刘云平表示,SCA5早在2012年底就提出,2013年8月20日在州议会选举与宪法修正委员会(Committee on Elections and Constitutional Amendments)通过。当时没有任何亚裔民众出来反对。
2014年1月,SCA5顺利抵达州参议会投票,刘云平表示,当时没有收到来自亚裔社区的反对声音。甚至一些亚裔团体公开赞成SCA5,包括加州亚太裔健康网络(CA Pan-Ethnic Health Network)等都表示赞成。刘云平说,在他投票之前,他也没有收到任何电话和电邮,要求他投反对票。
刘云平表示,其实加州209号法案1996年通过以后,至少有五项提案反对209法案,仅SCA5的发起人贺南德兹就提出过三次类似SCA5的提案,来反对209提案,此次展示最近的一次。之前从来没有华裔、亚裔社区反对,而这一次亚裔社区的激烈反应让他感到非常吃惊。而且他也不知道原因。他说,很多亚裔组织包括亚太法律中心(Asian Pacific American Legal Center)等,均反对209号提案。
美国人经常对他们的议员说的一句话是"如果你不改变这个法律,我们将改变立法人(If you do not change the law, we will change the lawmakers)"。 同胞们,醒醒吧!让我们团结起来,为让我们的人民也能对他们的人大代表说出同样的话而尽力: "如果你不代表我们的利益,我们将把你换掉!"
1. 当他知道这个提案,他应该沟通亚裔社区,解释SCA5的起因后果,以其他为什么支持它。At least he should have raised the awareness among the Asian society, even though he is going for it.
2. 当SCA5正在过程中,他应该起到桥梁的作用。 He should have built the bridge to reach voices from Asian societies to others, although he doesn't have to agree on. This is basic element that a politician should possess.
3. When the SCA5 passed on the senator's floor, he should have informed the Asian society what was happening and searched for the mutual understanding. He should have expressed the passionate that he is willing to listen to our voice and explained his view, even his view is not on the same path.
He did a very poor job and completely ignored the Asian society. Based on my experience of politics and leadership, he is basically trying to avoid backfire. Believe me, he will vote Yes to it.
yuelan 发表评论于
政客想通吃,拿华人当傻子。华人同胞们该醒醒了:“Politics has become too important a matter to be left to politicians”
四则舍 发表评论于
回复 '雅美之途' 的评论 : 他是指的东南亚的亚裔可能受益,像菲律宾,柬埔寨等。
换一个角度看问题 发表评论于
cawan 发表评论于
Nevertheless, we are Americans. Our children's country of origin is the U.S.A!!! Why should they be discriminated?
cawan 发表评论于
菲律宾 are not considered as Asians in CA. There are also many rich 柬埔寨 people in LA area --- They left 柬埔寨 with blocks of gold. Many of their school children are 3rd generation already: Where does their hardship come from? So race and nation of origin should NOT be considered!
But, I even more appreciate the democratic system in US. You know, Xu Zhiyong(许志永) is now in prison simply because of his peaceful抗争 for fairness in education.
Actually, SCA5 legislation process is an excellent demonstration of how democracy works and how to peacefully solve racial conflicts through
democratic process.
If racial conflicts can not be solved peacefully through democratic process, violence/bloodshed will happen just like what is happening in Tibet and
Xinjiang. Do you like that?
It is a good training course in democracy for our Chinese people. Hope someday this can happen in China.
Eddiemommy 发表评论于
We don't want a revised version of Sca5, which still gives them flexibility to discriminate against us. You know how politicians always do: promise you something and then give you something else. Sca5 cannot be passed in California. Otherwise, it will set a precedence across the country.
I also have written to our state senator to voice my opinion of no legalize illegal immigrants before securing our border. I also point out that the immigration policy has to be fair to legal immigrants.
They will take resources away from legal immigrants of all races with significant Chinese applicants to cater to illegal immigrants mostly Hispanic, if we keep voting democrats.
Although white house doesn't have jurisdiction on California state law, they can put pressure on the democratic party in California. You know how politics go in this country. Although Sca5 doesn't directly say that it is a quote system, they are subtly suggesting it. If it is a quote system, it is a violation of our rights of equal protection under the 14th Amendment. I signed the petition.