在全球亚裔庆祝农历新年之际(1/30/2014),美国加州West Covina选区的西裔民主党籍州参议员(State Senator) Ed Hernandz提出的一项提案已在加州参议院(State Senator)悄然通过:该议员嫌加州大学系统(University of California System)的亚裔学生太多了,要求限制亚裔入学,提高西裔和非裔在加大系统中的入学比率。此提案已以27票赞成,9票反对通过。下一步即将提到州众议会投票。此提案如果在州众议会(State Assembly)获得通过,将於今年11月公投,决定是否恢复在加大校园中实行所谓的平权措施 (Affirmative Action),限制亚裔招生,多招西裔和非裔。
加州於1996年通过209提案,成为全美第一个州禁止公立大学以种族决定入学,政府也不可以种族为聘用标准。209法案规定,包括政府单位在内,不可因个人或团体的种族、性别、肤色和原国籍,给予公立教育特殊待遇。参议会通过的SCA 5修宪提案将取消部分209法案的规定,首先是取消对UC Systems,Cal State Systems 和公立学校适用209法案,换言之,UC Systems, Cal State Systems 和公立学校将可基于种族的原因对某些特定的种族在损害亚裔利益的基础上给与优先的考虑!
从今年开始,西语裔的人口已经超过了白人成了加州的主流族群,虽然没有一个族群在加州占绝大多数,但人口的构成已不同从前。在这个提案的州参议员Ed Hernandez和其他选区的西裔参议员(Sen. Ben Hueso, San Diego / Richardo Lara, Bell Gardens)看来,亚裔不计入他们眼中的少数族裔的,他们认为,自从一九九六年209法案实施以来,西裔和黑人在著名的加州大学(UC)里不是增加了,而是大大减少了! 实事上,如果把亚裔和其他的少数族裔合计的话,少数有色族裔占到了67.8%,这大致与加州的人口结构是一致的!但把亚裔单独计算的话,亚裔占到新生录取的36%。所以,这个提案实际上就是针对亚裔社区和亚裔学生的。
Ed Hernandez 的发言人Janet Chin在解释这个提案时说道,这个提案是为了保障大学反映我们加州的种族多元性,长远来说,在全球经济的竞争中,我们需要一个良好训练的多元的劳动力,它有助于为所有的加州选民创造一个公平的机会。 自从209法案通过后,我们的校园已变得越来越不多元化, 合格的学生被忽视,少数族裔在大学里没有被充分地代表,SCA 5提案就是要纠正这个错误,保证最好和最聪明的学生受到教育。(原文:resolution would take steps to “ensure that universities reflect the diversity of the state.” She said long-term benefits would include creating equal opportunity for all Californians by having a “well-trained, diverse workforce” that is needed to compete in the global economy. "Campuses have become less diverse” since Prop. 209 passed, Chin said. “Qualified individuals have been looked over.” Since Prop. 209, she said, minorities have been “underrepresented” in universities, and SCA 5 seeks to correct this error by securing the best and brightest students.)
表面上, SCA 5是想通过对社会经济弱势群体的优惠待遇促进社会平等。然而许多大学(包括美国加州大学)录取学生时高中GPA是重要标准。况且加州所有高中前9%的学生都保证被UC录取 ,这意味着社会经济弱势学生已有优惠待遇。再考虑到race是double count (双重优惠,重复计算)。
因为不是基于qualifications(成绩)而是因为race(族裔)被录,SCA 5会使black or hispanic学生被不适合的大学录取, 然后发现学习太困难,这会增加了这些学生辍学概率,降低美国整体的教育水准!因此,SCA 5 会最终伤害到美国和民众的整体利益。
SCA 5 还可能会增加紧张的种族关系,因为它不符合公正和公平的原则。以损害下层白人/亚洲人的利益为代价来人为地迁就另一特定族裔不符合现代社会竞争的原则,不利于社会的进步!
SCA 5 会导致美国社会的割裂和分化,让某些族裔的学生不劳而获,而很多Asia / white 学生再努力也是徒劳!SCA 5 会适得其反,因为成功的blacks/hispanic会被认为他们的成功是因为种族,而不是他们的能力。长期而言, 对好大学毕业的blacks/hispanic找工作不利!
近年来,一向以反对白人种族歧视为政治正确的观念也在发生变化!SCA 5 公然允许加州的公立学校和UC Systems 使用种族,肤色,性别和信仰来做为录取的标准,这是践踏美国宪法,是自六十年代的民权运动以来最严重的种族歧视,是美国民主和民权的倒退,是对美国平等博爱的传统价值的背叛!
鉴于加州在美国的重要性和法律示范效应,一旦加州通过提案,德州,Washington DC等其他州就会跟进。美国在沉沦,加州在没落,亚裔包括华人的权益正在悄悄地受到侵害和损伤,在被改变,没有我们的参与和抗争,即使美国的宪法也不能保护我们!为了我们的下一代,为了美国的未来,请大家紧急行动起来,为我们自身的权益而抗争!
**现在我们可以做的是写信给代表我们选区的加州众议员,去他们的网站给他们写Email,请他们反对 SCA5. (不需要再和State Senator写了,因为他们已经投过票了)。
请点击下面网站找到谁是代表您的州众议员(Assembly member),打开了议员网页后,按Contact按钮就可以写Email了: http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/
“Please vote NO on SCA 5, the constitutional amendment to repeal provisionsimplemented through theenactment of
Proposition 209. I believe preferential treatment based on race in college admission is not the right practice and violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Children who study and work hard deserve equal opportunity
in college admission regardlessof their race. I strongly urge you to vote "No" on SCA 5. Thank you for listening to the voice of your constituent.”
Proposition 209. I believe preferential treatment based on race in college admission is not the right practice and violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Children who study and work hard deserve equal opportunity
in college admission regardlessof their race. I strongly urge you to vote "No" on SCA 5. Thank you for listening to the voice of your constituent.”
1.州参议员投票结果: http://legiscan.com/CA/rollcall/SCA5/id/313934
2.现在加州众议院有7位亚裔议员, 7位非裔议员,和至少16位西裔议员。如果您在以下亚裔议员的选区内请跟提醒他们要保护我们自己族裔的利益。(Mariko Yamada (District 4); Bob Bonta (D18) , Philip Ting(D19), Paul Fong
(D28), William Das (D37); Ed Chau (D49); Al Muratsuchi (D66)
3.法案详情: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/postquery?bill_number=sca_5&s
4.法案分析: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/13-14/bill/sen/sb_0001-0050/sca_5
My dear friends,
In my humble opinion, 1/30/2014 marked the darkest day in California’s recent historyof politics. On this day, the California Senate overwhelmingly (27:9) approvedSCA-5 http://legiscan.com/CA/bill/SCA5/2013 which would appeal provisions of Prop 209 and allow the State of California todiscriminate an individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, ornational origin.
In the 18 years that Prop 209 has been in effect, California has become the mostdiversified state in the US. Also, comprehensive measures were introducedto help students from disadvantaged families to obtain high education, whichhave my full support. Now SCA-5 seeks to roll back the clock to unfairly punish Asians simply based on race. The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution clearly states that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. The SCA-5 is wrong and in violation of the US Constitution.
As a beneficiary of the Prop 209, in just a few years of career life, I have directed works that brought tens of millions of dollarsof revenues into California, helped to create/maintain hundreds of jobs benefitingall ethnical groups, with a lot more down the road. However, some day, mychildren might tell me: “Dad, I lost the opportunity simply because of the color of my skin.” Not to mention that a studentfrom a disadvantaged Asian family could lose nearly all opportunities to pursue any "American Dream".
Currently, the bill is at the California Assembly. I hereby urge you to call your representative at the Assembly
http://assembly.ca.gov/assembly members to vote no on SAC-5. I will also deeply appreciate if you could help spreading the words.
http://assembly.ca.gov/assembly members to vote no on SAC-5. I will also deeply appreciate if you could help spreading the words.