美国的南北战争,是一场国内同胞手足互相残杀的战争。在北方军队所经之处,很多地方实行的是大屠杀三光政策。日本在中国实行三光政策,但人们很少听到日本将军下过大屠杀的命令,但是,美国将军却明确下达针对本国人民的大屠杀命令:(六四之后,曾有美国人说六四 is nothing,如果我们去看看南北战争发生的事情,就知道他为什么这样说了)
《格兰特给谢尔曼将军下达了那条著名的命令“create havoc and destruction of all resources that would be beneficial to the enemy。”明确要求谢尔曼对南方进行毁灭性的不计后果,不惜代价的摧毁。即不但消灭敌人军队,还要摧毁敌人的经济基础和敌方居民的战斗意志。》【1】
ZoyaWashington: I think the fundamental difference is what people were fighting
Americans were fighting against ideas, slavery in this case. The war ended when both sides accepted the same conclusion.
Chinese have always been fighting against people, one group against another. For Chinese, it is never about the ideas or beliefs, it is all about personal interests. Since there is always winners and losers, the war never ends. In a way, "文革" or other form of revolution will occur periodically as the internal pressure reaches to the critical threshold. In fact China has stuck in this destructive cycles for the past 2000 years. Honestly, I don't see any solution within Chinese system, political and cultural.