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Wow, 没想到我今年六月的油井投资行动第一次早先于我花钱订阅的投资情报推荐报告!我年初的投资研究居然走在华尔街高级大牌专业投资顾问及其研究团队的前面了。他们发表的推荐是12/7, 我发表推荐于10月。真是无比的满足和荣幸! 他们的情报报告往往很长,很高兴,选一段昨天收到的情报给大家读吧:

Never before in history have I been able to recommend a direct investing opportunity this big. This is no doubt a landmark event in the history of financial publishing. Outside of the most privileged circles in money, no one has seen anything like this in the last 80 years. It's the chance to totally bypass stocks, options and "normal" securities, as well as the irrational highs and lows of the markets… To finally make HUGE money directly in oil and gas. The way millionaires have been since the 1930s. You see, direct investing is not like taking fliers in stocks and options and funds and ETFs... It's serious business. For only the most serious investors. The ones who want to make serious money. If you're one of these, I'm offering you something unlike anything else in the world. Something that's never been offered before. A channel through which you can tap into the incredible moneymaking power of direct capital investments in oil and gas... But at a fraction of the risk – and expense – that typically goes with such deals. And with one of the world's foremost experts in the industry, ME... Doing all the legwork – the research, the vetting, the correspondence – and actually structuring the deals to maximize your profits.
