养中国孩子的美国妈妈的话回答:"幸运的是我们."虽然听起来是调侃,实际上是我们全家的真心话.美国十八世纪的幽默家Josh Billings说:"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself."Deco无疑是这样无条件的爱我们的.而我们爱它是不是因为他是这么活泼可爱温顺还富有幽默感?
我可以想象自己现在看狗狗的样子: 柔软怜爱的眼神,上扬的微笑的嘴角.似曾相识啊,这不是老公三个月前的表情吗?--养狗,不知不觉改变了我.这是我始未料到的!
Our Dog Deco
Three people in my family agreed that it’s about time to have a dog except me, for I was not ready yet. To tell you the truth, I thought I might never be ready.
My two kids, my son Brooklyn, who is now twelve and a half years old, and my daughter Alicia, who just turned eight, had been asking for a dog many times. Year after year, I always told them, “Let’s wait until you two can take care of the dog.” Not confident that I could handle more, I really didn’t want to deal with any pets. Life was already very busy for me without a pet.
On the other hand, my husband was not against the idea at all. Having a dog seemed inevitable this time. I made it clear that it was the kids’ main responsibility to take care of the dog. People wanting the dog should look after the dog, right? Being asked to write responsibilities in details, Brooklyn quickly came up with the duty sheet without hesitation. Everyone agreed to sign on it. Dad would help bath the dog and I needed to purchase doggy necessities. The two kids would do the rest: walk the dog, take out the dog to pee and poo, and feed the dog.
Brooklyn was the one that put in the time to do the research. First, he went to Kijiji to check what he could find. Seeing the dogs he liked, he used Google to find more about that breed. The three of them were all excited and had many conversations about the pet they were about to get. After doing the research, they found a couple of dogs they all liked and made a few phone calls. The night before our vacation to Chicago, we got the chance to see the dog they had picked.
The little dog, Deco, named after the Brazilian-born Portuguese professional soccer player, was 16 weeks old. He was a cute, gentle toy poodle. The kids and my husband all fell in love with him at first sight. I still wasn’t sure. The three decided to buy the dog, so we put down a deposit and planned to pick him up after we returned from Chicago a week later.
We had a very good time in Chicago. The kids couldn’t help talking about their new pet all the time. A day after we came back, Deco was in our house already! Of course, we had picked him up.
As already predicted, the trouble began. Deco was a 4 month old baby in need of potty training. Unfortunately nobody in the family had any doggy experience; as a result, Deco urinated and defecated all over the place. This really drove me crazy; however, it didn’t affect the love of the other three. Having agreed that Deco needed to be trained properly, we talked to the people around us who had pet experience, we checked YouTube for advice, we searched the web for help—most important of all, we bought Deco a crate! After one week of training, Deco was much less messy.
Next, it was time to dress Deco up. We decided to give him a makeover. Daddy brought Deco to a grooming store one day; and Deco came home all clean and handsome. This was the time that I fell in love with him.
Having been with us for almost 2 months now, Deco has become an important member of the family. He greets us when we come home, he follows Alicia and Brooklyn everywhere, he likes to play with us, and he can even do some tricks!
Having a dog is not such a bad thing at all; actually, it is a lot of fun to have Deco. I am happy that I gave in and welcomed Deco to our home.