作曲:阿兰·鲍伯利 & 克劳德-米歇尔·勋伯格 By Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg
词曲:赫尔伯特•克莱茨莫 Lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer
根据维克多•雨果原作改编 Based on the book by Victor Hugo
序章-劳动号子 Prologue - WORK SONG
【1815,土伦,法国。一队带镣铐的苦役犯,在狱吏的监视下,顶着酷日干活。】[1815, Toulon, France. The chain gang, overseen by brutal warders, works in the sun.
俯看,俯看 Look down, look down
别看他们的眼 Don't look 'em in the eye
俯看,俯看 Look down, look down,
你这儿干到死才完 You're here until you die
日头暴晒 The sun is strong
热得象阴界 It's hot as hell below
俯看,俯看 Look down, look down,
还要干二十年 There's twenty years to go
我啥错都没犯 I've done no wrong!
请耶稣听我忏 Sweet Jesus hear my prayer!
俯看,俯看 Look down, look down,
救世主他不管 Sweet Jesus doesn't care
我知她等经年 I know she'll wait,
我知她心敬虔 I know that she'll be true!
俯看,俯看 Look down, look down,
他们已将你忘干 They've all forgotten you
我获释后你找不见 When I get free ya won't see me
立地化灰烟!Here for dust!
俯看,俯看 Look down, look down
别看他们的眼 Don't look 'em in the eye
主啊 多久 How long O Lord
你才让我玩完?Before you let me die?
俯看,俯看 Look down, look down,
你为奴到永远 You'll always be a slave
俯看,俯看 Look down, look down,
你站在己墓前 You're standing in your grave
罪犯给我带过来 Now bring me prisoner
24601 24601
你的刑期已服完 Your time is up
你的假释在现在 And your parole's begun
意味着啥你明白 You know what that means
当然,意味着我出来 Yes, it means I'm free
意味着你拿到 It means you get
黄色假释许可函 Your yellow ticket-of-leave
你是个惯盗。You are a theif
我不过偷了块面包 !I stole a loaf of bread!
你抢劫了一商号!You robbed a house!
我打破了扇玻璃窗 I broke a window pane!
我外甥濒临死亡 My sister's child was close to death
我们都饥饿难挡 And we were starving!
你还会饿得心发慌 And you will starve again
除非领教法律 把罪果尝 Unless you learn the meaning of the law.
我尝此滋味用了19年 I know the meaning of these 19 years
律法下的苦役犯 A slave of the law
你的过犯判五年 Five years for what you did
屡次逃跑都加判 The rest because you tried to run
是这样吧 24601 Yes 24601
我名叫冉瓦让 My name is Jean Valjean
那我是加威 And I am Javert
你别忘我的大名 Do not forget my name
你别忘了我 Do not forget me
24601 24601
俯看,俯看 Look down, look down
你为奴到永远 You will always be a slave
俯看,俯看 Look down, look down
你站在己墓前 You're standing in your grave.
自由在我。大地真寂静。Freedom is mine. The earth is still.
我感风拂。又呼吸清新。I feel the wind. I breathe again.
天空清澈,世界等黎明。And the sky clears, the world is waiting.
池里饮水,气味多干净。Drink from the pool. How clean the taste
不忘过去,多年受苦刑。Never forget the years, the waste.
不忘他们,对我任意行。Nor forgive them, for what they've done.
他们有罪,一个都不剩。They are the guilty, everyone.
一天开始… The day begins...
走着瞧吧 And now lets see
且看这新世界What this new world
将如何待我!Will do for me!
【他在农场找到活干。】[He finds work on a farm.]
你现在就给我走人 You'll have to go
我算你整天的工钱 I'll pay you off for the day
收拾好你的一切 Collect your bits and pieces there
赶紧给我滚蛋。And be on your way.
你只给我 You've given me half
别人工钱的一半 What the other men get!
这一把锡币 This handful of tin
买不断我所流汗!Wouldn't buy my sweat!
你违法乱纪 You broke the law
大家都这样看你 It's there for people to see
你怎么可能挣同样多 Why should you get the same
与我这样的诚实人相比? As honest men like me?
现在每扇门都对我关上 Now every door is closed to me
我就像进了另一所监狱,换了另一套枷锁刑具 Another jail, another key, another chain
当我进入一所城镇For when I come to any town
他们查我证件 They check my papers
就发现我该隐样犯罪的印记 And they find the mark of Cain
在他们眼中,我看到恐惧:In their eyes, I see their fear:
“我们这里不需要你。”`We do not want you here.'
【他走进一家小旅店。】[He comes to an inn.]
Innkeeper's Wife
我这里已经客满 My rooms are full
晚餐业已售完 And I've no supper to spare
我其实愿意帮助陌生人 I'd like to help a stranger
All we want is to be fair
我可以先付钱 I will pay in advance
我可以睡在马圈 I can sleep in a barn
外面多黑你可见 You see how dark it is
我可不是丧家犬!I'm not some kind of dog!
你从此离开 You leave my house
否则小心我棍子的厉害 Or feel the weight of my rod
我们都是守法之人 We're law-abiding people here
感谢神。Thanks be to God.
【他们把他赶出店门。】[They throw him out.]
现在我算是尝到了自由的滋味 And now I know how freedom feels
狱卒总是在你的脚跟 The jailer always at your heels
这就是法律 It is the law!
手中一纸公文This piece of paper in my hand
让我被人唯恐避之不急 That makes me cursed throughout the land
这就是法律!It is the law!
就像一个受诅的幽灵 Like a curse
我走在大街上 I walk the street
脚下满是灰尘。The dirt beneath my feet.
【他绝望地坐在一座房子前,这房子住的是迪涅的主教。】[He sits down despairingly outside a house from which emerges the Bishop of Digne.]
请进,先生,看你已累得不行 Come in, Sir, for you are weary
夜里外面天气寒冷冻人And the night is cold out there.
虽然我们处事恭敬 Though our lives are very humble
我们分享居家食饮 What we have, we have to share.
这有红酒振你精神 There is wine here to revive you,
也有面包让你强身 There is bread to make you strong,
还有床榻供你恢复到早晨 There's a bed to rest till morning,
从痛中恢复,从错里恢复。Rest from pain, and rest from wrong.
他任我随意吃个饱 He let me eat my fill
我就像狮子大份嚼 I had the lion's share
我手握的银器真贵 The silver in my hand
比我平生所挣高两倍 Cost twice what I had earned
一人经过十九年 In all those nineteen years
那种终生绝望 That lifetime of despair
而他却还信任我。And yet he trusted me.
这老傻冒竟信任我- The old fool trusted me -
既然他尽力行善 He's done his bit of good
我也扮识好歹的农奴 I played the grateful serf
假装从心里感谢他 And thanked him like I should
可是当房子里开始寂静 But when the house was still,
我就在夜里悄悄起身 I got up in the night
拿走银器 Took the silver
撒丫跑人!Took my flight!
【拿着银杯,他跑了,但被两位警员抓回来。】[Taking the silver cup, he runs off, but is brought back by two constables.]
告诉大人你所编撰 Tell his reverence your story
看他是否以为然 Let us see if he's impressed
你在这里寄宿昨晚 You were lodging there last night
主教诚信上宾照看 You were the honest Bishop's guest.
然后出于教徒良善 And then, out of Christian goodness
当他知道你遇困难 When he learned about your plight
你说他送银器任你搬-- You maintain he made a present of this silver--
说得真好. That is right.
我的朋友可你走得太早 But my friend you left so early
难免丢三落四把有的忘掉 Surely something slipped your mind
【主教递给冉阿让两个银烛台。】[The bishop gives Valjean two silver candlesticks.]
你大概忘了我也给你这俩 You forgot I gave these also
怎么能把最好的丢下?Would you leave the best behind?
所以先生请你放他 So Messieurs you may release him
因为这人没说假话 For this man has spoken true
你尽职责值得赞夸 I commend you for your duty
上帝保佑随你到哪。May God's blessing go with you.
我的兄弟,你可别忘记 But remember this, my brother
这事来自上天美意 See in this some higher plan
你当使用这宝贵银器 You must use this precious silver
往诚信人行列里挤 To become an honest man
有圣徒烈士来见证 By the witness of the martyrs
在耶稣受难宝血前 By the Passion and the Blood
上帝救你出黑暗 God has raised you out of darkness
赎买你灵让我管。I have bought your soul for God!
我做了什么(冉阿让的心理独白)WHAT HAVE I DONE (Valjean's Soliloquy)
我做了什么?What have I done?
亲爱耶稣,我做了什么?Sweet Jesus, what have I done?
堕落成贼黑夜行窃 Become a thief in the night
堕落成犬狼狈逃窜 Become a dog on the run
我已堕落何其远 And have I fallen so far
醒悟时刻何其晚 And is the hour so late
万念俱空唯有仇恨在哭喊 That nothing remains but the cry of my hate,
黑暗里哭喊又有谁人听见 The cries in the dark that nobody hears,这里我正站在岁月转折点?Here where I stand at the turning of the years?
如果还有另路可选 If there's another way to go
我已错失二十年前 I missed it twenty long years ago
我生打仗败永远 My life was a war that could never be won
他们给我编号 冉阿让不见 They gave me a number and murdered Valjean
他们加我锁链 把我往死里练 When they chained me and left me for dead
只因为我偷了一口面包片 Just for stealing a mouthful of bread
那我为啥这人待 Yet why did I allow that man
触我灵魂教我爱???To touch my soul and teach me love?
他待我一如他人 He treated me like any other
他相信我从一来 He gave me his trust
他对我兄弟相称 He called me brother
以上苍之名他赎买我生命 My life he claims for God above
如此奇事怎发生?Can such things be?
因为我已渐渐恨这世界 For I had come to hate this world
这世界从来就恨我 This world which had always hated me
以眼还眼牙对牙!Take an eye for an eye!
渐变你心如石硬!Turn your heart into stone!
这就是我从来生!This is all I have lived for!
这就是我所知情!This is all I have known!
他发一话我被抓 One word from him and I'd be back
重受鞭挞置架下 Beneath the lash, upon the rack
不想他却给我自由 Instead he offers me my freedom,
羞愧在心如刀扎 I feel my shame inside me like a knife
他竟说我灵魂有 He told me that I have a soul,
他怎知我有?How does he know?
怎样神灵变我生?What spirit came to move my life?
难道还有它路可走?Is there another way to go?
我正摸索 却又摔倒 I am reaching, but I fall
黑夜重新又临着 And the night is closing in
我大眼盯着空幻瞧 And I stare into the void
我罪漩涡????绕呀绕 To the whirpool of my sin
我将从这世界逃 I'll escape now from the world
冉阿让世界我不要 From the world of Jean Valjean
冉阿让已难再找 Jean Valjean is nothing now
另起人生新炉灶!Another story must begin!
【他把假释许可黄条撕得粉碎。】[He tears up his yellow ticket-of-leave.]