You should know that inventorship is often challenged after a patent issues. If the challenger is successful, the patent will not be enforced. It can be a loss to you and your organization.
Californian 发表评论于
Alabama 发表评论于
回复 'greencardwaiting' 的评论 : Thanks ! I understand!
greencardwaiting 发表评论于
回复 'Alabama' 的评论 :
I did not mean at all that you are a student or postdoc. I simply use an example in the academical setting as I think it is most illustrative of who the inventor is.
Alabama 发表评论于
回复 'greencardwaiting' 的评论 : Thanks for your comments. In that time, I was not a student or postdoc, I was an associate prof.
greencardwaiting 发表评论于
Theoretically speaking, the inventor named in a patent/application is the person who initiates the idea, not the person that does most of the legwork. That is why sometime only boss's name is on the patent instead of the students/postdocs who demonstrate the workability of the idea. If you indeed initiated the idea, you are duty-bound to point out at this time, because any potential competitors can challenge the inventorship of the patent -- if the application issues as a patent or the technology is licensed to the third party -- and cause great damage to NIH.
1。专利本身通不通过,只和美国专利局有关,和FDA 无关。专利通不通过,和临床不临床也没关系。产品能不能上市,或能不能用于临床试验,才需FDA批准。如果专利通过,但后来FDA不批准临床或上市,专利本身也有可能有人买,因为可能其他人的专利(比如改进专利)和你的交叉,需要买断你的,他的产品才能合法上市。
2。你的工作如果是在Dr。A的指导之下进行的,他可以是inventor or joint inventor (with you) if he proposes ideas.
A兄,根据米国的专利法,专利必须包含真正的发明人。Joint Invention 必须包含所有的发明人,否则专利无效。建议您保留所有的证据,包括您的 email, lab note book, and anything that can substantiate the claim that you are the true inventor (or joint inventor). You will be able to either negotiate with him if you like. He should know better once he consult a patent attorney. Of course, your evidence needs to be strong.