伍迪艾伦的反驳:迪蓝的指控是受米娅的洗脑教唆。而米娅是对自己的报复。伍迪艾伦与米娅法罗有过12年的男女友关系,但从未结婚,两人生有一个共同的儿子沙切(后改名为柔南法罗)。米娅法罗就像安吉丽娜玖丽一样(抑或后者学了她的样,毕竟法罗比玖丽大了一辈)在世界各地领养了许多孩子,其中有与前夫音乐家安德烈普雷文(Andre Previn)共同领养的亚洲女孩宋宜。法罗和艾伦在纽约市城东和城西各有自己的住所,11个领养的和亲生的孩子与妈妈米娅法罗住在一起。这次女儿迪蓝的指控受到儿子柔南的支持,但另一名儿子摩西法罗却出面站在艾伦一边。伍迪艾伦提到米娅法罗对于艾伦娶走其养女宋宜的反应是亲手交给他一封瓦伦丁节卡片,艾伦当时还向她道谢。后来打开一看,卡片上是一张全家福,一把牛排餐刀直戳米娅心脏,餐刀的把手上贴着宋宜的头像,卡片上米娅写道:你把我的女儿带走,我也要把你的女儿带走 (You take my daughter, and I will take your daughter)。那么,按照摩西法罗说的,让迪蓝相信自己受到伍迪艾伦的性侵并提出指控,便是米娅将艾伦的女儿”带走“的体现。用摩西的话来说,迪蓝说的那天发生的事似不可能发生,因为那天大家几个孩子都在共同的家庭活动室里,母亲出门上商店去了,父亲与孩子们一直在一起。摩西认为母亲米娅法罗对孩子有无条件服从的要求,否则会大发雷霆。那么妹妹迪蓝按照母亲的说辞去想去说去做就会让母亲高兴,这是个很强大的指控艾伦的动机。
(“Of course Woody did not molest my sister,” Moses said. “She loved him and looked forward to seeing him when he would visit. She never hid from him until our mother succeeded in creating the atmosphere of fear and hate towards him. The day in question, there were six or seven of us in the house. We were all in public rooms and no one, not my father or sister, was off in any private spaces. My mother was conveniently out shopping. I don’t know if my sister really believes she was molested or is trying to please her mother. Pleasing my mother was very powerful motivation because to be on her wrong side was horrible.”
Moses himself made some accusations in the interview with the magazine. “From an early age, my mother demanded obedience and I was often hit as a child,” he said. “She went into unbridled rages if we angered her, which was intimidating at the very least and often horrifying, leaving us not knowing what she would do.”)
[Woody Allen was never charged with molesting Dylan. An investigative team of child-abuse experts at Yale-New Haven Hospital said he didn’t do it, while the state Supreme Court judge on the case, Elliot Wilk, said he didn’t know if Allen did it.]
伍迪艾伦的那一地鸡毛其实就是米娅法罗。她曾经在19岁时邂逅名人歌星辛那屈,21岁时嫁给比她大几乎40岁的辛那屈,未几离异。又遇著名已婚钢琴家普雷文,促使普与妻离婚之后再娶她(普妻因之伤心欲绝);但她与普的婚姻也未长久。她有不断收养孩子的习惯,但并不是一个称职的母亲:她的孩子中有好几个品行不端,如商店行窃,逃学,伪造支票签名。她说起来应该是个还不错的演员,如果你还记得1978年的电影“尼罗河上的惨案(Death on the Nile)”的话,那个有些神经兮兮的女主角的女友杰琪就是她演的。她在指控伍迪艾伦虐待儿童的同时,并未打算同伍迪艾伦划清界限,还在同他商量她要在正准备拍摄的“曼哈顿谋杀案”里的演出服装。对于政治,她的态度很鲜明。与鲜嫩石头(Sharon Stone)一样,她支持藏独反对中国(尤其是反对08年在北京的奥运,称之为“种族灭绝的奥林匹克”)。
这件事是因为有child abuse and sexual abuse引起我的注意。无疑,性侵和虐童是个令人深恶痛绝的罪行。谁做了谁就应该入狱受罚,哪怕是最令人欣赏的电影大师伍迪艾伦。话说回来,性侵和虐童尽管是人人喊打的罪恶,但在实际生活中却非常难以定罪。因为涉及儿童,他们往往不知道哪些是大人不该做的,哪些是自己的权益需要维护;而性侵则由于人们往往难以启齿,侵犯者往往是有权威者,受侵者往往还要顾及生计采取隐忍,而让性侵者逃脱惩治。因此,网民会对于敢于站出来披露性侵和虐童者给予高度的赞赏和鼓励。如果迪蓝法罗真的经历过伍迪艾伦的性侵,那么对他做出揭露和批判无疑是应该做的,伍迪艾伦是罪有应得。 但是,(对了, 这是一个巨大的“但是”),如果迪蓝法罗真是象她的哥哥摩西指出的,她这么做是为了取悦母亲,帮助她对当年背叛她而娶走其养女而报一箭之仇,这么做是不应该的。在心理学对于记忆力的研究里,还确实出现过虚假记忆的现象。
伍迪艾伦反驳词中的一段:“Notwithstanding, Mia insisted that I had abused Dylan and took her immediately to a doctor to be examined. Dylan told the doctor she had not been molested. Mia then took Dylan out for ice cream, and when she came back with her the child had changed her story. The police began their investigation; a possible indictment hung in the balance. I very willingly took a lie-detector test and of course passed because I had nothing to hide. I asked Mia to take one and she wouldn’t. Last week a woman named Stacey Nelkin, whom I had dated many years ago, came forward to the press to tell them that when Mia and I first had our custody battle 21 years ago, Mia had wanted her to testify that she had been underage when I was dating her, despite the fact this was untrue. Stacey refused. I include this anecdote so we all know what kind of character we are dealing with here. One can imagine in learning this why she wouldn’t take a lie-detector test.”