What a wonderful comment. Thank you, 缘自知音, for being with me all these years in Wenxuecity. I really appreciate it. Happy New Year to you and your family, too.
林贝卡 发表评论于
回复 '静谧海湾' 的评论 :
静谧海湾, my dear friend, thank you. Have a great 2014.
缘自知音 发表评论于
《When You And I Were Young》was first published as a song in 1866. The lyrics tell of the tragic love story of Maggie Clarke and George Johnson who, in the early 1860s, courted in Canada near Hamilton Ontario. They were married in 1864, but Maggie died less than a year later. Her husband immortalized their short life together in a poem which he published in a book of verse entitled 'Maple Leaves'. A young Englishman by the name of James Butterfield
was so touched by the poem that he set it to music. Traces of the old mill can still be seen at Albions Falls near Hamilton. What a beautiful song!