

演唱:黑鸭子 小提琴:张毅

在那金色的沙滩上 洒着银色的月光 寻找往事踪影 往事踪影迷茫

往事踪影迷茫 犹如幻梦一样 你在何处躲藏 久别离的姑娘

我愿骑在马上箭一样的飞翔 飞呀飞呀我的马 朝着她去的方向

Song: Your Love Artist:Sofia Kallgren

Long ago you had your love You were closely united

Now she's almost like a dream But she lives in your heart

Once you held her in your arms Love was soft and tender

In your smile there was the sun In her eyes was moonlight

All at once the memories  so obscure and hazy

But she left without a trace She abandoned your love

Though she's almost like a dream You will try to find her

You will fly all through the night To be close to your love

Rebecca Lin 2014 Winter In USA
