SP500 Future (ES) Charts (03/20/14)

1.  ES behaved as I have expected in a sideway fashion around pinky (1851) which is very flat.  The trading is above 51 so the bullish bias remains intact.  Thick blue line (TBL) is approaching pinky (PL) and the 44-6 zone continues to support the daily low.  If ES can break the 66-7 resistance it will likely test the high / the upper trading band.  Daily indicators are all bullish. 

2.  On the 3-h chart PL briefly crossed TBL and quickly corrected itself and all indicators are in bullish zone.  PL is up and rainbow is very tight.  Expansion is about to occur and most likely to the upside based on this chart.

3.  RS Levels:  81, 72-4, 66-7, 60,  54,  51,  45.5 zone, 41-2, 38, 34.5, 23, 11.5



ah39 发表评论于
Is this 3/21? Thanks always.
CCCCCC2010 发表评论于
Thanks, The date is wrong.