
看云卷云舒,听潮起潮落; 北方来的豹子,吃苦受累,本性依旧
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继续和海西PK。才发现,文学城上传照片有尺寸选项,如果是摄影作品,建议选择原始尺寸。这里的出土尺寸是1200W,感觉比缩小后的效果好多了!  all the devils are in the details.

1.  In order to take this picture, I have to pay $200 to keep this booth available!  But I think this is one of the best view sites for Bellagio, Las Vegas.


 2.  Composition, Composition!  It is not very easy to find a landmark spot that could reveal near, middle, and far components all together on the Strip!


 3.  A good combination (at least I thought) of light, time, and color (I like this one!).


 4.  Detail!  Look at the trademark light ball of Pari's and see all the details!  Careful exposure is needed.


 5.  This one is so so, bit I like the tone: worm and quite.


 6.  This is a new try out for using of Las Vegas night lights.  It was taken with a refelction method.


big-guy 发表评论于
Very Nice.