前些天,看到一些关于SCA 5提案被退回的报道,还将信将疑。今天收到本区众议院的回函才眼见为实,确认这个提案被退回了州参议院,至少目前暂时可以告一段落了。但要警钟长鸣,永远别忘了在民主社会作为一个公民参政和议政的重要性!切莫小看手中的那张选票,粒沙可以成漠,滴水可以穿石!在加州的14%亚裔,加上很多不在统计之列的学生和短期居住的及无法统计的亚裔,只要团结起来,就会是一股任何政治势力都不能忽视的力量。
难忘我们的同胞们在这次为自身权益和尊严而战,为我们的下一代而战的抗争中,所表现的团结,勇气和力量。难忘那些在南加州倾盆大雨里噙泪伫立的坚强的母亲们,难忘那些在雨中举牌示威的勇敢长者们,难忘那些在网上发文献计献策的可敬的同胞们,难忘那些以自己初浅的英文在Social Media 为权益抗争的可爱的学生们!
这是刚收到我们这个选区的众议院 Mr. Freddie Rodriguez的回函, 全文如下:
Dear Mr. XXX:
Thank you for contacting me to express your opposition to
Senate Constitutional Amendment (SCA) 5, which would allow voters to decide if
affirmative action should be restored in our public colleges and universities.
I agree that quotas are illegal and unconstitutional. You
may be glad to learn that, due to the letters and emails from the community,
the State Assembly has returned SCA 5 to the State Senate without action and it
appears that the proposal is dead.
may be glad to learn that, due to the letters and emails from the community,
the State Assembly has returned SCA 5 to the State Senate without action and it
appears that the proposal is dead.
I appreciate you contacting me about this important issue.
Assemblymember, 52nd District