mind 的用法笔记

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mind 是个有很多不同用法的单词。这里总结一下,作为学习笔记。


1.  feel annoyed

例句 :  I hope you don’t/won’t mind.

           Never mind.


2.  be willing to

例句 :  Would you mind …ing?

           I wouldn’t mind helping you tomorrow.


3.  (not) care

例句 :  I don’t mind.


4.  be careful

例句 :  Mind your step!


5.  deciding

例句 :  Hurry up and make up your mind!


6.  worrying

例句 :  Your mother has been out of her mind with worry.


7.  being crazy

例句 :  Are you out of your mind?


8.  Remembering / forgetting

例句 :  You should keep it in mind.

           I’m sorry about not calling you last week, I had a lot to do and it slipped my mind.


9.  opinions

例句 :  I’m the sort of person who speaks their mind.


10.              imaging

例句 :  There’s nothing wrong with you, it’s all in your mind.


11.              other spoken phrases

Mind your own business.

In my mind, …

What’s on your mind?

This movie will blow your mind.

We are one mind on this issue.

I don’t know which one I like, I’m of two minds.

This idea never crosses my mind.



absent-minded  =  oblivious   健忘的

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回复 '草草了了' 的评论 : 要记得住才有用哦。我是记不住。
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