My new breakthrough on word secret will be sent to the authority
Like osculate vs. oscillate, and all C-E connections will be 一把劈開漢英文崑崙的寶劍
* Response to "近200年来用的东西有几个是中国人发明的"
I will have my small share of discovery which is still enigma for the others, but still I have resorted to the new tech. like internet, etc.
Reply for dead line: plan on March 30, 三三一刀砍 (2014-01-17
since I am unknown, I need to tell everybody i'm on my way
销售3天就结束 冯亚伦出售的笔记包括《保送面试准备110题三分钟内答案(英语)》、《清华保送、自招面试真题(中文笔试加面试)》、《政治经济、哲学错题笔记》、《地理错题本》、《英语高考错题600题》、《数学高考错题本》等。多处标明—此笔记已被老师预订--这一条,增加了权威性。卖得火,实力+销售。