A father-of-three has put all other parents to shame with his artistic and mouth-watering lunchbox masterpieces.
Beau Coffron, a San Francisco-based writer who goes by Lunchbox Dad on his website, creates edible art each day for his first-grade daughter Abigail to bring to school.

2. Frozen

Two banana halves are used to represent yellow minions from the movie, and their goggles and outfits are drawn onto the banana skin with black marker.

4. Special Holiday Lunchbox
Not only does he look to children's movies to find ideas for his lunchboxes, but he also creates special ones on holidays.

6. Valentine's Day
On Valentine's Day, Abigail was sent to school with a lunchbox filled with heart-shaped strawberries, a hot dog with heart-shaped cheese slices and a clementine with a heart cut out of the peel.