
Fairness, Justice, Democracy, Freedom.
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Today, I saw some comments on the presence of the United States in Asia.  I think this is a very interesting topic.

By instinct and feeling, we hate the US presence in Asia because it is in the Japanese side.  But, after thinking carefully and deeply, you would also find that the United States hates Japanese too because of the Pearl Harbor bombing.  We have to acknowledge that the very presence of the United States actually effectively limited/weakened Japan's military capability.  Can you imagin what would happen if the United States was not there?  I am afraid we might have another 8-year anti-Japanese war.

Hope our nation becomes the sole world Superpower soon. By that time, all the islands and territories would return to China naturally without disputes and wars.  But, a democratic, scientific, checked and balanced political system

is essential to become a world Superpower.

gongping900 发表评论于