不过,要明白这个问题,我们必须先除去我们心中对于某种名词所定规的意义。就如「得救」和「失丧」是两个很熟的名词。我们憧蚧次听见「得救」两个字,我们就以为是「得永生」,「上天堂」说的。憧蚧次听见「失丧」两个字,我们就以为是指着「沉沦」,「下地狱」说的。岂知不然。 魂的「得救」,并不是指着魂的「上天堂」说的。魂的「失丧」,也不是指着魂的「下地狱」说的。要明白这个问题的人,必须先记牢这个。我们必须虚心的,从我们可称颂的主的话语中,先找出魂的得救的「得救」,和魂的失丧的「失丧」,到底定义是什么,然后才能明白主的教训。 这是主今天的呼召,要我们现在失丧不拯救,好叫我们将来得救不失丧。凡有耳的,就应当听。 圣经是把我们人分为灵、魂、体三部分的。所以,帖撒罗尼迦前书五章二十三节才说:「你们的灵,与魂,与身子……。」人只有一个,可是一个人是分作三部分的。不是三个人,乃是一个三而一的人。简单的说,这个灵,就是人和神交通的部分,是下等动物所没有的,所以下等动物不能敬拜神。魂就是人思想、主意和情感的机关,是下等动物所同有的一部分。魂,就是我们动物的生命。体,就是人与这物质世界相往来的部分。 但是,因为我们人堕落了,整个的人都被罪浸透了,所以,我们需要神的拯救。我们如果要明白什么是得救,就得先明白,人堕落之后,他里面三部分是处在什么种的情形,是有什么样的需要。 人堕落后,他的灵就死了,与神的生命隔绝了,不能与神交通来往。所以,人需要重生。重生就是灵的重生。神将自己的生命,放在人的灵里。叫人的灵又活过来,能以再和神交通来往。这是我们憧蚧个信徒在信主耶稣的时候,所共有的经历。 人堕落后,他魂里的心思、情感和意志,就一直望着这世界虚妄的事而去。人终日所追求的,就是随着心中所喜好的去行,叫自己快乐、舒服、高兴。人变作充满己意,寻求己好,来畅快己心。所以人得了重生之后,还需要天天对付自己,学习如何舍弃自己的意见、思想和喜好,愿意遵行神的旨意,而为着主受苦。这个是今天我们魂所该受的对付。(这样作,就是主所说的失丧魂。) 人堕落之后,他的身体就被死亡的能力所侵入,所以,会软弱,会病痛,会死亡。虽然今日神也曾对于身体有了救恩上的安排,但是,除去疾病和死亡,乃是在乎将来。(这就是圣经所说的身体得赎。) 我们读过圣经就知道,对于此三者,憧蚧个真接受主的人,他灵里得着重生,乃是一件已经确定的事实。他身体的得救赎,乃是一件将来确定的事实。此二者是憧蚧个信徒所共有的,是不因人而异的。但是,关乎今天的失丧魂,和将来的得着魂,就不是没有分别的了。因为不是憧蚧个信徒都肯舍去自己魂的羡慕,来顺服神受苦,而失丧自己魂的快乐的。所以,有的人在今天是失丧了他的魂,来得着主的,但是,有的人是救了他的魂而得罪主的。我们今天所要查考的,就是什么是魂的得救,什么是魂的失丧,我们也要看,什么时候是我们该失丧魂的时候,什么时候是我们该拯救魂的时候。我们现在要将新约里头憧蚧次说到魂得救的地方,都细看一下,好叫我们明白魂得救这一句话是什么意思?是怎么一回事? 〖 马太福音十六章二十四至二十八节 〗 「于是耶稣对门徒说:若有人要跟从我,就当舍己,背起他的十字架,来跟从我。因为凡要救自己生命的,必丧掉生命;凡为我丧掉生命的,必得着生命。人若赚得全世界,赔上自己的生命,有什么益处呢?人还能拿什么换生命呢?人子要在他父的荣耀里,同着众使者降临;那时候,他要照各人的行为报应各人。我实在告诉你们,站在这里的,有人在没常死味以前,必看见人子降临在他的国里。」 「于是耶稣对门徒说」看这句话,就知道主耶稣所说的底下的话,都是对他门徒说的,并非对外人说的。既然是门徒,就是已经得救的人。所以,我们要记得底下的一段话,乃是对已经得救的信徒说的,并非对还未得救的罪人说的。 「若有人要跟从我」「若有人」的意思就是在得救的人中间,若有什么人要跟从主。这个人还是指着得救的门徒说的,不过他要特别跟从主而已。「跟从我」这句话,叫我们知道底下所说的是跟从主的条件。 「就当舍己」舍己的意思不是克已,乃是不理自己,或否认自己的权利。舍己的意思就是凡事不随从自己的意思,不以自己为中心,把自己放在一边,来寻求神的意思。主说,惟有这样的人,才会跟从他。这是很明显的,因为要跟从主,就不能跟从自己。 「背起他的十字架来跟从我」这是比舍己更深的。舍己是不顾自己,背十字架是顺服神。背十字架是接受神为他所定规的一切,愿意照着神的旨意而受苦。我们若舍己,若背十字架,就叫我们能跟从主。 「因为凡要救自己生命的,必丧掉生命;凡为我丧掉生命的,必得着生命」──这里「生命」两个字,原文是「仆宿刻」,意思就是「魂」。这节圣经,告诉我们救自己的魂和丧掉魂的事情,这个叫我们得着亮光来照耀我们所要查考的问题。 「因为」是承接上文说的。「因为」,叫我们看见上一节所说的舍己和背十字架来跟从主,和底下所说的救魂和丧掉魂是二而一的。 「因为凡要救自己魂的」意思就是虽然是要跟从主的,但是却不肯舍己,不背十字架。藉着这个,叫我们明白救自己魂的一点意思,就是说,舍不得不理自己,舍不得否认自己的权利,舍不得叫自己吃苦而来顺服神。这一句话,叫我们知道救魂的意思,是与舍己并背十字架相反的。所以,人如果懂得什么叫作舍已,并背十字架,这个人就懂得什么叫作救魂。 主告诉我们说,凡人要这样的顾念自己,不肯舍已,不肯背十字架,不肯受苦,不肯顺服神,这样的要救自己魂的,将来的结局,就是必丧掉魂。丧掉魂的意思,就是他至终要受苦,要失去他自己所喜悦的,要得不到自己所喜悦的。 「凡为我丧掉生命的」这就是上文所说的舍己和背十字架。丧掉魂的意思,和舍己的意思是一样的。主以为人若为他的缘故,肯舍去一切魂所喜好的,而随着神的旨意来受苦,就「必得着魂」。意思就是凡人肯为主的缘故,舍去自己的意思,和自己所喜好的,叫自己的心在世界的事物上得不着满足,并且感受许多的痛苦,就在另一时候,主要叫他能够得着他心里所喜好的,能够得着满足,能够享福,能够快乐。 我们读了这段圣经以后,就叫我们知道魂的得救到底是什么意思。这段圣经叫我们看见,魂的得救,意思就是:叫自己能以快乐,能以随心所欲,能以得着满足。魂的丧掉的意思就是:自己不能快乐,不能随心所欲,不能得着满足。 这样看来,丧掉魂(丧掉生命)的意思,必定不是我们平常所说的沉沦。主耶稣在这里给我们看见,救魂的意思,就是不肯舍己背架。丧魂的意思,就是要舍己背架。这个与人平常所说的得救和沉沦,是没有关系的。这个是顶明显的,因为如果救魂是指着永生说的,就主耶稣为什么说应当为他丧掉魂呢?如果魂是指着下火湖说的,就主耶稣要我们为他丧掉魂,难道主耶稣要我们为他下火湖么?所以这节圣经,一点没有告诉我们关乎得永生下火湖的事。上一句的丧掉魂,和下一句的丧掉魂,必定是同样意思的。如果我们以为「凡要救自己魂的,必丧掉魂」,意思是凡不舍己的要下火湖,就底下一句,「凡为我丧掉魂的必得着魂」的意思,必定是凡为我下火湖的,就必定得永生。这是没有意思的。所以这里简单的意思,不过就是指着已经得救的基督徒,如果今天要叫自己的魂(七情)不受苦,就将来他的魂必定要受苦。如果今天肯为主叫自己的魂受苦,就在将来,他的魂必定不受苦。 不但如此,如果魂的得救是指着永生说的,丧掉魂是指着下火湖说的,就主耶稣所说的话与上文不能相联。因为这里的话,乃是对门徒说的。他们是已经有永生的。并且一个非基督徒不会舍己,不会背十字架,也不会跟从主。主若是要他们得永生,主就必定叫他们相信。断不会叫他们去舍己才能得永生。惟有一个已经得永生的人,才有舍己背架跟从主的可能。一个未得永生的罪人,他所当作的,并非要跟从主,乃是当相信主,使他得永生。 「人若赚得全世界,赔上自己的生命,有什么益处呢?人还能拿什么换生命呢?」这里的「生命」两个字,在原文也是「魂」字。我们的主,在这里就继续说,人若救了自己的魂而丧掉他的魂是如何不上算的。他的意思是,人若不舍己,不背十字架,不紧紧的跟随他,而随着他魂所喜好的去行,叫他的魂得着满足,甚至连全世界都得着了,但是到了一个时候,他要失去他的魂。这样的一时得着魂,以致终失去魂,照着主看来,是一点益处都没有的。人虽然会随着自己的心意,得着许多的快乐,但是主说,至终是要赔上他的魂。叫他一点不快乐。照着主看,末后的得着魂,是比先前的得着魂更好得无比的。他说,人不能拿什么换末后魂的满足。他的意思是人宁可先丧掉魂,不可在末后丧掉魂。 主告诉我们说,凡要救自己魂的,必丧掉魂,是在什么时候丧掉呢?人若现在救自己的魂,他在什么时候才丧掉魂呢?主又说,凡为着他丧掉魂的,必得着魂。这又是在什么时候呢?为着答覆这个问题,他就告诉我们说:「人子要在他父的荣耀里,同着众使者降临,那时候他要照各人的行为报应各人。」 「各人的行为」,意思就是各人在今生的行为。「各人的行为」,是分作在今生为自己救魂的,和在今生为主丧掉魂的两种。「照各人的行为报应各人」,意思就是要叫救自己魂的丧掉魂,并叫为他丧掉魂的得着魂。主说,在什么时候救自己魂的人要丧掉魂呢?在什么时候,为他丧掉魂的人要得着魂呢?他说,就是在他降临的时候。所以,我们要看准了,人如果在现在体贴自己,使自己喜悦,不肯为主受苦,当主降临的时候,这样的人,要受主的责备,得不着主的荣耀,也许还要哀哭切齿。人如果在现在肯舍去自己的权利,完全与世界分开,忠心地顺服主的旨意,就在主降临的时候,他要得着主的称赞,享受主的安乐,叫他自己心满意足。 主的降临,和他的报应,在这里是特别指着他在国度里作王说的。因为当主告诉我们说到他降临之后,他就接着告诉我们说,他是降临在那里。二十八节说:「人子降临在他的国里。」所以主的意思是当他来到地上作王一千年时,有的人要和他一同掌权,有的人不能。 所以这段圣经的总意,是将已经信主有永生的门徒分作两班。一班是舍己背十字架的;一班是不肯舍己,不肯背十字架的。一班是为自己要得着世界的快乐,而不肯丧掉魂的;一班是肯为主舍弃一切并丧掉魂的。一个门徒,是一个从罪人中分别出来的人。但是,主现在又将一个舍己的门徒和不舍己的门徒分出来。我们应当知道,我们将来在国度里的地位,是照着我们今天的行为而定。今天的得着是什么意思,将来的得着也是什么意思。今天的丧掉是什么意思,将来的丧掉也是什么意思。如果今天的得着,意思是说,得着世界,不肯受苦;就将来的得着,也必定是得着世界,不必受苦。如果今天的丧掉,意思是说,舍去世界,不随己意;就将来的丧掉,必定也是失去世界,不得已意。主的意思是说,凡在现在因着世界得着饱足的,将来就要失去与主一同作王的地位。这样看来,魂的得救,和我们平常所说灵的得救(意即得永生的得救)是大有分别的。 灵怎么得救的呢?「从灵生的就是灵。」(约三6)约翰福音第三章上下文所告诉我们的,乃是「信的人有永生」,是信的人,灵就得救了。因此,灵得救的意思,就是得了永生。魂怎能得救呢?这段圣经告诉我们说,是为主之故,把魂丧掉了的人,魂才能得救。灵的得救,就是得永生;魂的得救,就是得国度。 灵得救,是靠耶稣替我背十字架;魂得救,是在乎我自己背十字架。 灵得救,是因耶稣替我舍己;魂得救,是在乎我自己舍己,并且还要跟从主。 灵得救,是在乎信,一信,就永远定规了,再不能摇动了;魂得救,是在乎跟从,这是一生的事,是一条路要走完方可的。 灵得救,是在乎信,因为「信就有永生」;魂得救,是在乎行为,因为「他要照各人的行为报应各人」(太十六27)。灵是得救了,就是地狱里的鬼魔都起来迷惑我,不能叫我沉沦,就是天上的使者都下来击打我,也不能叫我沉沦;就是三而一的神,也不能叫我沉沦,因为灵一得救,永生就是保险的了。但是,魂的得救,今天尚不能定规,乃是当主再来时方能得着的。 灵得救,是在乎今天,因为一信就有永生;魂得救,乃是在人子降临的时候。 灵得救,乃是今天的一个恩赐,因为「神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们」;魂得救,乃是一个赏赐,是一生跟从主,忠心跟从主的人,到主再来时要得的一个赏赐。 魂要得救,必须是灵已经得救的人。灵若没有得救,魂就没有得救的可能。我们所常说的灵魂得救这句话,按圣经所说,实在是魂的得救。 〖 马可福音八章三十一节至三十八节 〗 马可福音八章三十一至三十八节所记,大多与马太福音一样,不过略有不同之点。现在,我要将此不同之点说出来: 「凡为我和福音丧掉魂的,(原文是魂)必救了魂。」(可八35) 这里加上了「和福音」三字。平常人都想这是指为主传福音的人了。但若这样说,就岂非只有传道人的魂能得救了。但这里并不是说「传福音」,乃是说「福音」。到底这福音是什么福音呢?就是马可福音一章一节所说:「神儿子耶稣基督的福音。」这福音就是希伯来书二章二至四节所说的那大救恩,就是「要领许多的儿子进带耀里去」的那大救恩(来二10)。这不是出埃及脱离罪奴的福音,乃是进迦南得荣耀的福音。 「为我丧掉魂」(马太福音),是受了爱的策励。「为福音丧掉魂」(马可福音),是为自己将来的好处,就是为着国度的缘故。 「凡在这淫乱罪恶的世代,把我和我的道当作可耻的。」(可八38) 这是说一个不肯丧掉魂生命的人,就是一个不肯在今世为主和主的道吃苦的。在淫乱罪恶的世代里,为着主的道来作见证,是顶需要丧掉魂的。并且一个人若非真丧掉魂,也就不能在这样的世代里,不只为着主作见证,并且一点不羞耻的为着主作见证。许多神的儿女,从来不肯,也不敢在人的面前为着买他的主作见证,都是因为要保全自己的脸面,并怕别人的讥诮,这个就是在今生保守自己的魂。这样的人,在国度的时候,是必定有损失的。没有一个在今世不肯丧掉魂的,能看见主的荣耀。没有一个将来与主同作王的,是没有丧掉魂的。没有一个在今世丧掉了魂,而在来世得不着魂的。 〖 路加福音十七章二十六节至三十七节 〗 「挪亚的日子怎样,人子的日子也要怎样。那时候的人人吃又喝,又娶又嫁,到挪亚进方舟的那日,洪水就来,把他们全都灭了。又好像罗得的日子,人又吃又喝,又真又卖,又耕种又盖造;到罗得出所多玛的那日,就有火与硫磺从天上降下来,把他们全都灭了。人子显现的日子,也要这样。当那日,人在房上,器具在屋里,不要下来拿;人在田里,也不要回家。你们要回想罗得的妻子。凡想要保全生命的,必丧掉生命;凡丧掉生命的,必救活生命。我对你们说,当那一夜,两个人在一个床上;要取去一个,撇下一个。两个女人一同推磨;要取去一个,撇下一个。门徒说:主阿,在那里有这事呢?耶稣说:尸首在那某,鹰也必聚在那里。」 (这一段的经文,所有「生命」二字,在原文也都是「魂」字。) 这里也告诉我们,魂的得救与否,是在什么时候。三十四至三十五节:「我对你们说,当那一夜,两个人在一个床上;要取去一个,撇下一个。两个女人一同推磨,要取去一个,撇下一个」的话,是指着被提的时候。这里的分别,是一个被提,一个被留下。因为「取去」的意思,就是被提上天(创五24)。所以三十三节所说的:「凡想要保全魂的,必丧掉魂;凡丧掉魂的,必救活魂。」意思就是在今世救了自己的魂的,在人子显现的时候要被留下,在今世丧掉了魂的,在人子显现的时候要被提。两个人没有分别,工作也没有分别,地方也没有分别,但是,在被提的事上就有了分别!顷刻之间,要有极大的分别! 这里有一严肃的问题!凡要被提,要看见主,要进入国度的人,在今世必须先丧掉魂,必须为着主的缘故,舍弃世界,舍弃一切不合乎主旨意的,舍去一切缠累他的,舍去一切叫他的心不能往上面去的。我们若要保全魂,舍不得舍弃,像罗得的妻子一样,就我们虽然不会与罪人一同在所多玛、俄摩拉灭亡,但是,我们也不能到主所要提接我们去的地方。得救,得永生,都可以没有分别,但被提,却不能没有分别。 〖 路加福音十二章十五节至二十一节 〗 丧掉魂是什么意思呢?我们一读路加福音十二章十五至二十一节所记的比喻,就可得一个界说了。 「于是对众人说,你们要谨慎自守,免去一切的贪心;因为人的生命,不在乎家道丰富。就用比喻对他们说:有一个财主,田产丰盛;自己心里思想说,我的出产没有地方收藏,怎么辨呢?又说,我要这么办:要把我的仓房拆了,另盖更大的,在那里好收藏我一切的粮食和财物。然后要对我的灵魂说,灵魂哪,你有许多财物积存,可作多年的费用;只管安安逸逸的吃喝快乐吧。神却对他说:无知的人哪,今夜必要你的灵魂;你所预备的,要归谁呢?凡为自己积财,在神面前却不富足的,也是这样。」(这里的「生命」,在原文都是「魂」字。) 因此,我们可以说:「得着魂」,就是叫魂得着满足、快乐,叫魂有所享受。「丧掉魂」,就是叫魂难受、苦痛、贫穷。这个财主,在今世因为他的粮食财物顶多的缘故,他的魂已经快乐满足,他的魂已经有所享受,在今世已经得着魂了。 所以,得着魂,就是在今世已叫魂得着快乐。丧掉魂,就是在今世不留下什么为着魂。我们目所见,耳所闻,手足所接触,是我们的身体;但是,觉得其中的快乐的乃是魂。 魂,就是我们天然要求的所在;魂,就是叫我们有所感受的,有所享受的。这魂的欲好,是最要得着满足的。美好的音乐,可以使情感舒适;文学、哲学,可以使思想高尚;但是,如果在今世从这些里面得着满足,在来世就要失去满足。如果我们在今世已得着这些所给我们的安慰,在来世就要失去国度的荣耀。 所以在今世救了魂的人,就是一个信了主的基督徒,在今世已得着了耳目之欢,心神之乐,所以在来世里,他就要失去这些欢乐。凡得着今世的,就得不着来世的。在今世有所失的,在来世就有所得看。我们应当明白了魂得救这句话的意思了。得看国哽里的一切荣耀、喜乐、满足,就是得看魂。失去国度里的一切荣耀、喜乐、满足,就是丧掉魂。 我们得救以后,不会再不得救;但是,我们的行为,却大有关于我们在国度的地位。你现在所追求的是什么呢?少年的人,最舍不得世界的快乐。许多的人,要从居所、饮食、衣服、娱乐等得着满足,但是在今天已经救了自己的魂,就在将来必失去魂。一个已经得救的人,不会再下地狱;但是,在国度里,却是有福不能享! 主不是教我们一个禁欲主义,主乃是要我们不要被这些地上的事吸引了。这些都是合法的;但合法的,不一定都是有益的。所以保罗说:「凡事我都可行,但不都有益处。」无论衣也好,食也好,住也好,在你应当不觉得自己享受什么,并且只为着荣耀神才好。当你有所享受时,就有了毛病了。凡一切叫你的魂有所享受的,就是救你的魂了。要紧的,你不应当享受一种不正当的快乐。 爱世界的人,就是救自己魂的人。但是,罪已经入了世界,你不应当再从这有罪的世界得着什么。 〖 马太福音十章三十四节至三十九节 〗 三十四节:「你们不要想找来,是叫地上太千;我来,并不是叫地上太平,乃是叫地上动刀兵。」主为什么说这样的话呢?是因人都是想,主来是叫地上太平;所以,主就推翻他们这个思想,明明告诉他们说,我来,并不是叫地上太平的。等下,我们要看见,这里的「太平」,并非指着没有争战说的,乃是指着家庭间一种情形说的。 「我来,并不是叫地上太平,乃是叫地上动刀兵。」这里所说的刀兵,并非指着争战时的刀兵。叫地上动刀兵的意思,按原文是说将一把刀赐给地。这是许多人所承认的。在路加福音二章三十五节,西面对马利亚说「你自己的心也要被刀刺透」,就是这里刀兵的意思,就是说,你一生不能高高兴兴,乃是有一把像刀的刺入你的心,叫你总觉得难受。主的意思是说,我来,并不是叫你们享福,乃是特意叫你们受伤。 三十五节:「因为我来,是叫人与父亲生疏,女儿与母亲生疏,媳妇与婆婆生疏。」这一节,起头就说「因为」,可见是解释上一节的意思,就是解释上文所说叫地上动刀兵的意思。本来家庭里彼此的关系是顶甜的,现在,父子生疏了,女儿与母亲生疏了,媳妇与婆婆生疏了。 三十六节:「人的仇敌,就是自己家里的人。」有仇敌,就有苦味了。你所爱的家里的人,现在翻过脸来使你伤心了。在你的家里,有了仇恨苦毒了。 三十七节:「爱父母过于爱我的,不配作我的门徒;爱儿女过于爱我的,不配作我的门徒。」这一节里,两次说到「不配」。你们曾想到为什么必须爱主要过于爱自己的父母儿女吗?在全世界里,只要你爱一个人是过于爱主,你就不能作主的门徒。要作主的门徒,就必须完全爱主。这是一个作门徒的条件。你不能同时爱主又爱人,这是作不来的。 三十八节:「不背着他的十字架跟从我的,也不配作我的门徒。」这一节,是将前头所说的那些意思总结的一说──这是一个十字架!什么叫作背十字架呢?主没有说,不背着他的重担跟从我的,不配作我的门徒;主是说,不背着他的十字架跟从我的,不配作我的门徒。重担,并不是十字架。重担,是人所不能免的;背十字架,是人可以拣选的。 第一个十字架是如何,以后千百的小十字架也是如何。当初的十字架如何是主拣选的,就我们今日的十字架也如何是我们应当拣选的。 有的人当他落到一种艰难里,或者遇见什么困苦缺乏,他就以为是背十字架了。其实不然。因为这些事,就是他不信主,天然也会有的。所有的十字架,都是自己拣选的。但是,有一个错误是应当防备的,就是不要为自己造一个十字架。我们是应当背十架的,不是去造一个十字架。 人将一切临到他的,都当作是背十字架,这是一个错误。凡是自己找苦吃,造出一个十字架来的,也是一个错误。这都不是背十字架。 什么是十字架呢?必须像主耶稣说,「父阿,只要成就你的意思。」主求父不要照自己的意思,只要照父的意思,这是十字架。背十字架,就是拣选父所定规的旨意。我说一句实话,如果我们不天天拣选十字架,就没有十字架给我们背。如果主是等十字架临到他身上才背的话,就怎能有一个十字架到天上去给他背呢?主是拣选了十字架!他反倒虚己,取了奴仆的形像,成为人的样式;既有人的样子,就自己卑微,存心顺服,以至于死,且死在十字架上。主说:「没有人夺我的命去,是我自己舍的。我有权柄舍了,也有权柄取回来。」所以,我们的十字架,都是自己拣选的。 在我们的衣、食、住这些事情中,我们也都有一个拣选。我们可以拣选穿什么,吃什么,住什么。但是,这些只能以供给我们天然的需要为度。如果我们的情感,想从这些东西得着满意,畅心,就不是背十字架了。我们不能限定谁只应当穿那一种衣服,吃那一种东西,住那一种房子,但是,只要谁是要从衣、食、住的上面来得着满足,就不是背十字架了。绝对没人敢说你是应当如何,或者不应当如何。但是,要问你所衣,所食,所住,是不是叫你的魂有所享受,得着饱足? 无论那一种的东西,只要是供给你的需要的,都是神所许的。衣、食、住都是应当的。在旧约里,我们要看见神是怎样为以色列人预备这些,注重这些。但是,神完全没有叫他的儿女在这些里面有所享受,连一点都没有。若在衣、食、住这些事情上有所享受,就不是背十字架了。 多少时候,人的衣,并非为着护身;食,并非为着充饥,不过是为着享受而已。凡天然的要求,都是应当供给的;但是,若由于情感的要求,要有所享受的,就不应当了。过一点都不可以。 神也干涉到人的衣、食、住,以及一切的往来么?是的。这是十字架。我们引一个例:亚当在乐园的时候,凡是当供给他的,都供给他了。各样树上的果子都可以随意吃,但是,有一棵树的果子不可吃,就是分别善恶树的果子。如果不是因为要补满天然的需要,不过因为这棵树上的果子又好看,又好吃,又能分别善恶而吃的话,这就是「欲」了。神所许的,只限于天然的要求,过一点就不应当。我们对于世界所有一切──衣、食、住等,只可供给需用,而不可补满欲好。对于这些事,当绝对的以神的旨意为依归。不然,我们随着肉体的私意自苦己身,以为自己比别人圣洁;其实力是歌罗西书二章的禁欲主义,于克制肉体情欲毫无功效。同时,我们应当记得神并没有应许我们在世上恣情的享用世物。 三十九节:「得着魂的,将要失丧魂,为我失丧魂的,将要得着魂。」这一节是结束这一段圣经。什么叫作背十字架呢?背十字架,就是「为我失丧魂」。伤心,情感难受,这叫失丧魂。有人不肯伤心,不肯抑制情感,而使他的魂有所享受,他就要失去魂。为主失丧魂,就是没有叫魂得着饱足、要求、喜欢。我们顶喜欢的,顶要求的,要为主之故而不去得,这就是为主失去魂。 这样看来,我们今天得着魂是什么意思,就将来得着魂也是什么意思。今天失丧魂是什么意思,就将来失丧魂也是什么意思。两者必定是一样的。 为主失丧魂,就是不肯在今生叫魂得着满足,得着享受。将来失丧魂,就是在国度里,他的魂得不着饱足,得不着享受。到那天,有一等人的魂要得着饱足,有一等的人要得不着。凡在今生,叫他的魂已得着满足,万事如意了,所得的供给,过于天然的要求,满有所享受的,将来在国度里,他就得不着什么。凡在今生为着主的缘故,失去了这些的,神要叫他在国度里得着饱足。憧蚧个得胜世界的,要在国度里得着满足。这是定规的。 灵的得救,是当我们一信主就定规了。魂的得救,要看我们今日如何。如果你爱穿就穿,爱吃就吃,爱朋友就有朋友,一切都有了,我就藉着主的权柄告诉你,那在国度里的荣耀,你就得不着了。路加福音里说,「哀哭的人有福了……饱足的人有祸了。」饱足的人如何有祸呢?是因为他们已经得着饱足。哀哭的人如何有福呢?是因他们将来要得着饱足。有祸有福,是如此分别的。 〖 路加福音十四章二十五节至三十五节 〗 二十五节:「有极多的人和耶稣同行;他转过来对他们说。」为什么有极多的人和耶稣同行呢?因为主刚才传了福音,就是上文那一个比喻所说的,请了许多人来,凡是要吃的人都来了。基督徒是顶多的;得救是顶快乐的。得了救,有了神的恩典,是何等的好呢。这些人和主同行,主转过来要对他们有所说了。主的意思是:你们是得救了;但是,若要跟从我,就得有条件。主是将真理的程度举起来,不肯因人多而降低神所定规的程度。我们也不能因着讲到国度、作王等真理是太高,就为着人的缘故不讲。 信耶稣得救,门是大的;但是,跟从主,要与主同得荣耀,门就窄了。「到我这里来的,我总不去弃他。」(约六37)这是得救。但是,若有人要跟从主,作主的门徒,就有条件了。 二十六节:「人到我这里来,若不爱我胜过爱自己的父母、妻子、儿女、弟兄、姐妹,和自己的魂,就不能作我的门徒。」主在此,又把魂的问题再提起。主先说了父母、妻子、儿女、弟兄、姐妹等,最后就说到魂。如果人能不把自己的魂看为宝贵,就什么都好了。凡能叫你的魂欢喜快乐的,都当放下来才可以。 主不是说,你要赶出你的父母、妻子、女儿、弟兄,姐妹;乃是说,要把你天然的生命除去,就是把爱他们的都拿来爱主。这是必需的。当人要跟从主之先,主就把一个极大的拦阻放在人面前。这个关如果过得去,就将来什么都过得去了;不是等到进了门再给你难关。一起头,就是顶难的。能过去,方能作主的门徒。 基督救了人,头一步放在门口的,就是这条件,不是等到人得救了三年或五年,才给人这条件。能不能作主的门徒,是一起头就要定规的。 二十七节:「凡不背着自己十字架跟从我的,也不能作我的门徒。」这是解释上文的意思是什么──就是背十字架。 底下,主讲三个比喻,来表明背十字架。 〖 盖楼的比喻(28-30节) 〗 「你们那一个要盖一座楼,不先坐下算计花费,能盖成不能呢?」 主在这里说算计花费的话,我们岂不是想无此费,就不必盖此楼么?这样,岂不是主没有召这许多人跟从他么?岂不是因钱不够,就不必盖楼么?不是。憧蚧个若拿出所有的钱都必定够,没有一个敢说不够的。主的意思是人如果要盖楼,肯不肯把钱都拿出来盖。比方说,盖一座楼要五百元,但是,这个人只肯拿出三百元来,留下二百元不拿出来,就不能说是钱不够了。是留下一部分作别种的用处,所以不够了。留下爱为着别的人,就不能爱基督了。人必须恨自己的父母、妻子、儿女、弟兄、姐妹等,把你的心从他们那里拿出来。基督不是说你给他多少,乃是问你有没有完全给他。 二十九至三十节:「恐怕安了比基,不能成功,看见的人都笑话他,说,这个人开了工,却不能完工。」这是不肯完全爱主的人的结果。因为有所留下不肯给主,就只好有了地基不盖楼阿。 〖 打仗的比喻(31-32节) 〗 三十一节:「或是一个王,出去和别的王打仗,岂不先坐下酌量,能用一万兵,去敌那领二万兵来攻打他的么?」用一万兵,不是说所有的兵只有一万,乃是说只用一万。如果肯倾国而出的话,就必定可以得胜。 三十一节:「若是不能,趁敌人还远的时候,派使者去求和息的条款。」这是说,如果不肯用所有的兵,还不如趁早去求和,承认自己是失败好了。 憧蚧个人如果肯把所有的都拿出来盖楼,来打仗的话,就刚好;如果留下一点不拿出来,就刚刚不够。比方我到圣书公会去买圣书,一本的价钱是六角。我有六角钱,若只付人一角,当然不够;若我付人五角九分,留下一分来,仍是不够的。凡不背着自己的十字架跟从主的,是不配,也是不能作主的门徒,这是定规的。 爱世界多一点的人,不配进神的国;但是,手已经扶犁的人,若是向后去看,就也不配进神的国。 不是不够多,乃是少一点也不能。这是十字架。我们必须背十字架,必须将所有的都放在十字架上。或者有人问怎么知道这个比喻是教训应当将一切放在十字架上呢?因为主自己在下文是这样说: 三十三节:「这样,你们无论什么人,若不撇下一切所有的,就不能作我的门徒。」这一节,是承接着上文说的。主说,以上二人不是因为没有,乃是不肯都撇下。我们往往两面都要,常是三心二意的一面爱世界,一面爱主。完全爱主,作不来;完全爱世界,又不好意思,好像对不起主。一切拿出来盖楼既不肯,一点不拿出来也不好,就只好安一下地基,让楼不成功。用所有的兵既不肯,就只好留下些兵去失败,去向人求和。这样的人,就不必打算作主的门徒。若要作主的门徒,就得撇下一切所有的。不能一手拉着世界,一手又拉着主。必须放下一边──不是世界,就是基督。 〖 盐的比喻(34-35节) 〗 这个比喻,是讲到以上两等人的结局。「盐」,照马太福音五章十三节「你们是世上的盐」,是指着基督徒说的。 三十四节:「盐本是好的;盐若失了味,可用什么叫它再咸呢?」盐本是好的,是有益于人的。「味」,是分别成圣的意思。一个基督徒最要紧的,是与人分别出来。盐若失了味,就不能叫它再咸了。比方,有人真了一块肉,想用盐腌之使咸。有肉没有盐,还有法子想;有肉也有盐,盐却是失去了味的,就没法想了。 三十五节:「或用在田里,或堆在粪里,都不合式;只好去在外面。」如果我们失去了味,失去了分别,结局就是像这一节所论到的。 「田里」,是表明国度。把一个失了味的基督徒,放在神的国度里是不合式的。 「粪里」,是污秽不洁的地方,就是地狱,就是火湖。但是,把一个失了味的基督徒放在地狱里也不合式,因为他已经得救了。 「只好丢在外面」。国度里既不配,地狱里也不合式,就只好把他丢在外面,就是把他丢在国度荣耀之外阿。 「有耳可听的,就应当听。」这是一句警告的话。凡一切叫我们与基督脱节的,就是叫我们失去味的。有味就有力,没味就无力。这件事是顶严肃的!我们必须不爱世界,必须完全爱主。不然,国度就与我们无干了。不是问我们作了什么,乃是问是不是放在祭坛上了?今天奉献给主才可以,到那天,就太迟了。 这三个比喻,就是告诉我们一个在今生不失丧魂的信徒的生活。不拿所有的钱盖楼,不用所有的兵打仗,与世界调和,作了失味的盐,都是因为爱自己的魂,舍不得自己受苦,舍不得世界的可爱。将来国度的荣耀,在这样的人身上,是顶迷楜不清的,所以,他们只顾念眼前的。如果我们肯拒绝我们魂的要求,愿意舍己,愿意背十字架,愿意遵行神旨,就盖楼,打仗,并非顶难的事;恨恶自己的父母、妻子、儿女、弟兄、姐妹,也不是难事;与世界完全隔离,作个有味的盐,也不是难事。我们如果没有失丧魂,在今生的时候,就要随着自己所喜好的去行;如果我们的奉献不完全,就我们到国度来到的时候,只好被丢在外面受人家的讥诮,因为我们作主的门徒作得不像。 〖 路加福音二十一章五节至十九节 〗 我们从五节读到十九节,就知道这段圣经,又讲到魂得救的问题。「你们常存忍耐,就必得着魂。」(原文)我已经说过,圣经论到我们的得救,都是说相信。但是,这里是说常存忍耐,才能得着魂。所以,魂的得救与灵的得救必定是有分别的。 如果我记得不错,约翰福音有三十五次说到信就有永生。新约全书有一百五十次说到信就得称为义,信就有永生,信就得救等。但这里是说到忍耐,这是一个行为,不是相信。所以,魂的得救与得永生是大有分别。 我们要看此段圣经如何讲到魂的得救: 五至七节:「有人谈论圣殿是用美石和供物妆饰的;耶稣就说:论到你们所看见的这一切,将来日子到了,在这里没有一块石头留在石头上,不被拆毁了。他们问他说:夫子,什么时候有这事呢?这事将到的时候,有什么预兆呢?」圣殿,就是在耶路撒冷的圣殿。你们,是指门徒。这事就是指第六节主耶稣所说将来日子到了,在这里没有一块石头留在石头上的事,就是圣殿将要被毁灭的事。第七节,要引起一个注意。这里的问句,和马太福音二十四章所说的顶像。但是,其中有大不同,我们现在来比较一下。 马太福音二十四章三节:「耶稣在橄榄山上坐着,门徒暗暗的来说,请告诉我们,什么时候有这些事?你降临和世代(原文)的末了,有什么预兆呢?」在这里,我们看见马丸福音不只讲到耶路撒冷被毁灭的事,并且也讲到主的降临和世代末了的事。路加福音二十一章是专讲耶路撒冷被毁灭这一件事。在路加福音,门徒是问什么时候有这事──圣殿被毁的事;这事将到的时候,有什么预兆,没有一句问到主的降临和世代的末了。我们要记牢,马太福音是问到三件事:第一,什么时候有这件事?第二、第三,你降临和世代的末了有什么预兆?路加福音只问到一件事,就是什么时候有这事?这事将到的时候,有什么预兆?路加福音所记的问句,是和马太福音所记头一个问句一样的。 耶路撒冷被毁灭,在主后七十年已经应验了。主所说一块石头都不留在石头上的话,已经应验了。 八至九节:「耶稣说,你们要谨慎,不要受迷惑;因为将来有好些人冒我的名来,说:我是基督;又说:时候近了;你们不要跟从他们。你们听见打仗和扰乱的事,不要惊惶;因为这些事必须先有,只是末期不能立时就到。」这是主教训门徒当耶路撒冷被毁时所要谨慎的。按教会历史的证明,主升天后,是有人冒名自称为基督的事。主的意思是将来会有人对你们说我是基督,并且你们听见有打仗和扰乱的事发生,但是,你们要知道,末期并没有来到。 十至十二节:「当时耶稣对他们说,民要攻打民,国要攻打国;地要大大震动,多处必有饥荒瘟疫,又有可怕的异象和大神迹,从天上显现。但这一切的事以先,人要下手拿住你们,逼迫你们,把你们交给会堂,并且收在监里,又为我的名拉你们到君王诸候面前。」这在使徒时代已经应验了。他们是被人捉拿,逼迫,鞭打,监禁过。他们曾被人带到君王诸候面前过。 十三节:「但这些事终必为你们的见证。」他们那样受苦,却都给他们机会作了见证。他们在会堂作了见证,在巡抚腓力斯面前作了见证,在罗马作了见证。 十四至十八节:「所以,你们当立定心意,不要预先思想怎样分诉;因为我必赐你们口才智慧,是你们一切敌人所敌不住,驳不倒的。连你们的父母、弟兄、亲族、朋友,也要把你们交官;你们也有被害死的。你们要为我的名,被众人恨恶;然而你们之一根头发,也必不损坏。」这是主预言他们所要经历的。 十九节:「你们常存忍耐,就必得着魂。」这最后一件事,是他们要负责的,就是当以上那些苦难逼迫临到他们时,他们应当常存忍耐。这样他们就能得着魂。 得着魂,就是当主回来,我们要同他一同掌权,一同享受荣耀。如果得着魂是与得永生一样,就这里所说,你们常存忍耐,就必得着魂的话就讲不通了。那里是说当极艰难的时候,如果能常存忍耐,就必得着魂。信,就有永生,就已经得救;但是,这里告诉我们,若要得着魂,就必须忍耐经过那些苦难。 〖 约翰福音十二章二十五节 〗 「爱惜自己魂的,就失丧魂;在这世上恨恶自己魂的,就要保守魂到永生。」 主在此说一件事,就是魂会失去。失丧魂,只因一个缘故,就是他爱惜自己的魂。 什么叫爱惜自己的魂呢?就是叫我们的喜好得着满足,使我们的情感得着舒适。比方:主召我们离开一件事,我们要顺服主,就要将自己放下。憧蚧次要顺服主,憧蚧次都得将自己放下。当遵行主旨时,若爱惜自己的魂,就必定不成功。或者主要你舍弃你所喜悦的事,舍弃你所喜悦的人,舍弃你所喜悦的物,你若爱惜自己的魂,就必定不成功。多少时候,我们不是被什么人缠住了,就是被什么事,或是什么物缠住了。许多人被朋友缠住了,他宁可要朋友,也不肯使他的魂在今世失去满足。 我们不必说作许多不好的事是罪,这个我们知道。但是,我们平日所最喜欢的,我们竟然会被它抓住了。钱之一字,我们知道是卑鄙不足道的,但是,许多人竟然舍不得。一衣一食,都会把自己抓住。人为什么舍不得不爱惜自己的魂呢?因为不爱惜自己的魂,就要使魂难受。爱惜自己的魂,就是不肯让自己的魂难受。所以,爱惜自己的魂,就是不叫自己的魂吃苦,不叫自己的魂难受。但是,这样的人,必要失去他的魂!因为他已经体贴了他的魂,已经使他的魂有了享受。 何时要失丧魂呢?就是在主立国度的时候。凡在今世爱惜自己的魂的,那个时候就不能与主同享荣耀,同享王权。我们相信得永生是定规的,我们将来上天堂也是定规的。但是,要在千年国度时作王,使魂有所享受,今天就必须不爱惜自己的魂。 弟兄姊妹!我们曾说过,现在再说,神是把天堂和地狱放在罪人面前,让罪人拣选。如果一个罪人看清楚了,他就必定拣选天堂。现在,神是把国度和世界放在基督徒面前,让基督徒拣选。我们是拣选国度呢?还是拣选世界?可怜!一个罪人欢喜拣选天堂,许多基督徒却宁可拣选世界!我们以为得救了,就够了;但是,你得救了,神却把将来的国度放在你面前要你拣选。 现在得了饱足的,在荣耀里就要失去饱足,无所享受。主说,爱惜自己魂的,就要失丧魂;在这世上恨恶自己魂的,就要保守魂到永生。「世上」,就是世界,我们的魂是和世界相联的。在这世界爱魂的,就是在这世界喜欢体贴自己。吃好的,穿好的,有朋友,多快乐,得人赞美,享大名声,这都是好的,但是,这些都是滋养自己的魂,好像饮食滋养人一样。现在滋养自己的魂的,在国度里,就要失丧魂。 失丧魂,不是下地狱,乃是叫魂难受,不能同主掌权。在国度时代,主要给十座城或者五座城与我们管理。这个时候,按旧约先知所说的光景是何等好。在此等光景中,管理十座城,或者五座城,是何等好呢?但是,在这个世界得着了他的魂的,在国度里,就要失丧他的魂。这是顶庄严的!凡在今世得了饱足,叫魂有所喜悦的,在国度里,就一点都得不着。我说了多次,我还要说,一直说。在这世上恨恶自己魂的,就是在今世没有让魂得着饱足,有所享受,以背向世,以面向神,无论如何以受苦的心志当作兵器的,在国度里就要得着魂。这边有所得,那边就必有所失。不是有,就是无。今天有,将来就无。将来要有所得,今天就必须有所失。 得救有永生,这是定规的,将来憧蚧个信徒,都必进到新耶路撒冷。但是,天地尚未过去之先,有的信徒,在国度里必定无分。因为,「在这世界上恨恶自己魂的,就要保守魂到永生。」所以,请你们注意!主恨两件事:第一,恨我们的罪;第二,恨我们的魂,就是我们的己。主恨我们的罪,所以主替我们死,我们信就得永生。主恨我们的魂,所以,他要除去我们的魂(是除去魂的生命,不是除去魂的功用)。 魂和罪的分别在此,就是魂所喜爱的不一定都是罪。说谎、骄傲、嫉妒等等是罪。衣不当如此衣而衣了,食不当如此食而食了,这是魂。穿好的,吃好的,不能说是罪,花钱多不能说是罪,但是,魂却有所享受了。 盖恩夫人是十七世纪时,在主里顶深的一个人。她顶明白罪和魂的分别。虽然她不是这样的说法,她的经历却是如此。她生长在法国,她的家和贵族有来往,她有夫人的称号。她憧蚧次到巴黎都顶怕,因为她里面会因所看见的而动心。后来她得胜了这个,但是,她怕另一件的事,就是照镜子。她人是顶美的,她越照镜子,就越以为自己是如何美,她以为她连走路都比别人的姿式好。这就是魂。魂是人天然的性情,就是人、动物的那种性情。 人信主,胜罪,就能进天堂。除去魂,胜过魂,就能进国度。神所以不许我们在今世穿得太好,吃得太好,住得太好,是因这些已经有了世界的传染,得着这些,就必沾染了世界。现在一衣一食,都最容易落到世界里去。到了国度里,就是尽力去看天然美景,也不过叫我们更赞美神的造化;就是看自己的好处,也不过叫我们赞美神的救恩。在国度里,没有罪痕,因为魔鬼被拘留,罪不在世上了。 神的儿子在世上,只接受了一个十字架,其余都是借的。牛槽是借的,客店是借的,进耶路撒冷的驴是借的,吃逾越节的那间房子是借的,最后的坟墓也是借的。主在世上没有一样不是借的。我们太不像他了! 胜罪的上天堂,胜世的入国度,这是定规的。神在我们中间呼召一件事,就是要我们不要世界,专要国度。要我们恨恶自己,追求国度。 〖 希伯来书十章三十八节至三十九节 〗 「只是义人必因信得生。」这里的义人,就是信耶稣得救的人,就是你和我。「得生」,当译作「而活」。义人必因信得生的意思,就是得救的,必一天过一天因信心而活着。许多人问我,称义是因着信,称义的人,还要因信而活,就有两个信了。这第二个信的意思,等下我要讲,在这里,我们要记得憧蚧个义人,都得因信活着就是了。 「他若退后,我心里就不喜欢他。」他,指义人,指信徒。是一个信徒,才有退后的可能。这义人虽已得救了,但尚有退后的可能。我,指神。一个退后的义人,神就不喜欢他。 「我们却不是退后入败坏(原文)的那等人,乃是有信心以致魂(原文)得救的人。」退后到何种地步呢?到败坏的地步。我们信的人是不至灭亡反有永生的了,但是,我们仍有退后到败坏的地步的可能。什么叫作败坏呢?就是所有的都落空,都拆光,都不牢。「乃是有信心以致魂得救的人」,这里又是讲到魂的得救了。退后就到败坏的地步,进前就到魂得救的地步。我们不是退后到败坏,就是进前到魂得救。 有人以为退后到败坏这话不好听,就说,也许不是指基督徒说的。但是,惟是基督徒才会退后;罪人已经后到不可再后了,还退到那里去呢?凡不信子的,他的罪已经定了。惟独基督徒才有退后的可能。一个信徒本来在世所作的一切都应当得赏,只因他退后,就都要落空。虽然他曾奉主的名传道,奉主的名赶鬼,奉主的名行许多异能神迹;但是,主要一点不承认,并且要对他说:我从来不认识你,你这恶仆离开我吧。 但是,「我们不是退后入败坏的那等人,乃是有信心以致魂得救的人。」这里讲到魂得救是因着信,这信,是什么信呢?有信心以致魂得救,是什么意思呢?我们要读十一章一节:「信就是所望之事的实底,是未见之事的确据。」这是魂得救的信;这是义人所靠着而活的信。十一章是当紧接在十章之末的。此信,是「所望之事的实底」,不是信耶稣。此信能叫你的魂得救。此信,是「未见之事的确据」,并非主耶稣基督。约翰福音几十次讲到信子的有永生,是讲到信主;这里是讲到信的事情。 什么事情呢?我们读十一章十三至十六节:「这些人都是存着信心死的,并没有得着所应许的,却从远处望见,且欢喜迎接,又承认自己在世上是客旅,是寄居的。说这样话的人,是表明自己要找一个家乡。他们是想念所离开的家乡,还有可以回去的机会。他们却羡慕一个更美的家乡,就是在天上的;所以神被称为他们的神,并不以为耻;因为他已经给他们预备了一座城。」我们看见么?这里讲到这个信是什么信呢?就是信神在国度里为他们预备了城。信他们在这个世界,不过是客旅,是寄居的。信他们的家乡不在此世。信他们所有的是在乎将来,不在乎今世。「坚固城」是不会倒塌的。义人天天如此信,是靠此信而活。魂是靠此信得救。可惜多少信徒忘了他在今世是一个客旅,是一个寄居的! 〖 雅各书一章十七至二十一节 〗 十七至十八节:「各样美善的恩赐,和各样全备的恩赐(原文),都是从上头来的;从众光之父那里降下来的;在他并没有改变,也没有转动的影儿。他按自己的旨意,用真道生了我们,叫我们在他所造的万物中,好像初熟的果子。」十七节说到恩赐;十八节说到神用真道生了我们,叫我们在他所造的万物中,好像初熟的果子,这两节是相合的。十七节是说神给我们恩赐,十八节是说这恩赐,就是神给我们的永生。可见接受雅各这本书信的人,已经得了这个恩赐,已经是初熟的果子,已经被神用真道生了,已经得救了。 十九至二十一节:「我亲爱的弟兄们,这是你们所知道的;但你们各人要快快的听,慢慢的说,慢慢的动怒;因为人的怒气,并不成就神的义。所以你们要脱去一切的污秽,和盈余的邪恶,存温柔的心,领受那所栽种的道,就是能救你们魂的道。」十九节称亲爱的弟兄,可见是已经得救了的。雅各的意思,重生得救的事,你们已经有了,也已经知道了,但是这不够,还要「存温柔的心,领受那所栽种的道,就是能救你们魂的道。」雅各给我们看见的顶清楚,一个人得重生了,但是,他的魂还没有得救,必须再领受能救他魂的道才可。魂得救是在重生后加上的一件事。没有重生,魂就没有得救的可能。神是把道传给我们,就是国度的福音。我们要今天失丧自己的魂。我已经讲过两次,许多事,我们一点作不来,但是,如果我们肯让圣灵作工,他是作得来的。得永生与魂得救是一样的。如果罪人不要得救,神并不把罪人放到天堂去。固然愿意的都可白白取生命的水喝;但是,不肯到主面前来的人,主也没法救他。如果我们不肯失丧自己的魂,主也不肯把我们放进国度里去。必须你求主使你到一肯失丧自己魂的地步,主才有法子。 〖 彼得前书一章三节至九节 〗 三至四节:「愿颂赞归与我们主耶稣基督的父神,他曾照自己的大怜悯,藉耶稣基督从死里复活,重生了我们,叫我们有活泼的盼望,可以得着不能朽坏,不能玷污,不能衰残,为你们存留在天上的基业。」我们读了这两节,就知道接受此书的人,是已经得救了。 五节:「你们这因信蒙神能力保守的人,必能得着所预备,到末世要显现的救恩。」这里所说的信是什么信呢?是和希伯来书十章三十八节因信而活的信一样的。他们虽然已经得救了;但是,末世要显现的救恩,他们还没有得着。得着重生了是好,但是还不够,还应当得着末世要显现的救恩才好。 六至八节:「因此,你们是大有喜乐,但如今,在百般的试炼中暂时忧愁;叫你们的信心既被试验,就比那被火试验,仍然能坏的金子,更显宝贵;可以在耶稣基督显现的时候,得着称义、带耀、尊贵。你们虽然没有见过他,却是爱他,如今虽不得看见,却因信他就有说不出来,满有荣光的大喜乐。」这几节是讲到因着将来有救恩的缘故,所以就是经过百般的试炼,却仍然是大有喜乐。 九节:「并且得着你们信心的果效,就是魂(原文)的救恩。」这一节又明明说到魂的得救了。彼得也是说已得重生的人,还要得一救恩,就是魂的得救。这救恩是在何时得着的呢?末世。就是从主耶稣显现在地上起头的。我们憧蚧个得救的人,最后的结局是一样,但是在国度里却有不同。我们信主得救了是真的,但是,魂也应当得救。 〖 彼得前书二章十一节 〗 「亲爱的弟兄阿,你们是寄居的;我劝你们要禁戒肉体的私欲;这私欲是与魂争战的。」私欲与魂争战就是叫魂得不着好处。 〖 彼得前书二章二十五节 〗 「你们从前好像迷路的羊;如今却归到你们魂的牧人监督了。」这一节我们要抓牢,我们的魂是有一个牧人监督的。 彼得前书四章十七节至十九节及彼得后书一章十至十一节 最后,我还有两段圣经提出来,请我们注意: 彼得前书四章十七至十九节:「因为时候到了,审判要从神的家起首。若是先从我们起首,那不信从神福音的人,将有何等的结局呢?若是义人仅仅得救,那不虔敬和犯罪的人,将有何地可站呢?所以那照神旨意受苦的人,要一心为善,将自己魂交与那信实造化之主。」愿我们抓牢神的话。我们已经成功神的家;但是,审判是从神的家起首的。有的义人,是不过仅仅得救的!所以,弟兄姊妹们,你和我要照神的旨意受苦,要将自己的魂交与那信实的造化之主!我们要定规不肯留下什么为着自己的魂,不肯使魂有所享受,要照神的旨意而受苦。 彼得后书一章十至十一节:「所以弟兄们,应当更加殷勤,使你们所蒙的恩召和拣选坚定不移;你们若行这几样,就永不失脚。这样,必叫你们丰丰富富的,得以进入我们主救主耶稣基督永远的国!」这里称他们为弟兄,可见是已经得救了;但是,还应当更加殷勤,才可到一坚定不移的地步。得永生,是不移的;但是,在国度里,有的人要被移动。 我们要比较两句话,就是仅仅得救与丰丰富富进入基督永远的国。一个是仅仅得救,比得救多一点都没有。好比考试定规七十分及格,考后刚刚七十分,比七十分多一点都没有。这只是得救了一半,我们要作一丰丰富富进入国度的人。 在此,我要讲一个故事,来表明这个意思。欧战方结束,在伦敦城有一个盛大的举动,参观的人在伦敦是有史以来没有那么多的。这是因欧战告终,兵士返国作凯旋的游行,受国内人士的欢迎。当兵士经过之地,有鼓掌、有称赞。在一般人的心目中,以为若不是他们这样忠勇,就不能救英国。那些兵士一步一步向前走,鼓掌称赞的声浪是一直不绝。这样一排一排向前走,到了一个时候,鼓掌称赞的声浪格外大了,甚至多人流泪,甚至贵族都致敬,甚至君皇之尊都脱冕,这是什么缘故呢?是因紧接在后的,一车一车的兵士,不是这个断一腕,就是那个伤一足;不是这里缺一肢,就是那里伤一体!他们是在战争时受了创伤的。当这样的伤兵经过时,真是享受了极隆重的尊敬与赞美。哦!前面的那些兵士是过去了,但是,他们所得的荣耀,是远不及后者那些受伤的兵士的。 我们许多仅仅得救的,到了将来,天堂是进得去的,但是,不能丰丰富富进入神的国。如果曾在世受过苦,为着主的缘故有所舍的,他们在那天,要像那些受伤的兵士凯旋的时候所享受的,鼓掌的声音大,赞美的声音大,荣耀也大。我们憧蚧个都当吃苦,为主有所损失;那一天,就有冠冕加在我们头上。我们的魂,必须得救。但愿我们更贫穷,更受苦,更为主的缘故舍弃一切。但愿神祝福我们。 |
Saturday, February 18th, 2012
A Bible Study by Jack Kelley
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. (Hebr. 4:12-13)
Some people view the soul and body interchangeably, while others think the soul and spirit are the same. But it’s more accurate to think of them as separate components. Our soul is the conscious part of us, composed of mind (intellect), will, and emotions. It makes choices and controls our behavior by giving orders to the body. Our spirit is the subconscious part, an internal adviser to the conscious soul. It’s our conscience.
Both our soul and our spirit are intangible and eternal and are housed in our body which is tangible and temporal. Our body is designed for use in this life, and when we die we leave it behind. Paul described our body as our earthly dwelling and spoke of how we long to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling. Believers don’t desire so much to be rid of our earthly bodies, he said, as to receive our heavenly ones. He said receiving our heavenly body is the very purpose for which we were created, and that’s why God gave us the Holy Spirit at the first moment of our belief. He’s a deposit guaranteeing what is to come, which is the exchange of our earthly dwelling for our heavenly one. (2 Cor. 5:1-5)
It Wasn’t Always Like That
I believe Adam and Eve were created with a heavenly alignment of body, soul, and spirit. Their body was submissive to their soul which was submissive to their spirit which was one with the Spirit of God. But at the fall this alignment was perverted and through Satan’s influence the soul began to assert itself over the spirit. Both were contaminated by sin and the direct link to God was broken. In the time after the fall the soul became more assertive as man entered the period between Adam and Noah that some call the Dispensation of Conscience. Man was left to decide for himself what was right but because of the misalignment that came with the fall, things got progressively worse until God had to wipe the slate clean and start over. This experience has been repeated again and again . Even the time of Israel’s dominance in the world, when the communication link with God was formally re-opened, ended in failure. During that period Prophets were appointed to speak to the people for God and Priests to speak to God for the people. But it wasn’t enough.
The problem was that the spirit of unsaved man is confused and uncertain because of the effects of sin and often gives bad advice to his soul, which is also contaminated by sin, making it impossible for him to please God.
The cross changed all that. Now, when we are born again our spirit becomes one with the Spirit of God (1 Cor. 6:17) and the confusion and uncertainty clears up. Our spirit again knows right and wrong as absolutes, and as our conscience it begins to serve as a reliable guide to our soul, which is still sin infested.
The difference that being born again makes in us is so profound that we can only understand God’s word after we become believers. The natural man cannot comprehend it. (1 Cor 2:14) This explains why the Lord’s disciples were often confused about His teaching, and failed to understand much of it. They didn’t receive the Holy Spirit until the night of His resurrection. (John 20:22)
This is also why Jesus told us that our righteousness has to surpass that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law. Not being born again, their efforts at keeping the law were acts of will and were often in conflict with what their spirits were advising them to do. In other words, it was still a matter of their soul asserting itself over their spirit. They just knew the law well enough to know when their spirits were giving them bad advice. In Isaiah 29:13 the Lord had said, “These people come near to me with their lips (governed by the soul), but their hearts (spirits) are far from me.” Jesus accused them of looking like whitewashed tombs, beautiful on the outside, but inside full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean (Matt. 23:27) Their obedience to the law was only intellectual assent backed up by will power. Their spirit was still infested with sin.
Back To Hebrews 4
But the Lord pays special attention to the motives of our heart and judges us on our intentions, not our actions. This is what the writer to the Hebrews meant when he said that the word of God can divide soul (behavior) and spirit (motive). He’s not fooled by man’s attempts at good behavior. He knows the thoughts and attitudes of our heart. Nothing is hidden from His sight. Commenting on ceremonial cleanliness He said that it’s not what goes into us that makes us unclean, but what comes out of us. “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.” (Matt. 15:17-19) Jeremiah wrote that the heart of man is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. (Jere. 17:9) After sinning with Bathsheba, David prayed that God would create in him a pure heart, and renew a steadfast spirit within him. (Psalm 51:10) This is what happens when we’re born again and the Holy Spirit unites with our spirit. It renews a steadfast spirit with in us. It’s what David longed for, but it couldn’t happen before the cross. (John 7:39)
In effect, the Holy Spirit works through our spirit to repossess our soul from its bondage to sin. But since it’s not the conscious part of us, our spirit can only work to influence our decisions. Our soul must choose to heed the advice of our spirit, in whose “ear” the Holy Spirit is whispering. This is what Paul meant when he told us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (soul) (Romans 12:2). This transformation consists of consciously choosing to allow the Holy Spirit to become the primary influence in determining our actions. This is the heavenly alignment again. God’s Spirit to our spirit, to our soul, and to our body. This is why the Pharisees were criticized. God’s Spirit was not within them, and so their obedience was a product of their intellect, their soul. Their spirit remained unregenerate. It looked good on the outside, but inside it was all out of order. It was form without substance, and it produced self righteousness, not humility.
The biggest problem we have is that our soul is still struggling with its bondage to sin, and therefore must constantly choose to submit to our renewed spirit. Remember the soul is where our behavioral decisions are made. Our spirit is one with the Spirit of God, but can only advise. Paul described our dilemma poignantly in Romans 7:14-25, saying that he had the desire to do good but could not carry it out. His spirit was one with God, but his soul sometimes rebelled. Inwardly he could delight in God’s Law, but outwardly he would sometimes conform to the law of sin and death.
It’s actually the opposite of the Pharisees’ problem. They looked good on the outside but were full of evil thoughts and intentions. While the Lord condemned them, he directs no condemnation toward us (Romans 8:1) because although our soul often betrays us, our spirit is one with God. He goes so far as to separate the behavior from the believer saying that it’s not we who sin, but the sin nature that dwells within us. (Romans 7:20)
Will This Ever End?
When we die or are raptured, our transformation will be complete, and the Holy Spirit’s work of repossessing our soul will be finished. The heavenly alignment will be permanently restored, our regenerated soul in perpetual submission to our spirit which is one with God. Only then will we be ready for our resurrection bodies. It will no longer occur to us to behave in a manner contrary to God’s will, and we’ll finally be fit to dwell with Him forever.
The new body we receive will compare to the old one only in physical characteristics. The old one is corrupt and doomed to perish. The new one will be incorruptible and will never perish. (1 Cor. 15:53) We’ll recognize each other and will know God as we are known by Him. (1 Cor.13:12) No longer will things be hidden from our understanding or beyond our comprehension because our soul, where understanding and comprehension take place, will finally be freed from the bondage of sin. The immeasurable creative capacity with which the human mind was created will finally be unleashed for our eternal use and enjoyment. The tiny nuggets of talent and ability in the arts and sciences that we can only faintly glimpse now will become rich veins to be mined for all eternity.
And best of all, we’ll finally achieve our heart’s true desire, to be one with our Creator, body, soul, and spirit. Selah 02-18-12
Job 14:12, Dan. 12:13, John 3:13, 5:28 and some others seem to indicate we are asleep until awakened at the resurrection. How do you understand these scriptures? True the bible says absent from the body present with the lord, but when?
Q. Job 14:12, Dan. 12:13, John 3:13, 5:28 and some others seem to indicate we are asleep until awakened at the resurrection. How do you understand these scriptures? True the bible says absent from the body present with the lord, but when? When we awake at his calling. John 3:13 says no one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven etc.
A. Before the cross the spirits of believers went to a place called Sheol or Paradise, to await the Lord’s atoning death. After the resurrection, He took them to heaven. In John 3:13 He could say no one had ever gone to heaven, because at that time it was true. He hadn’t been sacrificed for their sins yet.
Since the cross, when believers die our spirits go immediately to be with the Lord, (2 Cor. 5:8) and our bodies go into the ground. At the Resurrection our bodies are made new and our spirits inhabit them again. Job 14, Daniel 12 and John 5 all refer to the resurrection of the body.
Q. Some Christians believe that the spirit and soul go to heaven at the time of physical death. Others say that the spirit goes to heaven but the soul sleeps until the resurrection. I find this a confusing issue as I believe that the spirit and soul are in inseparable and both go to heaven. Is there Bible passages that clarify this?
A. I don’t believe the Bible gives us any reason to believe in the concept of soul sleep. Hebrews 4:12 says the Word of God can separate soul and spirit but it’s in the context of determining where our motives originate, not separation of the two upon death. I believe both go to heaven together and will receive a new physical body in the rapture (1 Thes.4:16).
I have been studying the doctrines of soul sleep lately and while they do not seem convincing, there are three interesting arguments they always use.
Q. I have been studying the doctrines of soul sleep lately and while they do not seem convincing, there are three interesting arguments they always use:
The first is the term “last day” as used in John 11:24, they conclude that there is not resurrection until the last day which would be at the second coming of Christ.
The second argument (and the more interesting one) is this: when Lazarus died (John 11:11-14), where did he go? The “soul sleep” advocates ask this question then follow up by saying, if Lazarus went to heaven, how come when Jesus raised him from the dead, he did not mention anything about his experience. They conclude that since Lazarus or for that matter anybody else who Jesus raised from the dead did not say anything about an experience after life, they must’ve went into soul sleep.
A third argument that soul sleep advocates use is Acts (2:29-34). They say that since “David did not ascend to heaven” (Acts 2:34) he must therefore be in his tomb “awaiting” resurrection.
In order to form a rebuttal to the “away from the body present with Christ” teaching, they say that a person in “soul sleep” does not know the passing of time and therefore it will only seem like a second later when they are resurrected. Further they say that Paul never said, to be away from the body is to be at home with the Lord, he said to be at home in the body is to be away from the Lord and so we are standing on an assumption when using that verse to support our belief.
A. As with all believers who died before Jesus made His atoning sacrifice, Lazarus didn’t go to Heaven. He went to a place the Jews called Paradise, or Abraham’s Bosom. In the Greek it’s called Hades. Jesus went there when He died. After His resurrection the gates of Heaven were opened and those who had been in Paradise waiting went to Heaven with Him. Since that time the Spirits of all who die in faith go directly to be with the Lord in Heaven, as Paul explained in 2 Cor. 5:6-8 where in verse 8 he did in fact say that to be absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord.
Basing their conclusion on the fact that Lazarus didn’t say anything about his experience doesn’t hold water. Paul did visit heaven and was forbidden to talk about it. (2 Cor. 12:1-4) And when Jesus spoke of the Resurrection at the last day, He was speaking of a bodily resurrection where the spirits of dead believers will be re-united with resurrection bodies.
The Acts 2:29-34 reference is being used out of context. Peter was explaining that the quotes from the Psalms he was using were prophecies of the Messiah, since they all knew that David had died long ago was was buried nearby. His point was that David wasn’t physically raised from the dead before his body could decay, and didn’t visibly ascend to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God, as Jesus had just done.
The Soul Versus The Spirit

Many find it hard to believe that a born again believer can have a demonic spirit simply they don't understand the difference between the soul and the spirit of a man. They believe everything is made new the moment a person accepts Jesus (which is true for the man's spirit), but they naturally accept the fact that a person can be born again yet they can still be in bondage to sin (darkness or evil).
The soul and the spirit are not the same
Even though our Bible uses the words soul and spirit interchangeably, there is a very distinct difference that we cannot ignore. These passages in God's Word that make a very clear distinction between the soul and the spirit:
Hebrews 4:12, "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
1 Thessalonians 5:23, "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
So what is the difference between the soul and the spirit?
We are a spirit being, we live in a body and we possess a soul. The real person inside of us is our spirit. Our soul consists of our mind, will and emotions. Our bodies are obviously what we live in while we are here on earth. How did demonic spirits vex and possess (control) people in the Bible? It was through their souls (minds, as in mental illness and insanity), and their bodies (as in the woman who had the spirit of infirmity).
Example of physical (bodily) demonic affliction: Luke 13:11, "And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself."
Example of mental (soul) demonic affliction: Matthew 17:15,18, "Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is lunatic, and sore vexed: for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water... And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour."
Our spirits ARE born again!
The moment we accept Christ, our spirits become brand new. We are a completely new person, we are born of God, and we are made alive with God:
2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."
This is speaking of our spirits, which are instantly made new the moment we accept Christ.
The Bible even tells us that the old man in us has died with Christ, and that we are raised to new life through Christ's resurrection:
Romans 6:2-6, "God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him (our spirits that were alive to sin), that the body of sin might be destroyed (speaking of the evil in our souls), that henceforth we should not serve sin."
Even though we have died to sin, and been raised to new life through Christ Jesus, our souls (that is, our minds) still need to be transformed and purified by the washing of the Word:
Ephesians 5:26, "That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word."
Our souls are NOT born again!
The Bible is clear that even though our spirits are born of incorruptible seed, our minds (souls) still need to be purified, that is, cleansed:
1 Peter 1:22-23, "Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently: Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever."
Our spirit is instantly reborn and made new the moment we accept Christ, but the soul is not born again. Our souls are transformed by the renewing of our minds:
Romans 12:2, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
Some closing thoughts
Our spirits are made right with God, and raised to new life the moment we accept Jesus, but our souls (minds) can carry much spiritual grime and dirt over from our past lifestyles. Our souls are transformed by the renewing of our minds and by the washing of the Word, as the Bible makes clear. This is why so many believers can continue to struggle with sin even after accepting Christ. Their souls still contain grime and dirt that needs to be removed and washed clean.
Demonic spirits can also remain in our souls, and must be driven out as Jesus and the early church went about doing. If all a person had to do was accept Jesus and all their unclean spirits departed, then what would be the point in casting demons out of anybody? If all we would had to do was get people saved and their demons would automatically shed, then casting out demons would be sort of pointless, wouldn't it? However, the practice of casting out demons didn't end when Jesus ascended into heaven. It was a popular ministry that was carried right into the early church, and is still in full swing today. After all, before Jesus went to sit at the right hand of the Father, He made it clear that them who believe will be casting out demons!
Mark 16:17, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils..."
There is a very real need for the ministry of deliverance. I have seen lives practically flipped upside-down through deliverance! Many tears of joy and freedom are shed, and people walk away never to be the same again!Bible Study Discussions with Gary Panell
Question: After a person dies does his/her soul go to heaven right away or does it sleep until Christ comes again. Also, does the person remember what he/she was on earth while in heaven?
Answer: Yes, they go right to heaven, Paul taught that the moment our spirit left the body it went to heaven. “ We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 5:8) Then too, he said under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, “For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.” (Philippians 1:23, 24)
Some Christians have confused body sleep with soul sleep. There is no such thing as soul sleep. Jesus did talk often about the body sleeping. Also, the Apostle Paul said our bodies will sleep if we die. But when Jesus comes for us in the Rapture, our bodies will be resurrected also. “But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.
For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.” (1 Thessalonians 1:14-18)
Our spirit goes to be with the Lord immediately when we die, but our body sleeps until the Rapture takes place. As this passage in 1 Thessalonians points out, those who died will be resurrected a split second before us who are alive. Jesus will bring their spirit back from heaven put it into their new resurrected body, and then we who are alive will meet them in the air with our new resurrected body. Praise the Lord! This could happen any second, be ready!
“Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed- in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: ‘Death is swallowed up in victory." (1 Corinthians 15:50-55)
‘O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?"
Yes, also, we will remember what we were on earth; our senses will be enhanced to a degree you cannot imagine. We will be better off there, not worse. Please check out this true story that we give in 2 Corinthians. "On the way home from a conference, Don Piper's car was crushed by a semi that crossed into his lane. Medical personnel said he died instantly. While his body lay lifeless inside the ruins of his car, Piper experienced the glories of heaven, awed by its beauty and music.
"When I died, I didn't flow through a long, dark tunnel. I had no sense of fading away or of coming back. I never felt my body being transported into the light. I heard no voices calling to me or anything else.
"Simultaneous with my last recollection of seeing the bridge and the rain, a light enveloped me, with a brilliance beyond earthly comprehension or description. Only that. In my next moment of awareness, I was standing in heaven.
"Joy pulsated through me as I looked around, and at that moment I became aware of a large crowd of people. They stood in front of a brilliant, ornate gate. I have no idea how far away they were; such things as distance didn't matter.
"As the crowd rushed toward me, I didn't see Jesus, but I did see people I had known. As they surged toward me, I knew instantly that all of them had died during my lifetime. Their presence seemed absolutely natural.
"They rushed toward me, and every person was smiling, shouting, and praising God. Although no one said so, intuitively I knew they were my celestial welcoming committee. It was as if they had all gathered just outside heaven's gate, waiting for me.
"The first person I recognized was Joe Kulbeth, my grandfather. He looked exactly as I remembered him, with his shock of white hair and what I called a big banana nose. He stopped momentarily and stood in front of me. A grin covered his face. I may have called his name, but I'm not sure.
"Donnie!" (That's what my grandfather always called me.) His eyes lit up, and he held out his arms as he took the last steps toward me. He embraced me, holding me tightly. He was once again the robust, strong grandfather I had remembered as a child.
"After being hugged by my grandfather, I don't remember who was second or third. The crowd surrounded me. Some hugged me and a few kissed my check, while others pumped my hand. Never had I felt more loved.
"More and more people reached for me and called me by name. I felt overwhelmed by the number of people who had come to welcome me to heaven. There were so many of them, and I had never imagined anyone being as happy as they all were. Their faces radiated a serenity I had never seen on earth. All were full of life and expressed radiant joy.
"Time had no meaning. However, for clarity, I'll relate this experience in terms that refer to time. I saw my great-grandfather, heard his voice, and felt his embrace as he told me how excited he was that I had come to join them. I saw Barry Wilson, who had been my classmate in high school but later drowned in a lake. Barry hugged me, and his smile radiated a happiness I didn't know was possible.
"He and everyone who followed praised God and told me how excited they were to see me and to welcome me to heaven and to the fellowship they enjoyed. Just then, I spotted two teachers who had loved me and often talked to me about Jesus Christ.
"As I walked among them, I became aware of the wide variety of ages-old and young and every age in between. Many of them hadn't known each other on earth, but each had influenced my life in some way. Even though they hadn't met on earth, they seemed to know each other now.
"As I try to explain this, my words seem weak and hardly adequate, because I have to use earthly terms to refer to unimaginable joy, excitement, warmth, and total happiness. Everyone continually embraced me, touched me, spoke to me, laughed, and praised God. This seemed to go on for a long time, but I didn't tire of it.
"My father is one of eleven children. Some of his brothers and sisters had as many as thirteen children. When I was a kid, our family reunions were so huge we rented an entire city park in Monticello, Arkansas. We Pipers are affectionate, with a lot of hugging and kissing whenever we come together.
"None of those earthly family reunions, however, prepared me for the sublime gathering of saints I experienced at the gates of heaven. Those who had gathered at Monticello were some of the same people waiting for me at the gates of heaven. Heaven was many things, but without a doubt, it was the greatest family reunion of all.
"Everything I experienced was like a first-class buffet for the senses. I had never felt such powerful embraces or feasted my eyes on such beauty. Heaven's light and texture defy earthly eyes or explanation. Warm, radiant light engulfed me. As I looked around, I could hardly grasp the vivid, dazzling colors. Every hue and tone surpassed anything I had ever seen.
"With all the heightened awareness of my senses, I felt as if I had never seen, heard, or felt anything so real before. I don't recall that I tasted anything, yet I knew that if I had, that too would have been more glorious than anything I had eaten or drunk on earth.
"The best way I can explain it is to say that I felt as if I were in another dimension. Never, even in my happiest moments, had I ever felt so fully alive. I stood speechless in front of the crowd of loved ones, still trying to take in everything.
"Over and over I heard how overjoyed they were to see me and how excited they were to have me among them. I'm not sure if they actually said the words or not, but I knew they had been waiting and expecting me, yet I also knew that in heaven there is no sense of time passing.
"I wasn't conscious of anything I'd left behind and felt no regrets about leaving family or possessions. It was as if God had removed anything negative or worrisome from my consciousness, and I could only rejoice at being together with these wonderful people.
"They looked exactly as I once knew them-although they were more radiant and joyful than they'd ever been on earth.
"My great-grandmother, Hattie Mann, was Native American. As a child I saw her only after she had developed osteoporosis. Her head and shoulders were bent forward, giving her a humped appearance. I especially remember her extremely wrinkled face. The other thing that stands out in my memory is that she had false teeth-which she didn't wear often.
"Yet when she smiled at me in heaven, her teeth sparkled. I knew they were her own, and when she smiled, it was the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.
"Then I notice something else-she wasn't slumped over. She stood strong and upright, and the wrinkles had been erased from her face. I have no idea what age she was, and I didn't even think about that. As I stared at her beaming face, I sensed that age has no meaning in heaven.
"Age expresses time passing, and there is no time there. All of the people I encountered were the same age they had been the last time I had seen them-except that all the ravages of living on earth had vanished. Even though some of their features may not have been considered attractive on earth, in heaven every feature was perfect, beautiful, and wonderful to gaze at.
"I felt loved-more loved than ever before in my life. They didn't say they loved me. I don't remember what word they spoke. When they gazed at me, I knew what the Bible means by perfect love. It emanated from every person who surrounded me.
"I stared at them, and as I did I felt as if I absorbed their love for me. At some point, I looked around and the sight overwhelmed me. Everything was brilliantly intense. Coming out from the gate-a short distance ahead-was a brilliance that was brighter than the light that surrounded us, utterly luminous. As soon as I stopped gazing at the people's faces, I realized that everything around me glowed with a dazzling intensity.
"In trying to describe the scene, words are totally inadequate, because human words can't express the feelings of awe and wonder at what I beheld. Everything I saw glowed with intense brightness. The best I can describe it is that we began to move toward that light.
"No one said it was time to do so, and yet we all started forward at the same time. As I stared ahead, everything seemed to grow taller-like a gentle hill that kept going upward and never stopped. I had expected to see some darkness behind the gate, but as far ahead as I could see, there was absolutely nothing but intense, radiant light.
"A holy awe came over me as I stepped forward. I had no idea what lay ahead, but I sensed that with each step I took, it would grow more wondrous. Then I heard the music. As a young boy I spent a lot of time out in the country and woods. When walking through waist-high dried grass, I often surprised a covey of birds and flushed them out of their nests on the ground.
"A whooshing sound accompanied their wings as they flew away. My most vivid memory of heaven is what I heard. I can only describe it as a holy swoosh of wings. But I'd have to magnify that thousands of times to explain the effect of the sound in heaven.
"It was the most beautiful and pleasant sound I've ever heard, and it didn't stop. It was like a song that goes on forever. I felt awestruck, wanting only to listen. I didn't just hear music. It seemed as if I were part of the music-and it played in and through my body. I stood still, and yet I felt embraced by the sounds.
"As aware as I became of the joyous sounds and melodies that filled the air, I wasn't distracted. I felt as if the heavenly concert permeated every part of my being, and at the same time I focused on everything else around me.
"A second sound remains, even today, the single most vivid memory I have of my entire heavenly experience. I call it music, but it differed from anything I had ever heard or ever expect to hear on the earth. The melodies of praise filled the atmosphere. The nonstop intensity and endless variety overwhelmed me.
"The praise was unending, but the most remarkable thing to me was that hundreds of songs were being sung at the same time-all of them worshiping God. As I approached the large, magnificent gate, I heard them from every direction and realized that each voice praised God.
"I write voice, but it was more than that. Some sounded instrumental, but I wasn't sure-and I wasn't concerned. Praise was everywhere, and all of it was musical, yet comprised of melodies and tones I'd never experienced before.
"Hallelujah!" "Praise!" "Glory to God!" "Praise to the King!" Such words rang out in the midst of all the music. I don't know if angels were singing them or if they came from humans. I felt so awestruck and caught up in the heavenly mood that I didn't look around.
"My heart filled with the deepest joy I've ever experienced. I wasn't a participant in the worship, yet I felt as if my heart ran out with the same kind of joy and exuberance.
"If we played three CDs of praise at the same time, we'd have a cacophony of noise that would drive us crazy. This was totally different. Every sound blended, and each voice or instrument enhanced the others.
"As strange as it may seem, I could clearly distinguish each song. It sounded as if each hymn of praise was meant for me to hear as I moved inside the gates.
"Many of the old hymns and choruses I had sung at various times in my life were part of the music-along with hundreds of songs I had never heard before. Hymns of praise, modern sounding choruses, and ancient chants filled my ears and brought not only a deep peace but the greatest feeling of joy I've ever experienced.
"The celestial tunes surpassed any I had ever heard. I couldn't calculate the number of songs-perhaps thousands-offered up simultaneously, and yet there was no chaos, because I had the capacity to hear each on and discern the lyrics and melody.
"Obviously, I can't really know how God feels, but I find joy and comfort in thinking that He must be pleased and blessed by the continuous sounds of praise." I will leave the book right there because I don't want to spoil it for you. Please get it and read the rest, it will truly encourage your soul! (90 MINUTES IN HEAVEN by Don Piper, Revell Grand Rapids, Michigan)
Thanks for the questions,
Brother Gary