The way it goes your cell phones are tracked your spending habits and where-about are tracked your networking is tracked The way it goes someone wants to predict your behavior in real time right or wrong If you smack something they might predict you will storm out to get an ice cream cone or a cup of Starbucks coffee to go for shopping at your favorite store or two in your favorite mall or perhaps to call someone in your network to chat and cry for a while or to speed on the interstate for half an hour or just to have someone you could hug with or whole bunches of other weird vents you might have So how could they make most out of your second to second life perhaps a popup with coupon offer in the vicinity you are storming through perhaps some psychological professionals could send a reminder their helps are always available FBI and NSA always think they could stop criminals with all these data collected There are also endless peeping Tom functions people could build upon and make profits from whether they would help you glue or separate your family only time would tell The technology could wheel you into worlds human mind would get more agitated, more passive and much less independent thinking