Black list:
Latino list:
SCA5不会死的,昨天25名墨裔议员联名支持SCA5, 尽管CSU/UC新生里,老墨早是第一大族, 超过白人.
这25名议员里: 8名州参议员, 17名州众议员。
包括早几天说“don't support SCA5 at this moment"的Sharon 65区代表:
还包括硅谷的27区(evergreen)的 Nora Campos。
Members Directory
Chair & Vice Chair
Senator Ricardo Lara (33rd SD) Chair, California Latino Legislative Caucus Chair, Senate Select Committee on Ports & Goods Movement Vice Chair, Joint Legislative Audit Committee |
Assembly Member Luis Alejo (30th AD)
Senator Ron Calderon (30th SD) | |
Senator Lou Correa (34th SD) Chair, Senate Governmental Organization Committee Chair, Senate Select Committee on California-Mexico Cooperation |
Senator Kevin de León (22nd SD) |
Senator Ed Hernandez, O.D. (24th SD) Chair, Senate Health Committee Chair, Subcommittee on Healthcare Workforce & Access To Care |
Senator Ben Hueso (40th AD) Chair, Senate Labor & Industrial Relations Committee Chair, Senate Veteran’s Affairs Committee Chair, Senate Select Committee for California’s Energy Independence |
Senator Alex Padilla (20th SD) Chair, Senate Energy, Utilities & Communications Committee Chair, Senate Select Committee on Science, Innovation and Public Policy Vice Chair, Senate Select Committee on California's Wine Industry |
Senator Norma J. Torres (32nd SD) Chair, Senate Elections & Constitutional Amendments Committee Chair, Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee |
Assembly Members
Assembly Member Raul Bocanegra (39th AD) Chair, Assembly Revenue & Taxation Committee Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Addressing Out of School, Unemployed Youth |
Assembly Member Ian Calderon (57th AD) Chair, Assembly Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism & Internet Media Committee Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Youth & California’s Future Vice Chair, Joint Committee on Arts |
Assembly Member Nora Campos (27th AD) Speaker Pro Tempore of the California State Assembly |
Assembly Member Susan Talamantes Eggman (13th AD) Chair, Assembly Agriculture Committee Chair, Joint Committee on Fairs, Allocation, & Classification |
Assembly Member Cristina Garcia (58th AD) Co-Chair, Assembly Legislative Ethics Committee Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Women of Color – Engagement, Opportunity, & Progress |
Assembly Member Jimmy Gomez (51st AD) Democratic Whip of the California State Assembly Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Domestic Violence |
Assembly Member Lorena Gonzalez (80th AD)
Assembly Member Roger Hernández (48th AD) |
Assembly Member Jose Medina (61st AD) Chair, Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, & the Economy Committee |
Assembly Member Henry T. Perea (31st AD) Chair, Assembly Insurance Committee |
Speaker John A. Pérez (53rd AD) Speaker of the California State Assembly |
Assembly Member V. Manuel Pérez (56th AD)
Assembly Member Sharon Quirk-Silva (65th AD) |
Assembly Member Anthony Rendon (63rd AD)
Assembly Member Freddie Rodriguez (52nd AD) |
Assembly Member Rudy Salas (32nd AD) Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Regional Approaches to Addressing the State’s Water Crisis Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Workforce and Vocational Development in California |