支持SCA5的25个莫裔议员清单, 包括硅谷的27区Nora (Evergreen)

Black list: http://blackcaucus.legislature.ca.gov/
Latino list: http://latinocaucus.legislature.ca.gov/


SCA5不会死的,昨天25名墨裔议员联名支持SCA5, 尽管CSU/UC新生里,老墨早是第一大族, 超过白人.

这25名议员里:  8名州参议员, 17名州众议员。

包括早几天说“don't support SCA5 at this moment"的Sharon 65区代表:

还包括硅谷的27区(evergreen)的 Nora Campos



Members Directory

Chair & Vice Chair

Senator Ricardo Lara (33rd SD)
Chair, California Latino Legislative Caucus
Chair, Senate Select Committee on Ports & Goods Movement
Vice Chair, Joint Legislative Audit Committee

Assembly Member Luis Alejo (30th AD)
Vice Chair, California Latino Legislative Caucus
Chair, Assembly Environmental Safety & Toxic Materials Committee



Senator Ron Calderon (30th SD)
Senator Lou Correa (34th SD)
Chair, Senate Governmental Organization Committee
Chair, Senate Select Committee on California-Mexico Cooperation

Senator Kevin de León (22nd SD)
Chair, Senate Appropriations Committee
Chair, Senate Sub-Committee on Fiscal Oversight & Bonded Indebtedness
Chair, Senate Select Committee on Energy Efficiency

Senator Ed Hernandez, O.D. (24th SD)
Chair, Senate Health Committee
Chair, Subcommittee on Healthcare Workforce & Access To Care
Senator Ben Hueso (40th AD)
Chair, Senate Labor & Industrial Relations Committee
Chair, Senate Veteran’s Affairs Committee
Chair, Senate Select Committee for California’s Energy Independence
Senator Alex Padilla (20th SD)
Chair, Senate Energy, Utilities & Communications Committee
Chair, Senate Select Committee on Science, Innovation and Public Policy
Vice Chair, Senate Select Committee on California's Wine Industry
Senator Norma J. Torres (32nd SD)
Chair, Senate Elections & Constitutional Amendments Committee
Chair, Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee

Assembly Members

Assembly Member Raul Bocanegra (39th AD)
Chair, Assembly Revenue & Taxation Committee
Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Addressing Out of School, Unemployed Youth
Assembly Member Ian Calderon (57th AD)
Chair, Assembly Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism & Internet Media Committee
Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Youth & California’s Future
Vice Chair, Joint Committee on Arts
Assembly Member Nora Campos (27th AD)
Speaker Pro Tempore of the California State Assembly
Assembly Member Susan Talamantes Eggman (13th AD)
Chair, Assembly Agriculture Committee
Chair, Joint Committee on Fairs, Allocation, & Classification
Assembly Member Cristina Garcia (58th AD)
Co-Chair, Assembly Legislative Ethics Committee
Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Women of Color – Engagement, Opportunity, & Progress
Assembly Member Jimmy Gomez (51st AD)
Democratic Whip of the California State Assembly
Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Domestic Violence

Assembly Member Lorena Gonzalez (80th AD)



Assembly Member Roger Hernández (48th AD)
Chair, Assembly Labor & Employment Committee
Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Post-Secondary Access & Matriculation

Assembly Member Jose Medina (61st AD)
Chair, Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, & the Economy Committee
Assembly Member Henry T. Perea (31st AD)
Chair, Assembly Insurance Committee
Speaker John A. Pérez (53rd AD)
Speaker of the California State Assembly

Assembly Member V. Manuel Pérez (56th AD)
Assistant Majority Floor Leader of the California State Assembly
Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Renewable Energy Economy in Rural California


Assembly Member Sharon Quirk-Silva (65th AD)
Chair, Assembly Committee on Veteran's Affairs
Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Job Creation for the New Economy
Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Regional Transportation Solutions

Assembly Member Anthony Rendon (63rd AD)
Chair, Assembly Water, Parks, & Wildlife Committee


Assembly Member Freddie Rodriguez (52nd AD)
Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Local Emergency Preparedness
Vice Chair, Joint Legislative Committee on Emergency Management

Assembly Member Rudy Salas (32nd AD)
Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Regional Approaches to Addressing the State’s Water Crisis
Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Workforce and Vocational Development in California


心旷神怡 发表评论于
回复 'firefly18' 的评论 :


但有一些在第一次世界大战时欧洲等地的犹太人,为了躲避迫害,乘船去了南美,在墨西哥和南美洲中有一些犹太人(Sephardi),仔细看,他们和老墨,拉丁南美人风格,长相,文化,观念等完全不同.本人以前这里的教授就是从墨西哥过来的第二代犹太人,姓也是Perez,和众议长John Perez很像.个人以为John Perez可能不是真老墨,是墨西哥犹太人(Sephardi),他人看上去不错,否则他绝不会轻易撤掉SCA5.

firefly18 发表评论于
回复 '心旷神怡' 的评论 :
心旷神怡 发表评论于
这25个全是老墨南美拉丁菲律宾体系的. 那个susan eggman也是拉美的, quirk silva应是葡萄牙南美的,对这些家伙根本不必抱希望浪费时间,只要他们名子是拉丁老墨等这个体系的,就不要投他们票.
yaoyuan7900 发表评论于