2014年3月6日,加拿大新斯科舍省提名办公室对新斯科舍省提名移民项目作出一系列改变,原有的社区选择项目替换为全新的本地紧缺行业移民项目(Regional Labour Market Demand)。有意愿在新斯科舍省定居的指定行业内的技术工作人员,将有机会通过这一项目来到加拿大新斯科舍省,并取得永久居民权。
- Managers in Health Care
- Retail and wholesale trade managers
- Restaurant and Food Service Managers
- Financial Auditors and Accountants
- Other Financial Officers
- A Civil Engineers
- Mechanical Engineers
- Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Computer Engineers (Except Software Engineers and Designers)
- Information Systems Analysts and Consultants
- Database Analysts and Data Administrators
- Software Engineers and Designers
- Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers
- Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technologists and Technicians
- Information systems testing technicians
- Specialist Physicians
- General Practitioners and Family Physicians
- Dentists
- Pharmacists
- Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists
- Physiotherapists
- Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
- Medical Laboratory Technologists
- Respiratory Therapists, Clinical Perfusionists and Cardiopulmonary Technologists
- Medical Radiation Technologists
- Medical Sonographers
- Licensed Practical Nurses
- Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment includes massage therapists
- Psychologists
- Early Childhood Educators and Assistants
- Retail Trade Supervisors
- Chefs
- Cooks
- Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations
- Machinists and Machining and Tooling Inspectors
- Industrial Electricians
- Welders and related machine operators
- Heavy-Duty Equipment Mechanics
- Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairers
- Crane Operators
- Supervisors, Other Mechanical and Metal Products Manufacturing