科西加男声四人土唱 - Barbara Furtuna

弄了半天, 他们是科西加人,难怪他们的歌声不仅虔诚而且倔强,我的好朋友就是科西加人,我喜欢她,她比老中还老中, 和她说话是只能直线性: 你要么就是俺的朋友,要么就是敌人, 就两个选择。而且 科西加人天生 就像是流浪儿, 一会是意大利的, 一会又是  法国的, 一会又要独立了
听他们唱《Maria》,感动止今,唱尽人的苦难,无奈,听忧伤的唱,是一种很好的meditation, 中世纪的教堂,修道院的晚歌一般都是悲悲的, 也是一种心灵的wash out, 一天里最后的洗尘

喜欢这种 乡土气息 的歌和唱,也不穿 什么特别的演出服,对听众是一种邀歌,就是邻里街巷一样, 这样的演出形式其实很高明 - 非常无疆界 bordless,

食品 有organic, 音乐也是, 这样的乡土音乐就是非常人情味,很organic, 这样的旋律和唱可能已经土生土长千年了...

Barbara Furtuna is a polyphonic Corsican group of four men. Even though the group still finds its inspiration in the island's oldest traditions, it is now distinguished by its own creations and offers a music that answers our contemporary longings.

The group has been present on the international scene for the last ten years, in Europe, but also North America or Australia. It has increased prestigious scenes, solo or with unexpected collaborations. With the baroque ensemble L'Arpeggiata, with the ancient music of Constantinople. The quartet has shown that it could transcend a single register and that traditional music has still the ability to surprise us and to move us.


