日裔德国古典小提琴手 - Arabella Steinbacher


偶尔的机会,因为《波西米亚传奇》,  发现了她的名字,喜欢她的琴声和她的笑容,她有德国人 那种古典, 庄重和精确, 也有 日本女性那种柔美细腻。

她的父亲是德国人 ,母亲是日本人, 她也是著名的德国小提琴家Anne-Sophie Mutter的学生

她说的一句话让人回味: 这个世界上无论信什么  , 最重要你有相信的东西,对于一个音乐家,你有觉得比你自己还重要的东西,包裹你 ,保护你

也许是因为这样,总觉她的琴声里 始终有一种淡淡的微笑......

Steinbacher was born in Munich on November 14, 1981, to a German father and a Japanese mother. When she was three, her mother read that a German violin teacher had recently returned from Japan after studying the Suzuki method. Steinbacher was started on violin lessons at that time. When she was nine years old, she was enrolled at the Munich College of Music and mentored by Ana Chumachenko.

Steinbacher came into contact with Ivry Gitlis, and took part in master classes by Dorothy DeLay and Kurt Sassmannshaus in Aspen, Colorado. She won several important prizes (the Joseph Joachim International Violin Competition in Hanover), and a grant from the Free State of Bavaria in 2001, then became a student of Anne-Sophie Mutter's Freundeskreis ("Circle of friends").

Steinbacher currently plays the "Booth" Stradivari (1716) provided by the Nippon Music Foundation.


法国薰衣草 发表评论于
她还年轻嘛, 琴弦语言更丰富,Sophie Mutter更多些阳刚帅气,她是有兄弟的, 可能也影响她的personality
康乐园小夜曲 发表评论于

Steinbacher出身于音乐世家,她50%的德国血统可能正是她在气质上跟不少日韩年青音乐家稍有不同的因素,德国人严谨的思维风格毕竟有影响。在琴技上她目前跟Sophie Mutter还有比较大的距离,Mutter的穿透力在女性小提琴家中几乎还是无人可比。
