Creative Writing

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You have to let go

what you are worrying about in the real world

'cause you are about to enter a realm of its own

You might be a guide

you might be a by-stander

you might be a creator of a corner

or you might even cast a shadow to its entire sky

not by force not by fame

only by your own combination of words

from your own heart

could unlock the door to it

There is no boundary of this realm

just like our universe

Doesn't matter how theoreticians think or guess or deduce

they could not possibly deduce the boundary of mind

they could only reduce it

Writers are the one that push it

if there is ever one considered to exist

You could not let the critics get beyond the words

to doubt your own personality or characteristics in the real world

They are connected, but isolated too

It is almost as if a dagger was flying right through your heart

yet your words written should not feel the splash of the blood

They were the past feeling, the past mood

and the past point on axis of time in the realm

Yes your future words could be derailed for no reason

but you have to come through the pain

even with a hole in your heart

Your words will always carry your heart

but your heart should not carry someone else words

Let the unknown of your mind prevails

Let the known past of a event passes

your words will rock

and roll
