When my son was quite young, I used to sing to him "beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy~~~" It was a song from the movie『Mr Holland's Opus』. Mr Holland and his wife had a little boy, one day when Mr Holland was leading the school marching band, His wife brought the baby to see the parade. When a firetruck rang a loud siren, Mrs Holland was shocked to see the baby had no hearing. This was a devastating news to the young couple, especially to Mr Holland, music is his life! He could not imagine how a deaf person could enjoy music and life.
儿子小时候,我经常哼唱beautiful beautiful beautiful boy 给他,这首歌出于一部非常感人的电影『Mr Holland's Opus』,霍兰先生的乐章,又译『生命因你而动听』。霍兰先生是音乐人,他胸怀大志,想当作曲家。命运并没有让他一帆风顺,他做了四年计划,有些不情愿地到一所高中做音乐教师。走进教室,学生们吱吱歪歪地吹拉着不和谐音,走调的演奏让他啼笑皆非!
谢谢燕子生动的文笔介绍了感人好电影。第一个视频一开头就好搞笑 :)...to those of you, audiences who can't hear, this evening you will be grateful for your hearing difficulties, because I am going to sing, and to those of you who have no hearing problems my profound apologies. 。。。 :)? I will watch it? when I have time this week.?? 『Mr Holland's Opus』,霍兰先生的乐章,又译『生命因你而动听】喜欢这个翻译。 -sportwoman- ♀ (439 bytes) (6 reads) 4/29/14
Thanks xiaoman,I believe you'll love this movie! -京燕花园- ♀ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 4/29/14
Have you read "Sophie's world"? Have you read "Sophie's world"?
Sophie's World 是一本喬斯坦·賈德著作的小說,首次於1991年以挪威語出版。本書多以蘇菲和一位名叫艾伯特(Alberto Knox)的神秘人之對話錄,是以由浅入深的方式簡介西方哲學的小說。I might write a book about my finding in different plot.-走马读人- ♂ (290 bytes) (5 reads) 4/29/14
I haven't read it,looking forward to you -京燕花园- ♀ (160 bytes) (4 reads) 4/29/14
Sophie's World, moviehttp://bbs.wenxuecity.com/yingwengequ/187660.html -走马读人- ♂ (431 bytes) (8 reads) 4/29/14
Thanks for the link, will watch it. -京燕花园- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 4/29/14
The story in the video clip is moving. Thank for putting together the beautiful work.-马下人- ♂ (98 bytes) (7 reads) 4/29/14
Thanks马下人for your kind words,the song and movie are masterpieces-京燕花园- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 4/29/14