【Turn Me On】by ingale

用了三年的 Rode NT1-A 话筒光荣殉职了,后备军 Sennheiser e935 顶上。虽然拾音没有Rode 那么细腻,但感觉多了些暖度。不知道技术大咖们是否这么看? 看电视剧的时候偶然听到这首歌,喜欢得紧,不由得也想自己尝试一下。第一次唱Jazz,各种别扭,请多指教:)

作者: John D. Loudermilk

版本: Norah Jones

Like a flower waiting to bloom

Like a lightbulb in a dark room

I'm just sitting here waiting for you

To come on home and turn me on Like the desert waiting for the rain

Like a school kid waiting for the spring

Im just sitting here waiting for you

To come on home and turn me on

My poor heart it's been so dark

Since you've been gone

After all you're the one who turns me off

You're the only one who can turn me back on

My hi-fi is waiting for a new tune

My glass is waiting for some fresh ice cubes

I'm just sitting here waiting for you

To come on home and turn me on

Turn me on

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回复 'tern2' 的评论 : 谢谢这位朋友光临,谢谢鼓励:))
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