
肺腑之言,不吐不快, 言者无罪,闻者足戒
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中国目前经济排名世界第二,但是在外交国防上与世界第二还不 匹配。而宣布防空识别区,才是真正显示了国家的实力。特别是有以下的利处:

一. 师出有名,名正言顺地亮出了保卫国土的强大手段。

二. 对遵守规则的外国 航空器可以实施正规管理识别和监控。

三. 对不遵守规则的外国航空器可以名正言顺的用雷达监控,用导弹雷达锁定目标,军机可以按照需跟踪或伴飞。

四. 军队可以极大提升实战能力,省下一大笔假想敌的费用,时刻有各类真正的飞行器供军队进行识别,跟踪,锁定等一系列战术演练。

五. 如果别国飞行器不遵守规则继续穿越识别区,中国有什么损失?没有任何损失。这是识别区,不是领空。他们可以飞,我们可以将他们用雷达锁定。让他们在雷达锁定的警报声中飞完这段旅程。

六. 有了防空识别区,中国军队就有了在国门外保护国家的权力,对不遵守规则的外国航空器是否用雷达监控,用导弹雷达锁定目标,出动军机按照需跟踪或伴飞,这一切都是中国说了算。


gongping900 发表评论于
回复 '加州戴维 ' 的评论 : Wish China becomes the only world superpower someday, and at that time Taiwan and all the disputed islands will return to China automatically. Power speaks.

However, I doubt whether our current muscle is sustainable given that our political system is non-democratic, non-scientific, no-check and no-balanced.
Our history have proved this so many times.
加州戴维  发表评论于
US is the Superpower, no question about it.
China is now just strong enough to declare the AIR DEFENSE IDENTIFICATION ZONE and US government advises the US airlines to comply with it.
Good for China.
gongping900 发表评论于
Regarding territory, the universal truth is: Power speaks.

The democratic system in its domestic issues makes the United States the world Superpower, which in turn makes the US have the strongest voice in the world.

Our CCP resists democracy in internal issues but insists democracy in the international community. Hope the muscle we (China) are showing now is sustainable.