作为流通货币,都有四个方面: 交易(transaction), 支付提兑(payment),审计(audit), 铸币(mintage)。现在就来看看bitcoin在这四个方面的表现。
a。Owner0 先找到Owner1的公钥,然后用Owner1的公钥(Public Key)把汇款详情加密。这样,只有Owner1 本人用自己的私钥(PrivateKey),才能打开加了密的汇款详情。
b。为了方便 Owner1验证这笔汇款的确来自Owner0,而不是别人,Owner0发出的汇款单里,除了有加了密的汇款详情,还有Owner0的数字签名(Signature)。Owner1拿到汇款时,为了验证这笔汇款的确来自Owner0,他可以用 Owner0 的公钥,来验证汇款单中 Owner0的数字签名。
d。沿用 1、2、3 的原理,Owner1 给 Owner2 汇款,然后 Owner2 给 Owner3汇款。BitCoin 通过Hash机制,把涉及同一枚BitCoin的所有汇款交易(Tranaction)串连起来,目的是为了追查重复付款(double spending)的欺诈行为。
在收款人接受汇款以前,他必须确认汇款人没有重复付款(double spending),就是说没有一款两付:你不能把一笔钱同时付给两个人或多个人;也没有类似于纸币是假钞等。
a. 某骗子开设了两个账号,A 和 B。他先把一枚BitCoin由账号A汇款到账号B,账号B立刻签收。但账户B签收汇款前,没有把汇款单广而告之。
c. 就在C等待的时候,骗子又把从A到B的汇款单广而告之,并且这是一个已经被B签收了的汇款单。因为从A到B的汇款单是合法的,这个汇款单被各个审计站点接受。
d. 等到C签收了A发来的汇款单,并广而告之时,各个审计网站会检举,说A到C的汇款单是重复付款,无效。虽然骗子被检举,但是C已经交付了商品,C被骗了。
为了杜绝重复付款的欺诈行为,一个简单的办法是全球的人每次支付,先把汇款单提交给一个权威机构,例如Paypal。Paypal先收下付款人汇来的BitCoin,然后发另一枚 BitCoin 给实际收款人。这样可以保证收款人收到的 BitCoin不会有诈,但并不能保证Paypal从汇款人那里收到的BitCoin没有被重复支付/作假。---这是我们现实社会每天面对的现实。现实没有解决的问题,我们也不能就此苛刻BitCoin就能解决。
BitCoin 的每次记录都被广而告之,并且记录下来,并且连缀成串。这样,每一次 BitCoin的交易,不仅有付款人和收款人参与,而且有第三方审计人参与。审计人可以是专职机构,也可以是任何一台电脑。审计不仅能够及时发现违法操作,例如重复付款,而且即便当时漏网,事后也能回溯。
a. 为了提高审计效率,BitCoin 把多个交易(Transaction)合并成一个块(Block),同时用 Merkle Hash Tree,把这些交易详情组织起来。
如果想检查一个Block里是否包含有某个Transaction,最简单的办法是找到合适的私钥,把 Block,以及其中包含的Transactions,解密打开,然后逐一核对。很显然,这样的做法,既浪费时间,也很不安全。
使用 Merkle Tree的好处是:不需要解密开包,只需要把Transaction也Hash一下,然后把Hash的结果与Merkle Tree中各个中间节点的Hash值依次对比,然后轻松地确定Merkle Tree中,是否包含着指定的Transaction,如果有,找出它是哪一个叶子节点。
不仅 BitCoin的历史记录有多线合并成单线,又有单线分叉成多线。而且一枚 BitCoin 还可以分裂成多个小币。这样问题就出现了。大家想想,现实中的现代银行面对这样的问题是如何处理的,也是很有趣的问题。
在BitCoin 体系中,任何参与审计的人,都自动参与货币的生产。货币的生产,即铸(mintage)的过程,在BitCoin体系中被称为挖金矿(gold mining)。
从技术上来看,完全可以把 BitCoin体系当成一个工具箱,用这些工具,配置不同的规则,从而创造另一种货币体系。这就是BitCoin系统揭示的伟大意义:未来的现实银行系统多少也会借用BitCoin系统的机制。
c. 可以通过公开认证,给每个付款人设定信用值,用于加快支付签收速度。每次
d. 也可以通过保险,让每一笔汇款交易的收款人,立刻签收汇款。如果出现重复付款,保险公司赔付。这个保险就是杠杆衍生品的基础,为了防范金融危机,“全球货币系统”比须严格加以规管--- 比如只能1:2为上限。
关于GPU挖掘快于CPU挖掘的讨论你可以google。下面是Tom’s hardware讨论的中低档
AMD leads the way, as it has in the past, though the differences between this generation and last are very small.、
Listing my bitcoin addresses
Listing the bitcoin addresses in your wallet is easily done via listreceivedbyaddress. It normally lists only addresses which already have received transactions, however you can list all the addresses by setting the first argument to 0, and the second one to true.
Accounts are used to organize addresses.
Full list
Required arguments are denoted inside Optional arguments are inside [ and ].
Command | Parameters | Description | Requires unlocked wallet? (v0.4.0+) |
addmultisigaddress | Add a nrequired-to-sign multisignature address to the wallet. Each key is a bitcoin address or hex-encoded public key. If [account] is specified, assign address to [account]. | N | |
addnode | version 0.8 Attempts add or remove |
N | |
backupwallet | Safely copies wallet.dat to destination, which can be a directory or a path with filename. | N | |
createmultisig | Creates a multi-signature address and returns a json object | ||
createrawtransaction | [{"txid":txid,"vout":n},...] {address:amount,...} | version 0.7 Creates a raw transaction spending given inputs. | N |
decoderawtransaction | version 0.7 Produces a human-readable JSON object for a raw transaction. | N | |
dumpprivkey | Reveals the private key corresponding to |
Y | |
encryptwallet |
Encrypts the wallet with
N |
getaccount | Returns the account associated with the given address. | N | |
getaccountaddress | Returns the current bitcoin address for receiving payments to this account. | N | |
getaddednodeinfo | version 0.8 Returns information about the given added node, or all added nodes
(note that onetry addnodes are not listed here) If dns is false, only a list of added nodes will be provided, otherwise connected information will also be available. |
getaddressesbyaccount | Returns the list of addresses for the given account. | N | |
getbalance | [account] [minconf=1] | If [account] is not specified, returns the server's total available balance. If [account] is specified, returns the balance in the account. |
N |
getbestblockhash | recent git checkouts only Returns the hash of the best (tip) block in the longest block chain. | N | |
getblock | Returns information about the block with the given hash. | N | |
getblockcount | Returns the number of blocks in the longest block chain. | N | |
getblockhash | Returns hash of block in best-block-chain at |
N | |
getblocknumber | Deprecated. Removed in version 0.7. Use getblockcount. | N | |
getblocktemplate | [params] | Returns data needed to construct a block to work on. See BIP_0022 for more info on params. | N |
getconnectioncount | Returns the number of connections to other nodes. | N | |
getdifficulty | Returns the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty. | N | |
getgenerate | Returns true or false whether bitcoind is currently generating hashes | N | |
gethashespersec | Returns a recent hashes per second performance measurement while generating. | N | |
getinfo | Returns an object containing various state info. | N | |
getmemorypool | [data] | Replaced in v0.7.0 with getblocktemplate, submitblock, getrawmempool``` | N |
getmininginfo | Returns an object containing mining-related information:
N | |
getnewaddress | [account] | Returns a new bitcoin address for receiving payments. If [account] is specified (recommended), it is added to the address book so payments received with the address will be credited to [account]. | N |
getpeerinfo | version 0.7 Returns data about each connected node. | N | |
getrawchangeaddress | [account] | recent git checkouts only Returns a new Bitcoin address, for receiving change. This is for use with raw transactions, NOT normal use. | Y |
getrawmempool | version 0.7 Returns all transaction ids in memory pool | N | |
getrawtransaction | version 0.7 Returns raw transaction representation for given transaction id. | N | |
getreceivedbyaccount | [account] [minconf=1] | Returns the total amount received by addresses with [account] in transactions with at least [minconf] confirmations. If [account] not provided return will include all transactions to all accounts. (version 0.3.24) | N |
getreceivedbyaddress | Returns the amount received by |
N | |
gettransaction | Returns an object about the given transaction containing:
N | |
gettxout | Returns details about an unspent transaction output (UTXO) | N | |
gettxoutsetinfo | Returns statistics about the unspent transaction output (UTXO) set | N | |
getwork | [data] | If [data] is not specified, returns formatted hash data to work on:
If [data] is specified, tries to solve the block and returns true if it was successful. |
N |
help | [command] | List commands, or get help for a command. | N |
importprivkey | Adds a private key (as returned by dumpprivkey) to your wallet. This may take a while, as a rescan is done, looking for existing transactions. Optional [rescan] parameter added in 0.8.0. | Y | |
keypoolrefill | Fills the keypool, requires wallet passphrase to be set. | Y | |
listaccounts | [minconf=1] | Returns Object that has account names as keys, account balances as values. | N |
listaddressgroupings | version 0.7 Returns all addresses in the wallet and info used for coincontrol. | N | |
listreceivedbyaccount | [minconf=1] [includeempty=false] | Returns an array of objects containing:
N |
listreceivedbyaddress | [minconf=1] [includeempty=false] | Returns an array of objects containing:
To get a list of accounts on the system, execute bitcoind listreceivedbyaddress 0 true |
N |
listsinceblock | [blockhash] [target-confirmations] | Get all transactions in blocks since block [blockhash], or all transactions if omitted. | N |
listtransactions | [account] [count=10] [from=0] | Returns up to [count] most recent transactions skipping the first [from] transactions for account [account]. If [account] not provided will return recent transaction from all accounts. | N |
listunspent | [minconf=1] [maxconf=999999] | version 0.7 Returns array of unspent transaction inputs in the wallet. | N |
listlockunspent | version 0.8 Returns list of temporarily unspendable outputs | ||
lockunspent | version 0.8 Updates list of temporarily unspendable outputs | ||
move | Move from one account in your wallet to another | N | |
sendfrom | Y | ||
sendmany | amounts are double-precision floating point numbers | Y | |
sendrawtransaction | version 0.7 Submits raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded) to local node and network. | N | |
sendtoaddress | Y | ||
setaccount | Sets the account associated with the given address. Assigning address that is already assigned to the same account will create a new address associated with that account. | N | |
setgenerate | Generation is limited to [genproclimit] processors, -1 is unlimited. |
N | |
settxfee | N | ||
signmessage | Sign a message with the private key of an address. | Y | |
signrawtransaction | version 0.7 Adds signatures to a raw transaction and returns the resulting raw transaction. | Y/N | |
stop | Stop bitcoin server. | N | |
submitblock | Attempts to submit new block to network. | N | |
validateaddress | Return information about |
N | |
verifymessage | Verify a signed message. | N | |
walletlock | Removes the wallet encryption key from memory, locking the wallet. After calling this method, you will need to call walletpassphrase again before being able to call any methods which require the wallet to be unlocked. | N | |
walletpassphrase |
Stores the wallet decryption key in memory for |
N |
walletpassphrasechange |
Changes the wallet passphrase from
N |